"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

I went back about 5 pages and saw nothing, care to repost?

he named a a guy who lost 78-21 in the race for the state house in ohio-62 (previous democrats did better against an incumbent) and a green party candidate who won't even crack the top 10 for CA-34 in their special election to replace xavier becerra.

and he named them in a different thread.

but he's our guide to political salvation.
he named a a guy who lost 78-21 in the race for the state house in ohio-62 (previous democrats did better against an incumbent) and a green party candidate who won't even crack the top 10 for CA-34 in their special election to replace xavier becerra.

and he named them in a different thread.

but he's our guide to political salvation.
You've done no better.
Yeah totally, let me believe some kooky old cuck over the legions of scientists.

Seriously, when that dude studied they still used telegraph and you think he's up to date on all the newest stuff?

His photos are in black and white...
Lets not let reality get in the way, hey Sneekypeen, when a fantasy will do
remember when people used to actually like what you had to say, then you came back from snitch camp and you were all upset that no one liked you anymore, and you've kept on crying about it to this day?
totally unrelated...
years I lived at sea level for years and years, grew the same strains, old school romulen, santa cruz bluedream and jack herer, grew them outside on my deck, right next to the beach, then I moved to a place in the mountains, at around 2700 ft, I noticed a significant difference in the 'profile" of the high.
in fact it wasn't really a desirable one, it made my SCBD sorta paranoid inducing.. and the romulen had a different high too, that one seemed to induce vertigo, like shut your eyes and it feels like you are falling through the chair/bed... NOT fun.
the jack herer seemed to be the same but the SCBD, and romulen was significantly more "potent"
now, I've smoked many, many low 20% strains that seemed to have a more powerful stone than some of the 30% strains (quantum kush, gg#4, ancient og, master kush, etc, all tested by the way), so I can't attest to it necessarily having higher THC, but it did change the high completely.
anyway, my question to you is have you noticed that as well?
assuming you haven't lived there your whole life and could compare them from experience, grow outside every now and then..
more assumptions than I normally have... but I was just curious.
my apologies to all those for the threadjack

especially since we are all
I believe it causes pollution, we used to have plenty of it when I was a kid
The Asians have got it all now, the lucky fuckers, all that free sulphur(acid rain) make you up grow big and strong, like an ox
oh, right...
and by your logic the "Asian" pollution stays there right?
cuz the air doesn't move right?
cuz of the flat earth?
the funny thing is each and every time you post something, it's more stupid than the previous.
which leads me to believe that it's intentional.
cuz NOBODY can be quite this selectively obtuse.
So is it that you are just fuck-traded?
Or are you simply a garden-variety trump-troll?
or perhaps, and this is my guess, you are a nice lovely mixture of the two.
oh and by the way..
And it was me that said the earth is fucked.
and you are wrong about the corals by the way (wow, surprise)
added carbon dioxide in the air is turning the seas acidic my friend.

acidity is um bad for calcium carbonate..
but acidity is all science-stuff... that requires some sort of intellectual aptitude to grasp and understand that
which we already have established, and you've clearly demonstrated your deficiencies..
so it's sorta like
well.. about as fun as surprising a porcupine with anal sex

here is yet another link you won't read.

^^^^^Look real scientists^^^^^
Its well worth a look suckers, you might learn something

Man made global warming is bullshit