Immigration will eventually destroy the United States

america as we now know it, is a country full of immigrants built buy immigrants.

no white or black person in america is really american.just like no white person in australia is really australian.and its a disgrace that very few,(if any) native ppls are in goverment in those countrys.

and its a disgrace they are treated like 3rd class citizens in their own countrys.
america as we now know it, is a country full of immigrants built buy immigrants.

no white or black person in america is really american.just like no white person in australia is really australian.and its a disgrace that very few,(if any) native ppls are in goverment in those countrys.

and its a disgrace they are treated like 3rd class citizens in their own countrys.

What about people who were born in Australia? I'm pretty sure they are native to Australia, it doesn't matter if they are polynesian or of european descent. Same as North America, South America, or any other land/country.
no need to worry, if the POLITICIANS have their way their wont be anyone who even wants to come here anymore, all the jobs will all be elsewhere and we will be the illegals trying to find jobs in another country.
I had to correct your statement. Anyone who thinks its the fault of one particular party and not the other hasn't been paying much attention.
American currency is " cannabis seeds " an " ammo rifle an handgun " an maybe " gold " welcome to the new world order ! If america will stop sending forigen aide to countrys an help america first ! this kinda of shit wouldnt be happening ! Decrimnalize Marijuana aka Cannabis ! do not let the government tax marijuana this would only make them more money hungry ! God doesnt want his beloved " forbidden fruit " taxed !
America spends less on foreign aid per capita than any developed county in the world. Total Foreign aid is equal to 30 billion dollars, which is what the USA government spends on itself in 2 days. In order to Help all Americans and get all of them out of trouble will take 34,000 years if you are doing it 30 billion at a time. Our foreign aid is but a tiny drop in the bucket.
This country would be Beautiful if they had attacked them as soon as they landed. if throughout the Americas they had prevented invasion and colonazation they would have been better off. just like Americans today would be better off if we stopped allowing immigration and imported goods
American Indians had bows and arrows, Europeans had firearms , but the biggest killer of them all, by far was small pox. Biological Warfare at its finest. We might have shot 50,000 Indians, but the pox killed 11 million.
The only ones that should be complaining are the "native americans"...they got screwed long b4 anyone else and still getting screwed too this day...i am glad to see them owning casinos and doing well they deserve it..besides "those dudes can grow weed like nobody else!.."
Its interesting, most of the casino's are privately owned on reserve land, and the rest are federal in canada.

I don't know what the situation is down their, the gov probably doesn't run any, but I would imagine quite a number of the casion's on reserve land are also privately owned ie not being distributed to the community on the reserve.

Just another form of greediness precipitated by displaced emotions.

EDIT: Also another unjustified stereotype imposed on these people.

Its interesting, most of the casino's are privately owned on reserve land, and the rest are federal in canada.

I don't know what the situation is down their, the gov probably doesn't run any, but I would imagine quite a number of the casion's on reserve land are also privately owned ie not being distributed to the community on the reserve.

Just another form of greediness precipitated by displaced emotions.

EDIT: Also another unjustified stereotype imposed on these people.


Actually they are owned by the tribes since tribal reserves are considered sovereign nations. The money casinos make go towards the community as a whole. Education, health, financial aid, electricity, water, gas. things a lot of people on the reservations that they wouldn't and don't normally have. They may be "privately owned" but they are privately owned by the tribes.
The only ones that should be complaining are the "native americans"...they got screwed long b4 anyone else and still getting screwed too this day...i am glad to see them owning casinos and doing well they deserve it..besides "those dudes can grow weed like nobody else!.."

