"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

that response proves your ignorance.
what part of the planet is fine?
you are only going to make yourself look much more ignorant than you already do
or selectively obtuse..
also important to note that weather and global warming are TOTALLY different.

All the planet is doing ok, still spinning, gravity still working, the weather system working normal, humans still being brainwashed by their masters to control them
Yep nothing has changed
For you sneeky
All the planet is doing ok, still spinning, gravity still working, the weather system working normal, humans still being brainwashed by their masters to control them
Yep nothing has changed
hah, ok now I feel a lil more stupid after reading that.
i'll think i'll choose to converse with people a lil more close to my intellectual aptitude.
which you clearly aren't even in the same stadium as most people.
in fact.
here you go.
stupid duck award of the day goes to you.
All the planet is doing ok, still spinning, gravity still working, the weather system working normal, humans still being brainwashed by their masters to control them
Yep nothing has changed

Every year is the new hottest ever, by wider and wider margins. That's not 'normal', it's 'unprecedented'. The difference between belief and science is that science doesn't care whether you believe in it or not.
the scary thing is that it's getting much hotter, much faster, than even the most paranoid scientist anticipated.
so at first they said we'll see that big of an increase by 2100.
now it seems it may be even faster than that
problem was they didn't realize how much of a global cooling effect that the polar ice provided.
and of course as the ice melts, theres LESS of it to cool off the planet
just like a cocktail with no ice cubes in it.. gets warm..
typically i'm an optimist, but I don't see much of a future..
in a mere 200 yrs we've wrecked the planet.
we invented the combustion engine juuuuust a lil while ago (comparitavely speaking)
and now it's all sideways..
something bad is gonna happen to mankind in the next 30 yrs or so, maybe less
The only way ice cools things is by melting...
Every year is the new hottest ever, by wider and wider margins. That's not 'normal', it's 'unprecedented'. The difference between belief and science is that science doesn't care whether you believe in it or not.

Every year is getting hotter, only if you believe all the propaganda
Where have all the old temperature records gone:?
Cant let the facts get in the way can we
Every year is getting hotter, only if you believe all the propaganda
Where have all the old temperature records gone:?
Cant let the facts get in the way can we

  1. less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
    • informal offensive
      very foolish or stupid.
      "in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

Reported as alt account.
seems like your comprehension skills are as good as your global assessment skills
you are right about the coal...
oh... give or take 150 bucks
so you are off by
reg coal is only 50 bucks a ton
but don't worry, mining more will totally make it worth MORE
cuz that's how economic works.
Regular coal was $44 twelve months ago and is trading just under $40 now.
potassium radiation is different than plutonium radiation
we are exposed to harmful radiation from the sun but at much lower levels than we experience from contamination around the globe due to man fucking with nuclear. 0.3 may be deemed harmless but so is the level of prescription drugs, jet fuel and neurotransmitters, ect. found in the Los Angeles water supply but i won't drink it given a choice .
lets not.
this is low resolution pro nuclear propaganda fluff.
so far exists only on paper
Ms Dewan now the company’s chief science officer says, “It’s walk-away safe, if you lose electricity, even if there are no operators on site to pull levers, it will coast to a stop.”
She needs only $5 million to prove it.
aren't you the one pissing on pipe dreams?
love the informative diagrams..
propaganda below my iq. next
this is woo woo . it's more pointless facts. we get radiated here on earth, ok so where do you get that it would be ok to add more?
this is repeat propaganda. i see you like the way they present what you wanna hear for some reason.
spam. reported.

also you two are sad representations of living beings. you know who you are 68 and ginjy. "i couldn't get any ganja but they sold me this ginja , it grows hair"