If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
you have no right to tell anyone they have no right

so, my message to you in all your arrogance is :finger:

you do not, and never will, have the right to tell some one else they cant speak because of what they did in the past
Keenly you have no right to complain if you voted for Bush....If you voted for Bush then you are at fault for the condition of this country...Don't want to hear how bad Obama is..Its your fault he even in office...Had not Bush phucked up so bad do you think Obama would have had a chance...nope...lol...Bush phucked up so bad that some people voted for Obama who normally would not have even came out to vote..You are to blame....So once again if you voted for Bush STFU..and let Obama fix this darn mess...


Keenly you have no right to complain if you voted for Bush....If you voted for Bush then you are at fault for the condition of this country...Don't want to hear how bad Obama is..Its your fault he even in office...Had not Bush phucked up so bad do you think Obama would have had a chance...nope...lol...Bush phucked up so bad that some people voted for Obama who normally would not have even came out to vote..You are to blame....So once again if you voted for Bush STFU..and let Obama fix this darn mess...

your statements are full of ignorance and arrogance

i was not old enough to vote for bush

obama is not fixing anything, he is continuing the same policies and taking the same action that bush did, can you really not see it?

you can not blame single americans for the nations problems as a whole, thats just fucking stupid

ill speak whenever the hell i want to regardless of who i voted for, you can stfu

obama is not fixing anything, he is making it worse. that was the plan all along, continue on the path of destroying this nation

so you can keep drinking the kool aid and keep thinking obama is the messiah that will save all

keep playing the left right game, keep telling people to stfu because they disagree with you (maybe fascism is better suited for you)

but above all, try not to be such a douchebag


Well-Known Member
Ok if you did not vote for Bush why even reply....???? and if you did vote for Bush STFU complaining...Its your fault


New Member
hahah I can smell the desperation as Obama fails on every issue he faces.

Keep looking backwards lib's ... that way the wall of reality coming at you won't hurt as much. It'll keep the pre impact whining down as well. oops, too late... carry on ... (whimper!!, it's BUSH!!! )


Well-Known Member
hahah I can smell the desperation as Obama fails on every issue he faces.

Keep looking backwards lib's ... that way the wall of reality coming at you won't hurt as much. It'll keep the pre impact whining down as well. oops, too late... carry on ... (whimper!!, it's BUSH!!! )
To bad you to blind to see that what Bush did still is with us today,....its a shame that your mind cannot retain things past a year...poor poor repuke sheeple....If You Voted For Bush STFU.....


Well-Known Member
I find it harder and harder to believe that London served this country for 22 years in the Air Force, and is as old as he says he is. You were bashing me on my age, but you don't even act my age. Your responses are those of a misguided teen, not somebody who is mature. Your solution is to mute all those with different opinions, while claming that Obama is the hero here to save the day. Are you that ignorant? Have you not seen what this mans policies are doing to this country? If you had it your way, you would let Obama continue his course of out of control spending and redistribution of wealth, without anybody having any voice to combat him. Maybe you never grew up, but I think I believe your signature more than I do you.


New Member
London doesn't have an economic bone in his body. Unable to grasp the real meaning behind the financial crisis, he grabs at the first shiny object he can get a hold of.

So easy to fool and manipulate. It's like I can almost see the strings attached to him.

Dance puppet, dance. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I find it harder and harder to believe that London served this country for 22 years in the Air Force, and is as old as he says he is. You were bashing me on my age, but you don't even act my age. Your responses are those of a misguided teen, not somebody who is mature. Your solution is to mute all those with different opinions, while claming that Obama is the hero here to save the day. Are you that ignorant? Have you not seen what this mans policies are doing to this country? If you had it your way, you would let Obama continue his course of out of control spending and redistribution of wealth, without anybody having any voice to combat him. Maybe you never grew up, but I think I believe your signature more than I do you.
Believe me Jack I could care less what you believe... but thanks for at least taking the time to read and remember...Obama is not my hero...that honor belongs to my grandfather...now Obama is a man that I see that can really make some changes this country needs.... health care being one....Now I say what I say to the Bush drones because its true...Bush screwed this country up bad...now you can agree or disagree but we all know the truth....When I hear these Bush clowns bashing Obama in his very first year I say WTF you voted for a man that ruined this country...so yes I tell them to STFU with all the BS complaining....When I see these teabaggers not able to follow any issues but just chant freakin stupid slogans and misinformation I again say STFU...same goes for the Foxsuckers who believe in the false news being played in front of them...STFU.....

Now those who didn't vote for Bush....use teabags to make tea.....maybe watch Fox as well as other news sources and then make an educated decision about whats going on around them.... now those people I welcome talk and debate...even if you disagree with Obama...and dude I wish I was a teen maybe then I wouldn't give a phuck what just happened in the past 8 years


Well-Known Member
London is spewing his lunacy as usual. While Bush did sign off on Tarp, I'm pretty sure the dems AS WELL AS OBAMA voted for it as well. So, don't even bother with the revisionist history.

But bad decisions from politicians I didn't vote for, doesn't preclude me or anyone who did vote for them, from railing against the continuing stupid and dishonest policies THIS administration is forwarding.

