Immigration Reform

oh yeah and in georgia. They are paying 12-18 an hour to pick crops. No takers. The govenor even tried to force parolees to do the job. They all quit. This is in a State with over 9% unemployment

$12-$18 an hour? hell, that is good enough for me to take on as full time.

i'll be digging holes and burying conduit next week for $10 an hour, i wouldn't do it full time or forever because the pay is too low, but for a week of work to pick up some extra scratch it is worth it.

i hired my buddy to simply look after my house: scoop the cat's litter once a day, feed them, the chickens and ducks, and water my plants. all in all, about 1-2 hours of work each day. i was going to give him $10 an hour and 8 hours a day, even though the work is only about 2 hours a day, tops. i bought him a week's worth of food and left him an ounce of weed and told him that if he wanted to do extra, like prune my plants, spray for bugs, etc i would give him an extra hundred or two.

i came home to find half my plants dead, the litter NEVER once scooped, the chickens and ducks starved, 2 cats missing, the house a mess, the backyard a mess, my wife's weed was missing, my internet box was broken ($100 to replace)...needless to say i didn't pay him a dime and he can't have any of his equipment back until he pays for my internet. he is on SSD, 32 years old, yet is healthy enough to ride his bike 40 miles a week.

i wish i lived in georgia right now, or that oregon would pass a draconian immigration law. i'd be the first one out there picking the strawberries in june and the blueberries in august.
I'm not quite sure what evidence needs to be "proven" to support my last post. As usual you only want to address the portion that you can get into a pissing match about, and completely bypassed the entire point of the post. Which, was that they are "illegal aliens", I don't need to "prove" that, they are what they are. It doesn't matter if they are a burden or a economic gift from the heavens... no tickey, no shirty.

You want to list the benefits and advantages and not discuss the fact that THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. Exactly what part of "illegal" isn't registering with you? You can't drone on endlessly on that topic, so you ignore it. Unfortunately for you and the ilk like you, we aren't playing that game any more. If they are illegal, they go, no trial, no amnesty, no benefits...that's it. GTFO.

Enforce the immigration laws that are in effect. Don't like them? Try to change them, otherwise the only input needed from any of you is if you have a fantastic idea of how to get them the fuck out of here.

Is that reality too harsh for your liberal sensibilities?
It's not that I am ignoring that they're illegal, I was simply contending that all of the post was "horseshit". I never argued that it was okay for immigrants to immigrate illegally, though, I dont really like that either... But building a wall along the border doesn't help much when a very large portion of illegals are entering the country legally and overstaying their visas - there needs to be reform, and that doesn't mean amnesty, but it doesn't mean we kick them all out either... The thing about the DREAM act is that it actually addresses the issue in a lot of ways - and it may not be perfect - but it's at least an honest attempt to fix our broken system. What's your solution? Bust down peoples front doors till all the illegals are rounded up and then build a 30 foot wall along our borders? Do we add land mines? What we need is an honest attempt to fix the system; We need to keep the good fish, and throw out the useless and the dangerous... we need to give the deserving a chance, and show the undeserving the door.
Must be proof that the US Government, and by association everyone who is in government, is a raging racist of the most heinous kind. You know how I know you are the biggest racist on the forum? Because race is all you ever talk about, you accuse EVERYONE of being a racist if they disagree with even a minor point of yours.
The white Europeans see no need to come to a country that is not much different than their own except its chock full of idiot Americans and has no history.

Would you go pick crops in the heat of day for $12 an hour if you could make $14 an hour on Unemployment?

Who is hating?

I thought the argument was Americans will do the job if it pays enough

When there is no rational explanation for your position and the object of your derision is non white
The only thing left is Racism
What's your solution? Bust down peoples front doors till all the illegals are rounded up and then build a 30 foot wall along our borders? Do we add land mines? What we need is an honest attempt to fix the system; We need to keep the good fish, and throw out the useless and the dangerous... we need to give the deserving a chance, and show the undeserving the door.

Fair enough question.

First off, if they are here illegally, invited or not, they are not deserving and need to return home and get at the back of the line, I mean the VERY BACK of the line, possibly with a 1-2 yr penalty tacked on for good measure. Extra incentive NOT to go for the illegal entry.

We definitely don't need a fence, but the land mines are a fantastic idea. Clearly mark the area, make it impossible to circumnavigate and the problem of illegal entry is pretty much handled. Or even better, infrared automatic large bore sentries. Either is fine as it takes the human element out of the equation, you cross, you die. Wouldn't take long or too many deaths for word to get out... plus automatic weapons and bullets are relatively cheap. (just kidding about this paragraph, I just knew you expected it so I gave it to ya)

The best idea I heard for ending the problem came from of all places, Neal Boortz. Make it impossible for illegals to work and they will leave on their own. We don't have to pay for their transportation or processing them, they just leave. How? Simple. Make it too risky and costly for employers to hire them.

$50,000 fine for employing an illegal plus whatever other penalties you might want to lump in. Here's the kicker, $25,000 reward to ANYONE who turns in the business owner, including the illegal who is working for him/her. No employer would risk hiring anyone that they couldn't absolutely prove was legal. No jobs, no illegals. It would work and it would cost NOTHING.
Fair enough question.

