

on my third grow. my first grow netted me 23 Oz from 7 plants, my second wasnt so successful. This time round I estimate I have about 2 maybe 3 weeks tops til harvest. Been using canna a+b in soil/pellet as well as molasses and big bud. Room temp with 2X400 wt lights is usually about 32-34c. I have a carbon filter piping hot air out into the adjoining cellar room. I have a fan over a febreze bucket but no intake.

My buds dont seem to be real fat or dense, once dry they seem to be a bit airy and smell like run of the mill homegrow, despite the farm stinking to high heaven.

How important is cool air intake? for my next grow I plant o have only 4 plants, but want to lst/top them to pieces. Please someone reply/post an image for me, Im a docile, bone idle stoner!


I can post pics if desired.


Well-Known Member
My buds dont seem to be real fat or dense, once dry they seem to be a bit airy and smell like run of the mill homegrow, despite the farm stinking to high heaven.
Drying is only the first step after harvesting. Curing is much more important, that's where the "aroma" comes from. There is a whole forum dedicated to "Harvesting and Curing". Look in the "Grow Room", about 10 forums down.

How important is cool air intake?
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking - fresh air intake is vital to the plants survival! If your first grow was that successful, you must be doing something right in the ventilation department!



Well-Known Member
there are literally hundreds of factors here

we're just not going to be able to help you much on what you've given us. you know?

make sure you are 199% on drying and curing, and if your buds are airy then something isn't dialled in right.


well I have a 2.5x5.5x7ft [wxhxl] box room which we constructed against the wall in my cellar/basement. It is well concealed and the cubby hole/door in is sealed with 2 screws that are unscrewed everytime I water and screwed back in after. I have no intake fan, I occasionally leave the door off to allow fresh air in, but other than that and the rotary fan that circulates air, I have NO fresh air in. Of course I have an outlet hole where the tubing from the carbon filter pumps the scrubbed air. I have been doing my grows in conjunction with a friend who has shown me the way [we split the yield 50/50], but after this harvest the next grows are ALL mine. I think he just hopes for the best, he says he has never had an inlet, but I beg to differ, from what I have read up on it, fresh air intake is vital, tbh I'm surprised we have been successful at all.

I will post some pics for ya'll


Active Member
IMO fresh air is very vital unless your running an CO2 system. Think of it as with no fresh air intake were is the new fresh air/oxygen going to come from??








next grow I am going to invest in an in-take fan, probably put it at the bottom next to the entrance. I have been waaay lucky for the last 3 grows then!? with no fresh air inlet, I knew I needed one but the other guy reckons he knows best!!

as you see from the pics this is a fairly small operation, but I want to get the best in what I produce. Next time Im only having 4 plants, short fat boys, trained from the first set of leaves to be low riders, lst and topped up to f*ck!


Active Member
Looks like you have yourself a nice little setup. My worry would be from the looks watch out for mold/mildew aka being in a cellur. Also what size of exhaust fan are you running. You can actually bypass an intake fan if your exhaust fan is big enough to do an air exchange per calculations but your exhaust fan is big enough to pull in fresh air through a hole you make in a wall and just put a filter on it and a fan infront of the hole. You would really be surprised how strong an exhaust fan can be with a little help. Hope this makes sense.


yeah im on constant bud rot check, first grow I lost a massive cola, not happening again on my watch!! its a great setup indeed, you dont even know its there. as for the size of the fan, Im ot sure tbh. cheers for the info m8


Active Member
No problem you can get a cheap inline fine off amazon for about $30 connect it to a filter and you have a cheap intake for under $100 good luck