"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Okay Y'all.
These People are here just to be trolls, they know damn well that Global warming is on the rise without a doubt, the only conclusion I can come to is they just like to argue, you don't see any likes under their names, except the trolls.
I mean no harm or bad will to any of them, But c'mon people you do like to argue, "right". If not I need to live where you live, because what is happening here is obvious, it has been getting warmer and warmer every year here. This is the Second year in a row Lake Superior has had no Ice on it, we have had temps in the 70s in November, can't remember that ever happening, and this year in February it was in the 50s lo 60s never in my 50+ years have I seen that and my Parents have never either 70+ years Never. So I really don't know if you that don't believe just like to come and try and get people Pissied off or just enjoy an arguement. Whatever it is enjoy life because we still can, but your offspring will more than likely not have the same benefits we have had.

Like I said no ill will towards nobody, I would just hope we could all work together and slow this process down so everyone has a chance to enjoy this beautiful planet, that seems to be getting ugly as we debate this ridiculous fact.
Honestly, I don't believe they do know. They've been brainwashed by the likes of Tits Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Steve Bannon and other RWNJs who in turn have been influenced by the fossil fuel industry and their own idiotic allegiance to Ayn Rand's insane world view. More than forty years ago, Roger Ailes (former Nixon aid and chief architect of fake rightwing news) wrote about the importance of short sound bites to obfuscate complex ideas so stupid Americans could be manipulated into voting against their own self interests. He wrote about this openly. Clearly, he accomplished this goal. People who get "information" from these RWNJ outlets are mostly ignorant about everything including climate change. They're kept in a constant state of anger and bitterness, fed short empty soundbites and never question what they are being fed. They're pathetic, plain and simple.
Collapse, by Dr Jared Diamond

The only difference between all the civilisations that have gone before us and today is that we now have the power to destroy the entire planet and leave no place from which to start over.
The coral reefs are fucked(they look surprisingly good)and the oceans are all going to turn to acidic and everything will die
And every heatwave, rain event, every storm.
All caused by "HUMANS"

Bloody humans have got a lot to answer for
Not sure how you can sleep at night?
Fuck I would be scared for the future
I'm sure if we give someone lots of money the scary weather might go away
Here's hoping we don't destroy the entire planet, while we are waiting because we have the "POWER"
Or maybe we all go and live in Antarctica

The coral reefs are fucked(they look surprisingly good)and the oceans are all going to turn to acidic and everything will die
And every heatwave, rain event, every storm.
All caused by "HUMANS"

Bloody humans have got a lot to answer for
Not sure how you can sleep at night?
Fuck I would be scared for the future
I'm sure if we give someone lots of money the scary weather might go away
Here's hoping we don't destroy the entire planet, while we are waiting because we have the "POWER"
Or maybe we all go and live in Antarctica

You really have no idea how goddamned stupid you are, do you?
You really have no idea how goddamned stupid you are, do you?

I'm not the one that believes in fantasy's, some of us choose not to believe in the propaganda supplied by our overlords
And instead rely on FACTS.
None real evidence has been provided, till then its all a fucking joke, to control you losers
Be lots of new land in Antarctica when all the ice melts though, maybe some nice primordial viruses laying dormant in the ice to wipe us all out too.

The planet is gonna push reset on us eventually if we don't treat her right, nature don't give a f***.

I'm not the one that believes in fantasy's, some of us choose not to believe in the propaganda supplied by our overlords
And instead rely on FACTS.
None real evidence has been provided, till then its all a fucking joke, to control you losers
You mistake facts as something that is made up. You've been provided with plenty of facts that are verified, repeatable and consistent with other facts to confirm the conclusion that humans are causing the recent warming trend. You ask questions, it's on you that you don't like the answers. If you don't like the facts provided by Nasa and so forth, then show some of your own.

I am curious why you posted this graph, yet still deny that there is a recent unnatural warming trend:

At the very far right you can see an intensely sharp spike in both CO2 and temperature. The lines overlay each other. The spike is unprecedented over the past half-million years. It perfectly fits the narrative that you've been rejecting. The very graphic you posted contains the evidence you deny exists.
ok i was going to go through all your links and give a carefull considered response to them all.

unfortunately i got less than 2 pages into your first one...

now ok i thought perhaps this was a referance to fukishima..

but its not talking about fukishima at all...

that is just flat out bullshit i dont care if its in websit or pdf form it is flat out bullshit

coal stations emit more radiation (daily) to the enviroment than nuclear power stations.


again flat out bullshit
weak. you got two lines in and decided it was anti and clamed up. all your links where pro. it doesn't take a disaster to cause cancer or birth defects. why do you advocate coal and then admit it pollutes and is harm full then still support it while supporting even more dangerous tech that you don't understand.
I'm not the one that believes in fantasy's, some of us choose not to believe in the propaganda supplied by our overlords
And instead rely on FACTS.
None real evidence has been provided, till then its all a fucking joke, to control you losers
The funny thing is that you are, in fact, swallowing the propaganda supplied by your overlords. There are few things as sad as an unaware moron.

You mistake facts as something that is made up. You've been provided with plenty of facts that are verified, repeatable and consistent with other facts to confirm the conclusion that humans are causing the recent warming trend. You ask questions, it's on you that you don't like the answers. If you don't like the facts provided by Nasa and so forth, then show some of your own.

I am curious why you posted this graph, yet still deny that there is a recent unnatural warming trend:

At the very far right you can see an intensely sharp spike in both CO2 and temperature. The lines overlay each other. It perfectly fits the narrative that you've been rejecting. The very graphic you posted contains the evidence you deny exists.

Where is the runaway warming? looks like it will go a bit hotter before it turns, and that would be normal, looking at that long term chart
Nothing to see here, that's not regular behaviour
Looks like the ice age will be right on time, like every other time
There is 4 spikes of temperature a lot higher then we have NOW,
What is so hard to understand
