im know a felon :(

I apologize in advanced I am ripped as Obama's copy of The United Stated Constitution...

Dude run... Like there is no tomorrow. Why are you on here? Make it to Canada preferably not through Idaho "I live there and would catch you and turn you in for the bounty.".. Or go to jail, take full advantage of their GED program get an education. Then straighten your ass up, quit smoking weed you make us all look like a bunch of "Hood-rat" stoners that would shoot their own grandma for a hit. You are part of the reason it is still illegal. Then find a way to go to college "head to ND they make 200k a year there" but save every penny and go to college for anything. Come out then post on here "Previously troubled youth cleaned up his act now has a degree in horticulture looking for a job." Then sir we can truly help you.

Nice, yeah OP you letting the team down man. Focus.
i apologize in advanced i am ripped as obama's copy of the united stated constitution...

Dude run... Like there is no tomorrow. Why are you on here? Make it to canada preferably not through idaho "i live there and would catch you and turn you in for the bounty.".. Or go to jail, take full advantage of their ged program get an education. Then straighten your ass up, quit smoking weed you make us all look like a bunch of "hood-rat" stoners that would shoot their own grandma for a hit. You are part of the reason it is still illegal. Then find a way to go to college "head to nd they make 200k a year there" but save every penny and go to college for anything. Come out then post on here "previously troubled youth cleaned up his act now has a degree in horticulture looking for a job." then sir we can truly help you.

.....your dumb. . . .
they got dropped the gun charge
they couldnt find enough evidence
within 72 hours
im just getting charged wwith marjuana possesion
I'm not the one asking legal advice in the toke n talk forum where in the title openly admits were stoned as hell. I'm dumb you say? No offense ment to anyone here I smoke just as much as the next guy but when I'm stoned I wouldn't dare take my own advice. Lol
they got dropped the gun charge
they couldnt find enough evidence
within 72 hours
im just getting charged wwith marjuana possesion

Congratulations now go to school and get good grades and when your really overwhelmed and u dont want to be there remember you could have bin in prison! Im happy for you.
they got dropped the gun charge
they couldnt find enough evidence
within 72 hours
im just getting charged wwith marjuana possesion

Good for you, Even though you were not convicted don't be surprised if the actual gun charges never leave your record.
Still better get that off your record or many good jobs will not be open to you.

Around here, you get one conditional discharge for first offense .. don't fuck up again in a year, and its all dropped..
First offense cannabis charge is a breeze... even secondary offenses for cannabis, small amounts, are nothing to really worry about in a lot.of states,not my state of.course, but a lot.of states, anything under an oz is treated as a traffic Tix and no big deal..
Thank your lucky stars they dropped the weapons charges.. find your cousins and beat their asses and get your ass out of town and into a college and use this as a learning experience to propel you forward in life. .. don't look back and don't keep in contact with your cousins ..
well im not going to be on probation i have to pay fines n do drug classes n do a 90day tasc diversion program
then it will be wiped off my record
i stopped all drug use but ill still be here you a t-break ha ha

sorrry dangerlow i was just overwhelmed maybe too high too comprehend what you said btw its coo
well im not going to be on probation i have to pay fines n do drug classes n do a 90day tasc diversion program
then it will be wiped off my record
i stopped all drug use but ill still be here you a t-break ha ha

sorrry dangerlow i was just overwhelmed maybe too high too comprehend what you said btw its coo

I'm glad things are working out in your favor. Please use this as an opportunity to change your behavior, you may not be so lucky next time.....Now go to school...........good luck
.....your dumb. . . .

First rule of insulting someone's intelligence: Don't fuck up your insult with an extremely elementary error!

do do so shows that YOU'RE dumb.

This prison politics manual -- I think there are a few of us here that have a bit of insight... Maybe you'll need a couple contributing authors. And, of course an editor or two. (You know, so that things like its/it's, loose/lose, and your/you're errors don't occur.)
First rule of insulting someone's intelligence: Don't fuck up your insult with an extremely elementary error!

do do so shows that YOU'RE dumb.

This prison politics manual -- I think there are a few of us here that have a bit of insight... Maybe you'll need a couple contributing authors. And, of course an editor or two. (You know, so that things like its/it's, loose/lose, and your/you're errors don't occur.)[/QUO

  • do do so shows that YOU'RE dumb.???????

(deleted [ to show originally displayed content) QUOTE=minnesmoker;9971293]First rule of insulting someone's intelligence: Don't fuck up your insult with an extremely elementary error!

do do so shows that YOU'RE dumb.

This prison politics manual -- I think there are a few of us here that have a bit of insight... Maybe you'll need a couple contributing authors. And, of course an editor or two. (You know, so that things like its/it's, loose/lose, and your/you're errors don't occur.)[/QUO

  • do do so shows that YOU'RE dumb.???????

LoL, I've been outta' MMJ for more than a week now -- I want a do do-over!

Nice oops on the quote. LoL I have absolutely no idea where that do do came from, either. I think it was "to do so..." (at least the ellipses in the prior sentence was correct...