Immigration Reform

Shall I post this again?
Sure post it over and over again.
Tell me again how Congress is not part of the federal goverment

The federal government of the United States is the national government of the constitutional republic of fifty states that is the United States of America. The federal government comprises three distinct branches of government: a legislative, an executive and a judiciary. These branches and their various powers are delineated in the U.S. Constitution; the powers are specified in greater detail in laws enacted by Congress.
Sure post it over and over again.
Tell me again how Congress is not part of the federal goverment

The federal government of the United States is the national government of the constitutional republic of fifty states that is the United States of America. The federal government comprises three distinct branches of government: a legislative, an executive and a judiciary. These branches and their various powers are delineated in the U.S. Constitution; the powers are specified in greater detail in laws enacted by Congress.

You just proved my point, thanks.
How so
Please enlighten me
You yourself just posted the evidence that the FEDERAL government is Comprised of three SEPARATE branches. You say its the Federal Government that controls immigration laws, which would mean it was executive, legislative and judicial, but it has already been proven beyond any standard of evidence that only the Legislative branch controls the laws concerning Immigration and the judicial and the executive have no such authority. You are not able to discern this nuance?
Oh so if I'm not all over Ron Paul's nuts all the sudden its a personal attack

You called another member a snitch. That would fall under personal attack and name calling imo. i know nothing about the accusation or why/where it came from but that was inappropriate.
OMG are you 5 years old? this is a weed grow sight, not a day care center. This is about Ron Paul. you know it. his poll #s are slippin so now you come on here all bitter high and mighty to boss people around. How does being a mod make you tuff? lol
hey munch, there's new mods in the building and you have been acting in a way that's kinds disruptive to the board.

it's one thing if you name call once in a blue moon, or name call in a humorous manner...

you have come in here thinking you can just start bitching at people and snapping at people well no. we're not gonna let that fly.... we seem to have pretty passionate discussions about politics but we get along.

you seem to not want to get along.. stop it.
This is about Ron Paul. you know it. his poll #s are slippin so now you come on here all bitter high and mighty to boss people around. You want me to start saying nice things about Ron Paul I will. But I think its fake how in order for people to stay they need to agree with everything you say
OMG are you 5 years old? this is a weed grow sight, not a day care center. This is about Ron Paul. you know it. his poll #s are slippin so now you come on here all bitter high and mighty to boss people around. How does being a mod make you tuff? lol

The only way i even KNEW i was a mod was when i got an email that another member had reported the post.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Ron Paul nor your contempt for the only candidate that represents something other than war, big government, loss of liberty, real economic sense (did you know that his personal portfolio is absolutely AMAZING over the last ten years? While everyone else took huge losses, he actually gained very well. And then voted against raising the debt ceiling which would've demolished his own portfolio but he put his PERSONAL life and wishes aside to do what is best for our country.), and an exemplary record of not flip-flopping and of keeping his word.

It was simply a rule violation. And then you wonder out loud if i'm 5 after throwing out the childish(read 5 years old) insult?
how is that not snitching? you just confirmed what I already knew was true. you have 2 conflicting statements, 2 posts in a row. back to back.

If you were calling him a snitch for reporting a post of yours then that should be specified imo. Had it been i would not have deleted it. On a pot forum, "snitch" generally denotes someone working in concert with leo and to make that accusation with no proof to back it is not acceptable here and downright dangerous in real life.
If you were calling him a snitch for reporting a post of yours then that should be specified imo. Had it been i would not have deleted it. On a pot forum, "snitch" generally denotes someone working in concert with leo and to make that accusation with no proof to back it is not acceptable here and downright dangerous in real life.
im pretty sure i seen many people banned for less than his performance today
If you were calling him a snitch for reporting a post of yours then that should be specified imo. Had it been i would not have deleted it. On a pot forum, "snitch" generally denotes someone working in concert with leo and to make that accusation with no proof to back it is not acceptable here and downright dangerous in real life.

Leo? In real life, there would be no talking about it, snitched just get dealt with point blank..... we are not even talking about growing weed. Its not even illegal for me under state law. so why would I be refering to that? this is a political forum