Who'd a thunk growing weed, a plant that is naturally hardy and thrives in the wild would almost be rendered extinct by a bunch of uptight fucking republicans. We should make being a republican illegal. Broke folks should not be republican and we are 99% of Murica.
Just sayin.
weed prohibition started with the Harrisson Narcotics Act in 1914 (woodrow wilson (d) was president, dems controlled the congress in 1914 BTW) which prohibited coca and opiates, as well as weed.
overturned by the courts.
this was followed by The Uniform State Narcotics Act of 1934 (created by the feds, to be enacted by the states of their own volition, OR ELSE) in '34, FDR (d) was president and the congress was controlled by dems
(eventually abandoned as the courts demolished too much of it)
then came the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 (FDR and the dems again)
rejected by the courts
then came the Controlled Substances Act (under nixon, but dems controlled both houses of congress) which continues to this day, despite the dems contolling the congress, and SEVERAL dem presidents (none of whom had the slightest inclination to end the prohibition)
so WHO banned Jah's Love?
a bunch of uptight DEMOCRATS with a few republican accomplices
if youre gonna be a partisan and blame the other side for shit, you might wanna check the facts.