What do you say about FoxSuckers when the NY Times is now reporting on stories that validate what Beck has been saying for 8-9 months now. HMMM?
As story after story that Beck has reported and explained is validated in your LIBERAL RAGS... do you apologize for your STUPIDITY as you railed on him and denied the obvious? Don't bother answering, I know you could NEVER admit he was right, you'll just spew some new bullshit and evade the proof of your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Dude Gin Beck are you serious .....lol ...OMG can you say WACKO JOB...he needs a thread to himself .....but here is your insane , deranged, ex drug user, alcoholic, hypocrite.....Even a broke clock is right twice a day...would you really use that broke clock to tell time..Too easy...Enjoy



Well-Known Member
Dude Gin Beck are you serious .....lol ...OMG can you say WACKO JOB...he needs a thread to himself .....but here is your insane , deranged, ex drug user, alcoholic, hypocrite.....Even a broke clock is right twice a day...would you really use that broke clock to tell time..Too easy...Enjoy

MMM, yeah. I agree with pretty much EVERYTHING on that video. Except for the stuff that's taken completely out of context with some nifty edits... Beck quite often, talks as the people he is disagreeing with, or says "Let me play the devil's advocate", then says what you see there.

That's the problem for you London, I listen to his radio show EVERY day and watch his tv show EVERYDAY. So you can't slip that MediaMatters bullshit by me... I saw those comments live and in context. He mocks people like you and the Liberal scumbag sites you frequent, on a regular basis. In fact, he regularly states "This will show up on the blogs out of context" right before he makes a point, and sure enough it does, and sure enough, you are in here regurgitating the next day. Get a new act, you're a clown.


Ok if you did not vote for Bush why even reply....???? and if you did vote for Bush STFU complaining...Its your fault

damn london not only are you ignorant but your just plain stupid sometimes

its my fault bush was prez? i just told you i didnt vote for him

go blame all of your problems on some one else, like you always do
London is spewing his lunacy as usual. While Bush did sign off on Tarp, I'm pretty sure the dems AS WELL AS OBAMA voted for it as well. So, don't even bother with the revisionist history.

But bad decisions from politicians I didn't vote for, doesn't preclude me or anyone who did vote for them, from railing against the continuing stupid and dishonest policies THIS administration is forwarding.

What do you say about FoxSuckers when the NY Times is now reporting on stories that validate what Beck has been saying for 8-9 months now. HMMM?
As story after story that Beck has reported and explained is validated in your LIBERAL RAGS... do you apologize for your STUPIDITY as you railed on him and denied the obvious? Don't bother answering, I know you could NEVER admit he was right, you'll just spew some new bullshit and evade the proof of your ignorance.
Rep+ for MuylocoNC post. Only 3 Repubs voted for TARP. Everysingle Lib did. And that makes it Bushes fault??? Why do libs refuse to view the facts??

London... you are getting the crap kicked out of you. Do you actually even verify anything anyone has said to you on this thread??

Oblabla is doing what Bush did X 10 !!!!
But Bush was an idiot right? If so, what does that make B-Rock O'blabla???
Twice as dumb as you or 20 times as dumb as you??


Well-Known Member
MMM, yeah. I agree with pretty much EVERYTHING on that video. Except for the stuff that's taken completely out of context with some nifty edits... Beck quite often, talks as the people he is disagreeing with, or says "Let me play the devil's advocate", then says what you see there.

That's the problem for you London, I listen to his radio show EVERY day and watch his tv show EVERYDAY. So you can't slip that MediaMatters bullshit by me... I saw those comments live and in context. He mocks people like you and the Liberal scumbag sites you frequent, on a regular basis. In fact, he regularly states "This will show up on the blogs out of context" right before he makes a point, and sure enough it does, and sure enough, you are in here regurgitating the next day. Get a new act, you're a clown.
Yeah you would agree with what this nut has to say.... hmmmm I guess you believe Obama hate white people ...lol....must be hard on him hating his own mother...Maybe the problem is that you watch him EVERYDAY and listen to his radio show EVERYDAY...I guess its safe to call you "Becky"...Please explain to me Becky how his talking about America health care broke then the next year he takling about how great it is...also tell me how the 911 victims comment was taken out of content...why would you even say something like that...Yeah take up for the nut job....I bet you think Palin would have been a great VP too...


Well-Known Member
damn london not only are you ignorant but your just plain stupid sometimes

its my fault bush was prez? i just told you i didnt vote for him

go blame all of your problems on some one else, like you always do
Dudd are you ignorant or plain stupid....The title clearly states IF...do you know what IF means....IF YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA STFU...if you didn't why are you still commenting....:roll:


Well-Known Member
there's a bunch of name-calling in this thread... no actual points to be made... nothing makes sense.....



Well-Known Member
there's a bunch of name-calling in this thread... no actual points to be made... nothing makes sense.....


No way, not in a political thread.......

It's actually a lot like politics. Politicians are just a little more tactiful in how they call each other names.


Well-Known Member
there's a bunch of name-calling in this thread... no actual points to be made... nothing makes sense.....

My point is If YOU VOTED FOR BUSH then STFU with all your complianing about Obama in the first damn year....Hell some even started complaining before he took office...If you voted for Bush then you are at fault as to the condition of this country...

Illegal Smile

My point is If YOU VOTED FOR BUSH then STFU with all your complianing about Obama in the first damn year....Hell some even started complaining before he took office...If you voted for Bush then you are at fault as to the condition of this country...
I voted for Bush. Am I shutting up? LOL, what kind of assclown does it take to tell people to stfu on an internet forum? Do you talk tough to the characters on your TV screen too?