If you have a felony and rent out a room...

I'm not sure but if you are a convicted felon on parole or probation i believe your 4th amendment is considered waived...in which case they can search anything of yours house, car, boat, person etc without a warrant at anytime...
Why is that a mistake. When she came to inspect the house I had no choice. Either that or violate & go to prison. My lawyers stay down anyhow if there was an issue. I could be up for 20 on a triple agg assault (3 fags pushing around a homeless man) but I did 18 months probation, off in 9 for good behavior aka growing the goods. Not to worried.

no I told her when I was on probation she is my ex-officer now.

Correct me if I am wrong... You were "just released from prison". If you have a probation officer you are not on parole!

Parole officer for folks released from prison(can do time serve with no parole- did you?)! Probation officers are for folks on probation! So if you are on probation you have completed your parole and likely were caught for another offense to get put on probation!

Your track record tells me jail and/or prison is unavoidable for some! And this unavoidable venue can be prevented by not telling a Peace Officer about your grow (legal or not)


ok, you're wrong.. dude said he had 18 months of PROBATION, but only did 9, got off for good behavior.. never said a word about being in jail / prison.. the statement about being violated and then going to jail / prison meant violating his probation, which would land him in jail..
Just because you are a felon on probation does NOT mean you can not be a card holder in AZ. It depends on what kind of felony. You can cultivate and medicate while on probation in AZ. As long as the room is in compliance with laws they can not do or say anything about it. Legally you aren't even supposed to let your po around your plants or meds unless they are a cardholder too. To secure yourself if your po is persistent about seeing your grow have them sign something saying that you have made them aware that they are not legally allowed to in your grow room and that dismissed your efforts. They will also tell you that the law here doesn't matter because there is no where to buy it in which you reply that you are allowed to cultivate your own. Which mean you need to licensed to cultivate as well.

I think I seen a Nip above... I know you were thinking the same... :-P
Typical :sleep:

Wait what are we talking about?

Oh yes I was wrong about someone being released from prison...

Sorry for assuming a person that committed 3 Aggravated Assaults is free and has not been to prison...

Damn Arizona and our funky laws.. You lucky Son of a Gun - Probation. Next time won't be a walk in the park.