First off, if they are here illegally, invited or not, they are not deserving and need to return home and get at the back of the line, I mean the VERY BACK of the line, possibly with a 1-2 yr penalty tacked on for good measure. Extra incentive NOT to go for the illegal entry.

Back of the line is already 18 years for mexicans. Dont ya think if they could come here legally they would?

We definitely don't need a fence, but the land mines are a fantastic idea. Clearly mark the area, make it impossible to circumnavigate and the problem of illegal entry is pretty much handled. Or even better, infrared automatic large bore sentries. Either is fine as it takes the human element out of the equation, you cross, you die. Wouldn't take long or too many deaths for word to get out... plus automatic weapons and bullets are relatively cheap. (just kidding about this paragraph, I just knew you expected it so I gave it to ya)
Yeah lets kill people who want to do an honest days work to support their families

The best idea I heard for ending the problem came from of all places, Neal Boortz. Make it impossible for illegals to work and they will leave on their own. We don't have to pay for their transportation or processing them, they just leave. How? Simple. Make it too risky and costly for employers to hire them.
That is actually a good idea. Who is against that? US chamber of Commerce pretty Republican outfit

$50,000 fine for employing an illegal plus whatever other penalties you might want to lump in. Here's the kicker, $25,000 reward to ANYONE who turns in the business owner, including the illegal who is working for him/her. No employer would risk hiring anyone that they couldn't absolutely prove was legal. No jobs, no illegals. It would work and it would cost NOTHING.
Its already 10000 a day guess how many employers ahve been hit by that in the last decade?

Now go and read the OP and tell me why they are so bad and how they have affected you personally
And this may surprise you, but i kind of agree as far as making the disincentives strong enough that employers wouldn't be willing to hire illegals... Where we seem to be split though is whether the illegals who've shown useful should have a chance to stay. I've met a ton of illegals in my short life, many of them hold allegiance to America and, for example, would serve in the military to prove it... really, most of the illegals I've met work 10x harder than I do and I respect that a ton - so I dont think it's very fair to paint them all with the same brush and say, "you're illegal, so leave"...

I'd identify otherwise law-abiding, job holding illegals and make them pay a fine, any back taxes, maybe some other penalty like community service, etc... I'd let em stay but they'd have to apply for citizenship and they'd have a deadline to meet; Then if they're denied citizenship they're deported at that point - but not before... This way you aren't sending all the good ones away.
And this may surprise you, but i kind of agree as far as making the disincentives strong enough that employers wouldn't be willing to hire illegals... Where we seem to be split though is whether the illegals who've shown useful should have a chance to stay. I've met a ton of illegals in my short life, many of them hold allegiance to America and, for example, would serve in the military to prove it... really, most of the illegals I've met work 10x harder than I do and I respect that a ton - so I dont think it's very fair to paint them all with the same brush and say, "you're illegal, so leave"...

I'd identify otherwise law-abiding, job holding illegals and make them pay a fine, any back taxes, maybe some other penalty like community service, etc... I'd let em stay but they'd have to apply for citizenship and they'd have a deadline to meet; Then if they're denied citizenship they're deported at that point - but not before... This way you aren't sending all the good ones away.

And a Timeline to learn rudimentary english say 2 years
There are quite a few Native Americans and Latino Arizonans/New Mexicans/Californians/Texans (families have been here longer than the U.S. was a nation) that don't speak a word of English. What should we do with them? Where are we going to deport them?
deport them so that they spend their money elsewhere? perfect solution. just what we need in a 70% consumer economy with lack of demand at the moment.

There are quite a few Native Americans and Latino Arizonans/New Mexicans/Californians/Texans (families have been here longer than the U.S. was a nation) that don't speak a word of English. What should we do with them? Where are we going to deport them?

Nothing they are already US citizens
I think we should deport all the male illegals and let the females stay and new legal immigrants should have to be women.
there has to be way more than 11 million undocumented imagrints.
7 bus loads came across last night. pretty sure just droped them off around the corner from my house.
What ever happened to once your here your free?,,,South American worker's,,,work harder than any other so called american's I seen to date. Me included,,,What about refugee's that tax payer's support from bosnia,etc...That's OK?,,,All these so called people bitching about the Law's are the same people employing them as worker's 'Big Bussiness",,,What are you "Rupublican's",,,try to say? You no espaniol?
Now go and read the OP and tell me why they are so bad and how they have affected you personally

I did read the OP and I answered it in my first post. They could be the greatest gift this country has ever known, and yup, they have to go. Illegal is illegal, 18 year wait, tough shit. Plenty of more "enlightened" countries that our progressive friends on RIU like to hold up, wouldn't tolerate their presence at all and have far stricter immigration laws and they actually enforce them.

How have they affected me personally? Hmmm, other than being an affront to everything I hold sacred about this sovereign country of ours, they haven't affected me personally at all. And they need to go for that very reason. That and the fact they are here ILLEGALLY.

And the part of the Boortz plan that makes it so much more effective, is the ability for anyone INCLUDING the illegal working for the employer to collect the $25,000 reward. We aren't doing anything like that, which is why it isn't effective.