If you HAD to bludgeon something to death, what would it be?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
So the fate of the world rests on you beating an animal to death. It has to be a mammal.

What would it be?

I'd probably have to beat a seal, anything else would be too cute.


Well-Known Member
a human being for sure. knew it the second i saw the question. i'd feel worse for killing an animal (minus people).


Well-Known Member
a bear this size,

that way there is no way i would feel bad because its still not fair for me, i would feel awsome......... if i survived

but only if it attacked me if it was playful I couldn't hit it


Active Member
I seriously hate this thread lol. But...fine, I think I'd go with something lame like a deer so I could at least eat it after and it wouldn't be a waste. I don't think I have any grudges with any particular animals...now bugs and snakes on the other hand, I'd beat the fucking shit out of a pile of grasshoppers, crickets, earwigs, ants, spiders, or scorpions any day!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Any large shark. They're a bunch of cunts! And any small shark for that matter, pre-emptive strike on the next generation!


Well-Known Member
lol what was going through your head/how high were you when you made this thread?

I'd choose a human.Preferably kim jong whatever from north korea.