"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Yeah there is a spike in co2, but the warming hasn't followed it, the temperature hasn't yet exceeded any of the last interglacial periods
It will probably get a bit warmer before it turns and inevitable next ice age starts
Maybe if we pump a shit load of co2 into the atmosphere, we might get a few decades/century's more

I knew you'd parrot a science denial argument that is completely false.
Now you say the data are good and we should reject the theory of global warming because the data says so. In other posts of yours, you reject the data as false. You are spinning about like a puppy chasing his tail.

Your claim is that the theory of Carbon dioxide causing warming is false because the glacial core data shows carbon dioxide lagging temperature rise, not leading it. This is an old shitty, disproven and fake argument against the theory that humans are causing the recent global warming trend. Your stupid plagiarized theory copied from a fossil fuel funded science denial site is refuted here: https://skepticalscience.com/co2-lags-temperature.htm

A video explaining why you are so stupidly wrong is found here:

I knew you'd parrot a science denial argument that is completely false.
Now you say the data are good and we should reject the theory of global warming because the data says so. In other posts of yours, you reject the data a false. You are spinning about like a puppy chasing his tail.

Your claim is that the theory of Carbon dioxide causing warming is false because the glacial core data shows carbon dioxide lagging temperature rise, not leading it. This is an old shitty, disproven and fake argument against the theory that humans are causing the recent global warming trend. Your stupid plagiarized theory compied from a fossil fuel funded science denial site is refuted here: https://skepticalscience.com/co2-lags-temperature.htm

A video explaining why you are so stupidly wrong is found here:
It's amazing how reluctant the grifted are to admit they've been grifted. They would rather dig in and double down than admit they were stupid enough to get grifted in the first place. 666888 is a classic case.
Stupid and hyper-sensitive. Do you have any good qualities?
A good article you posted.

several prominent global warming skeptic organizations are actively working to sow doubt about the facts of global warming.

These organizations play a key role in the fossil fuel industry's "disinformation playbook," a strategy designed to confuse the public about global warming and delay action on climate change. Why? Because the fossil fuel industry wants to sell more coal, oil, and gas — even though the science clearly shows that the resulting carbon emissions threaten our planet.

One thing science deniers like to say is that climate research is just about making money. What they either don't know or won't say is that science denial pays a whole lot better than doing the research.
A good article you posted.

several prominent global warming skeptic organizations are actively working to sow doubt about the facts of global warming.

These organizations play a key role in the fossil fuel industry's "disinformation playbook," a strategy designed to confuse the public about global warming and delay action on climate change. Why? Because the fossil fuel industry wants to sell more coal, oil, and gas — even though the science clearly shows that the resulting carbon emissions threaten our planet.

One thing science deniers like to say is that climate research is just about making money. What they either don't know or won't say is that science denial pays a whole lot better than doing the research.
We saw this all play out with the tobacco industry. Even some of the players are the same. Some people -- like 666888 -- are too goddamned gullible.
Yet still no proof, except some computer modelling, which has got everything wrong so far
Why the need to adjust the old temperature records, if it was all so clear cut
Maybe its not
Have a look at history (not Hollywood history) and learn something FFS , you people and your undying belief in everything you're told is embarrassing
Please have an independent thought some time in your pissy little lives
Yet still no proof, except some computer modelling, which has got everything wrong so far
Why the need to adjust the old temperature records, if it was all so clear cut
Maybe its not
Have a look at history (not Hollywood history) and learn something FFS , you people and your undying belief in everything you're told is embarrassing
Please have an independent thought some time in your pissy little lives
still no proof that you're not a dog fucker.
Yet still no proof, except some computer modelling, which has got everything wrong so far
Why the need to adjust the old temperature records, if it was all so clear cut
Maybe its not
Have a look at history (not Hollywood history) and learn something FFS , you people and your undying belief in everything you're told is embarrassing
Please have an independent thought some time in your pissy little lives