IF YOU HAD TO GUESS ... how much have you spent on your op?


Well-Known Member
Rotary grows hold about 60 plants from memory and yes you can stack them on top of each other... I believe there are some really good vids on youtube about them... I am fascinated... And they are specifically built for sea of green... :-)


Active Member
can you do the whole cycle in that? how many plants can you fit in one of those?
Well I sure hope so. They have been in since they were barely rooted clones. Check out the link if you want to learn more, probably more info than you ever could ask for. ;)


Active Member
Rotary grows hold about 60 plants from memory and yes you can stack them on top of each other... I believe there are some really good vids on youtube about them... I am fascinated... And they are specifically built for sea of green... :-)
Actually...for that particular model, 240. :shock:


Well-Known Member
yeah i was just reading about them. Theres one model that can hold 360 plants . you cant yield 10 lbs per harvest : O . thats paying for itself right there. haha. that my friends is an " investment "


Active Member
I think the high dollar one is stickied in the Growroom forum? I forget... but the guy must've spent over $10K easy. He hasn't posted in a real long time, so it's been said that he "ran into some trouble". Or trouble ran into him... However you wanna look at it.


Well-Known Member
I spent around $1200 on my operation and I yielded over 4oz my first harvest and I expect over 5 this go around.


Well-Known Member
I spent around $1200 on my operation and I yielded over 4oz my first harvest and I expect over 5 this go around.
for that much money i would expect you to have yielded more. what were you growing with what stuff? what were you using?


Well-Known Member
for that much money i would expect you to have yielded more. what were you growing with what stuff? what were you using?
yeah...no offense at all but it is not very good to get only 4 ounces back off of 1200 dollar setup. I say you should at least double your money, not worth it if you don't.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I spent around $1200 on my operation and I yielded over 4oz my first harvest and I expect over 5 this go around.
i only spent 800 on my shit and i harvested over a half pound for my first time ... i would kill my self if i only harvested 4 oz and spent over 1200 on my shit


Well-Known Member
Little harsh but 1200 including cost of my Veg / Mom Room and ATM I can only run a 250w with temps outside reaching 86f in spring and 100f in the summer so until I can boost to the 400w 4-6 ounces is what I'll be getting respectively. Here is the kicker I get 400 an ounce and my Ebill is only $100/month and sell it all within 2 weeks of curing. So yeah I came out ahead on my first grow and not needing upgrades I now only make profit...


Well-Known Member
true . that is respectable. keep doin your thing man. its all good. i was just bustin your balls.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
4'X7' closet in spare bedroom , high bay light converted, home made cool tube , vent,and cir.fan lights for veg all under 500 bucks last harvest was 8 oz of orange bud


Well-Known Member
4'X7' closet in spare bedroom , high bay light converted, home made cool tube , vent,and cir.fan lights for veg all under 500 bucks last harvest was 8 oz of orange bud
nice! thats good numbers. atleast quadrupled money or savings on that one. how many watts?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
with just the 400 watt i stayed around 6 oz i shut down my veg and added 250 w cmh to the grow and jumped up to 8 oz


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about dropping the Extra $500 to get a HydroGrow LED 126w Penetrator LED and use it in conjunction with my 250w. Not much of a power or heat difference and double the yield (Hopefully).


Well-Known Member
I have spent about $4000-$5000.....I have 1-400 watt 1-600 watt 1-1000 watt lights...3 air cooled hoods.....1-275 cfm can fan 1-175 cfm eco line fan.........2 3x3 gtow trays 2 1.5x3 grow trays........1 22x22 grow tray.....3 20 gallon reservoirs......1 25 gallon reservoir........1 No holes bar......1 3.5 intelli drive light mover.....2 4x7 grow tents.......hanna hi 9813-6 combo meter.........5 t8 light fixtures......5200 btu a/c.........1 co2 tank.....1 co2 regulator.......1 led light....and other stuff I can't think of at the moment...and not including nutrients and summer electric bills of $450.........man I am addicted to growing....I still need more stuff lol


Well-Known Member
My very first tent, was $1500 completely outfitted, (not including the portable air conditioner - $400) and I yielded nearly 2 pounds so it paid for itself seven times over....lol....Not to mention the $300 a week I am saving myself by not having to purchase it.... :-)My hubby and I are heavy tokers... :-)