Well-Known Member
Ill aslo like to point out that the aeroflo2 is great. Some people call it an aero/nft hybrid but i call it a small tubed rdwc system. Guess its on how you run it. Its really not aero at all because it dosent produce any mist in rootzone. The stream that comes out the lines is just that a stream. When the tubes stay half full that stream creates mad o2 with the bubbles and surface break that is constant as well as the drain back into the res. Was a pain in the ass to do res changes with the design tho. Anyone who uses it should use a chiller and you wont have any problems.
The concept of that unit is sound but the pricing is ridiculous. You could build the same thing with stuff from Home Depot for a fraction of the cost. But I'm a do it yourself person. I refuse to pay the ridiculous prices for products targeted at cannabis growers.