"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

How about some NASA scientists
LOL it starts with Bengazi, IRS, all kindastuff by some old geezer. Otherwise, the weather man's speech was full of holes. "scientists look at data not just models" he said. As if he's the only one. Oh the humanity.

Data, like the sea levels are rising, glacial ice melting, plants and animals are migrating pole ward or upward, winters are shorter and less severe.

Now you are resorting to spam. Give it up. You don't understand the subject and embarrassed yourself when you tried to post real information. So now you rely on videos posted by the same fossil fuel lobbyists who make the real money in all this.

Here is a video that contains facts.
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LOL it starts with Bengazi, IRS, all kindastuff by some old geezer. Otherwise, the weather man's speech was full of holes. "scientists look at data not just models" he said. As if he's the only one. Oh the humanity. Otherwise, it was an old man who got lost in his own talk.

Data, like the sea levels are rising, glacial ide melting, plants and animals are migrating pole ward or upward, winters are shorter and less severe.

Now you are resorting to spam. Give it up. You don't understand the subject and embarrassed yourself when you tried to post real information. So now you rely on videos posted by the same fossil fuel lobbyists who make the real money in all this.

Here is a video that contains facts.

What a load of bullshit, none of that crap is happening
So now your are bagging your own scientists, that where responsible for NASA's space program
Unfucking believable
What a load of bullshit, none of that crap is happening
So now your are bagging your own scientists, that where responsible for NASA's space program
Unfucking believable
The only BS around is coming from the videos you posted. As Bogdan very clearly showed, the physics of man-caused global warming and observations to confirm it are clear and even you could understand it if you'd listen. It does take more than a few seconds, so maybe too much for you.
The Oil Industry Loves the saying, "Dilution is the solution."

It's the way oil works. Weather washing it off your hands or cleaning off the Board RoomTable.

Your diluted Education is advancing Corruption and the dumbing down in my country. (one of their solvents) But perhaps, that's your goal.20150121_zaf_f31_001-2000px.jpg
As Ive said, I'll take the huge number of scientists with strong empirical data and peer review over the one kooky old contranarian you pulled out of a dog's ass.
Paid for by the nuclear industry, lol at his assertion that Fuku rad didn't kill anyone, tell that to the mothers of children with thyroid nodes fukin shill
It takes religious belief without proof to deny industrial emissions-caused climate change.

A great history of climate science debate can be found here:

At that link charts clearly show there is a rapid rise in global temperature beginning in the late 1800's.

Do you think this is happenstance? I could show you data that correlates the rise with CO2 build-up in the atmosphere. Physical models absolutely confirm that the temperature rate rise can be explained by CO2 emissions. Denial requires dismissing this science without an alternative explanation. Denial is not even psedoscience. Simply put science denial is a religious act.

Let's go back ten thousand years and have a look at what is happening today:


Yes, the earth was warmer 10,000 years ago. So what?

The rate in temperature rise is unprecedented in any geologic time for this planet. Do you think this is happenstance? The rapid rise in temperature is so fast that plants and animals can't adapt and die-offs are already occurring

Look what happened to the dinosaurs they didn't have a carbon tax, and look where they are now!!!!!!!

Says the idiot who posted the very same facts that prove it exists. Claiming otherwise. It has the mind of a baby.

Bullshit, have a read or watch what I posted
Or you could go on about a chart that show's climbing co2 and no warming
And blindly believe without any real proof
Look what happened to the dinosaurs they didn't have a carbon tax, and look where they are now!!!!!!!

Umm, well, the dinosaurs are in a way paying the carbon tax today. But really, the dinosaurs lived off plants. They didn't burn it.
Bullshit, have a read or watch what I posted
Or you could go on about a chart that show's climbing co2 and no warming
And blindly believe without any real proof
I have read and watched everything you posted.

Any chart that shows climbing CO2 and no warming would be made up.

Here is one that clearly shows the relationship between global temperature change and carbon emissions. Even you can see the relationship. The only way you can ignore this graph is by claiming it is somehow fake. I'd like to see you prove that assertion.
