i planted my 6 2pounders today i have them under a 600 and 400hps
do you think this is too much heat isnt an issuie really but can to much light hurt young plants
How young are they? It isn't really a question of will it hurt them, as much as is it neccessary? Probably not, I'd start them under one of those lights for now, and throw the other one at them when they get a little bigger.
Is "lollypopping" something that can be done when the plants are already 5 days into flowering or would I have needed to cut off the bottom branches sooner?
Also, if it's not too late, do I cut off all of the bottom branches and just leave the top?
It's never too late to lollypop, but the point of it is usually to pack alot of plants into a small space. Your question makes it seem like that's not the case for you, and if it's not other types of training would probably help you alot more.
alright im just getting started for the first time ive read everything from almost every source and none seem to answer the basic questions or they confused me somewhere during the writing
ive seen things like CO2 and nitrogen help the plants grow but then ive seen alot of people saying dont put chemicals in with them or anything. I work at a plant store so if i could get CO2 and Nitrogen should i put them in and do they both help.
Both nitrogen and CO2 are essential for plant growth, you will need to add nitrogen. CO2 supplementation is another matter, it is not neccessary to add CO2...the levels in the air will keep your plant thriving. CO2 supplementation really only helps when it is the cause of photoinhibition, the limiting factor so to speak. That only happens when every other contributing factor is 'outperforming' the CO2, for that to happen you basically need ideal conditions...maximum lighting, max fert uptake, and so on.
How Can i tell when the male plants are spurting pollen. Do i just rip them out if they dont have the little hairs and after about how long would it take for the hairs on a female to show up
You will be able to see pollen on your fan leaves in all likelyhood, male flowers will appear before female flowers. Generally speaking it takes about 2 weeks to determine sex after the switch to 12/12. However, if you have vegged long enough you will likely start seeing pre-flowers after 5-6 weeks of veg.
How many seeds could i plant in a 12 foot by 6 foot plot of soil
should i dig up the soil and mix in some compost with the soil and then plant or just leave it natural soil.
also on average how much water do you give a plant each time you water it.
for an average potentcy plant how much output do you get
ounce, two ounce, half ounce?
just some basic questions
Usually you want to keep your plants at least a couple of feet apart, so in a 12x6 area you could probably put 10-15 maybe even 20 plants if you keep them under control.
As far as your soil, I would definetely mix in some compost and maybe find some manure to mix in as well. It's hard to say how much to water them, you'll kind of have to feel that one out for yourself.
The only thing limiting your yield is how you grow it, the potency of the pot the seeds came from holds no bearring on how they will turn out IMO