If you had to pick who stays and who goes

Don't know how it works in the US but in Canadian hospital emergency departments you get people who are in dire need of attention to people who have lesser problems, cuts needing stitches, broken bones... The nurses at admitting triage the cases according to the seriousness of the problem, if you can wait longer without too much ill effect than the next guy they pick the next guy. So they already decide how to allocate resources. Basically same shit different pile. Doctors need to make this decision rather than nurses though.
All men over 100Kg, and all women over 50Kg would be my first choice to go.
Add to that liberals, feminists, men with tattoos, politicians, realty agents, lawyers, and anyone that's ever been in the armed forces.
Get rid of everyone from India, Africa, South America, the Middle East and China (except the small Chinese girls with the really white legs, they can stay).

Have I missed any?
trumptards like you
All men over 100Kg, and all women over 50Kg would be my first choice to go.
Add to that liberals, feminists, men with tattoos, politicians, realty agents, lawyers, and anyone that's ever been in the armed forces.
Get rid of everyone from India, Africa, South America, the Middle East and China (except the small Chinese girls with the really white legs, they can stay).

Have I missed any?

Why the small Chinese girls with really white legs?
Run along now son.
you totally owned me by being unable to deny that you are so stupid that you support the “windmills cause cancer” guy

Doesn’t the guy you support also brag about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children?

Fucking pedophile
Threads like this are born when a grown adults only accomplishments are trolling weed forums.

Safe to say, these types would be of no use during an apocalypse. Also safe to say, they've already been triaged by their government and were deemed "disabled".

Yeah, I said it.
you totally owned me by being unable to deny that you are so stupid that you support the “windmills cause cancer” guy

Doesn’t the guy you support also brag about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children?

Fucking pedophile

Your not all there.