If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
The American ppl will not be fooled twice. It is now becoming common knowledge that the country has been shortchanged by the Govt.

Who's in charge? Who's running Congress? Even a political noob like you can read the writing on the wall, even if you can't admit it publicly.

Crash and burn and if Health care passes, ...heh ... The democrat party is finished for at least a decade.
So says the guy who thinks Bush did a good job but didn't vote for him...:roll: .... Damn dems dead and repukes dead...so is it the green party now ????


Active Member
The funniest bit is, one year later and lib's are still talking about Bush.

Look here lib's, the country has forgotten that whipping post,and moved on to .. Obama.

Obama has done it to himself. He's a noob and in way over his head. Don't be surprised, it's not like I didn't tell you all he had ZERO experience. Now we must all suffer the hard way.

So deflect all you want to, but it won't help one bit. Obama is crashing and burning, and all the whining in the world will not help your cause.

1. A year later ? honestly If you assume all the problems him and his administration created left with him thats just ignorant. I reserve the right to complain as long as were in this debacle in iraq ( I support our troops 100% I have family in the reserve so please dont hit me with ur trashy soldier hater bs thanks ) .

2. Obama in the last year has started no wars hes actualy improved relations with many countries around the world. Look into bushs tarp fund and his last bailout policy then look at obamas. So if Mr.bush is what u call "experience" then I for one am ready for a change.

3. This is classic "Deflecting" ... From day one bush fucked up... and he continued to for four long years and obama has been in office one year and all of a sudden he is responsible for everything going to shit ? Maybe we should hit up deflect in the dictionary and afterward we should check out the defanition for "scapegoat"


Active Member
Sorry son that your wee little mind cannot remember the BS after a year...maybe you should stop smoking for a bit so you can start thinking a little bit more clearly....Bush got us into this mess do you really think it would have been fixed in a year...
Couldnt have said it better myself :)


Well-Known Member
so i cant make fun of obama if i voted for bush? you should of made it; if you are not a liberal, than i hate you


Well-Known Member
not a hate thread ...just a "STFU and let Obama try to fix the mess the person you voted for made thread".


Well-Known Member
London hasn't a clue. Starting this thread is proof enough of that much. It's a hate thread...
all someone can gain from starting a hate thread is his peers acknowledgment of his ignorance.. anyways, when you title something by making fun of certain group, aren't you directly inviting that group to make fun of you?


Well-Known Member
What a great thread london, lets shut the mouths of those who disagree. I guess you won't mind when I say the same thing when Obama is shown for who he truly is. I guess that's what America's all about.:clap:

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
This documentary was made by an independent, non-partisan filmographer. It also mentions some of Bush's wrong-doing. Think about this shit. Obama has clearly lied to us about marijuana decriminalization and laughed at the three million who asked about legalizing it. Why would he not lie about other things? I especially hate his socialist healthcare plan.


Here is a non-partisan review of the non-partisan documentary.


Finally, here is the recent polls that show the approval rating of Obama decreasing, primarily among democrats.



he is not going to watch the obama deception... he loves obama way to much to sit down and let it be proven to him that obama is a liar


Well-Known Member
I voted for Bush the first time.
Still better him then Gore and I will stand by that.
Although at the time it was a choice of the lesser of two evils.
But I would rather waste my vote then vote fo him again.
I voted Badnaric the second time.
So I will STHU about half the time, OK?


Well-Known Member
he is not going to watch the obama deception... he loves obama way to much to sit down and let it be proven to him that obama is a liar
Alex has went off the deep end...I used to listen to him just to see what he was saying and realize this guy is kinda nutty....So thats who you getting your info from...wow that tells me alot....


Well-Known Member
I voted for Bush the first time.
Still better him then Gore and I will stand by that.
Although at the time it was a choice of the lesser of two evils.
But I would rather waste my vote then vote fo him again.
I voted Badnaric the second time.
So I will STHU about half the time, OK?
Hmmmmmm for admitting your mistake and realizing your error you are clear ....You do not have to STFU....lol