have you ever been to an Indian Casino? do you even know who fronted the money for them to build the casino's and still gain a major share of the profits? I go into an Indian casino and all i see is every other race of people working there but the race who its " helping " You get 5 wealthy Indians while the rest stay and live below poverty. did you also know good ol Trump owne's a major stake in 6 of California's biggest Casino's? People think just because they are called an " Indian Casino " that all the Indians of that tribe become rich and get pay check that is far from the truth! Im so happy you like to see the Casinos but you might want to see where the profits go because the loop hole that they fall under are still keeping the rich rich and the poor poor. another words its the American way. i do agree they are still getting screwed
I don't think you did very well in history.
Hell i have been out of school for 25 years now and know they came over bye land bridges.
why do immigrants move to america? because it offers a better life, despite only being allowed to come over (anymore) because business owners like cheap labour.
you could say its because people want cheaper goods and then you could say that immigrants are the peoples fault, for not wanting to work at slavewages, but if they did work at slavewages, then they couldnt afford to buy as many goods,ending up with businesses collapsing so shopowners hire nearslaves instead, which is taking the jobs away from everyone and therefore people cant afford to buy as much and businesses are collapsing or moving abroad.

so basically immigrants are coming over because people want lots of cheap stuff and business owners want lots of expensive stuff.

so basically greed is collapsing the economy.

funny shit. but anyone with some growing skills, knowledge of animals (food) and some building skills (shelter) has lost nothing.
Its not about how they get here or why they are here. Its about what they do once here. There are pro's and cons on both sides of the fence. There are useless ass people from all walks of life no matter what their color, religion and ethnic background. So i feel to make this country better do what England did and send all the rejects to a big island someplace, it could be our own Australia. This country is going down hill because we are LAZY our factory jobs are going over sea's because we are greedy the blame shouldn't be put on any one political party but everyone of us American's should take part of the blame. We made the price of a house cost 300k-1 million more then the fucker is even worth. We made it so company's have to pay 20-40$ an hour to get employee's to work for them. American Greed is what is going to kill this country if you dont think this is true sit down with your grandparents or parents and ask them what things cost 50 years ago then look at the price now then think what it will be like in 50 more years. Greed = Profit

The part about sending rejects away kinda boils my oil. Who is going to do the deciding about who is a reject and who is not. This sounds like a communist plot, maybe the Gulags first, eh? I do agree about the greed though, from low to high end, there is no difference, they are all greedy. in fact, greed is the bane of mankind. Untill man can limit himself to parity with all other humans, this planet will be in a state of chaos. Carl Marx said a few years back, "Man will not be ready for socialism for at least 200 years". With all the viewpoints I see here on RIU, I'd say never is closer to the truth. BTW old reefer, I have some native American blood in me, don't make me all that special, but I definently have compassion for the plight of what's left of the decimated American Indian culture
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Honestly I don't think 200 years is long enough. I truly believe that it will take a horrendous tragedy to get mankind in the right direction. And even if something like that happens, it's only a matter of time before greed takes over again and the cycle starts all over again.

You look at 911. A country united, right? How long did that last? Couple of weeks? I can't imagine what would need to happen to unite the entire world for more than a year. But it needs to happen. It will happen. Meteor... Plague... Mutually assured destruction via nuclear weapons? One can dream...
The part about sending rejects away kinda boils my oil. Who is going to do the deciding about who is a reject and who is not. This sounds like a communist plot,

Rejects = child molester, murders, Rapist's, repeat offenders of Violent crimes. people who have been sitting on death row. people who cant cope with living in a civilized community... i guess to sum it up, people who offer have NOTHING to offer the world. oh and dont forget catholic priest's but that mite just fall under child molesters. haha
u ppl are retarded borders aint shit its one of those things created to start drama i dont believe in borders just like i dont believe in race
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"u ppl are retarded borders aint shit its one of those things created to start drama i dont believe in borders just like i dont believe in race"

Being concerned about the effect that explosive, out-of-control population growth is having on the U.S.makes us retards? When was the last time you looked in the mirror?:
"u ppl are retarded borders aint shit its one of those things created to start drama i dont believe in borders just like i dont believe in race"

Being concerned about the effect that explosive, out-of-control population growth is having on the U.S.makes us retards? When was the last time you looked in the mirror?:

being concerned with over-inflated and at times contradictory information concerning immigration is retarded.

the only real effect of immigration is that it makes the local population more diverse....

look at the real problem in this nation: the gap between the rich and the not rich has grown bigger and bigger for the last several years. less people (both real and legal as in companies) control more and more money and it's not what's best for the country.