In the shower- AGAIN!


Well-Known Member
Hey people. Its been a while since my last grow journal on here. You might remember it- was the name of the journal.
Here's a pic - I harvested on none other than 420!!!!!!....

That was earlier this year. Out of the 4 plants I had, only ONE was a female! Bad luck for me! It smoked goooood though, but I managed to demolish my batch in a month. Stoned times :hump:

Anyway, it's time for a new grow, new journal. I bought some MISTY strain seeds. Not EARLY Misty. Just Misty. Dunno what the difference is, but I'm sure it'll knock my bollox off!

I planted them around the 18th May. Here's the first pic - they're ickle seedlings....


Well-Known Member
So, that (photo above) was taken on the 22nd May. Here's a pic from today, the 7th June...

I'm sorry it's a large photo, but I'd like to pick your brain(s)! The plant closest to the camera on the right is a little off-colour. The leaves are wrinkly and have an almost purple colour to the veins in the leaves. It has been treated just the same as the others but it's a bit odd. The colour of the leaves is darker too- darker than the others. Any idea why?


Well-Known Member
Incidentally, it's quite a surprise how different each strain is. The leaves on these Misty plants are a lot thicker and rougher than the random bag-seed plants I grew before. Almost like salad leaves.


Well-Known Member
Oh, another thing that I've noticed; the plant STINKS already! The random bagseed plants only started to really smell when they were flowering. These are still in early veg stage and stink of sweatyness!!! It's gonna be great!

I'm still unsure as to why the front right plant is as wrinkly as a scrotum though!


Well-Known Member
Here's a photo of the set-up in the shower cubicle, just to give you an idea. It's a good space to grow. Waterproof floor and discreet. There's no moisture trouble - it's not used and hasn't been for years. The shower head is bagged up and it's all grooooovy



Well-Known Member
A while ago a mate of mine gave me a lamp. I've been asking in another forum here what kind of lamp it is. Methinks it's sodium.

Here's some pics. It's fookin' bright! I'm only gonna put it on when they're flowering and I'll rotate the plants around so that they all benefit from it. I've put a fan on to keep the temperature down.



Active Member
Incidentally, it's quite a surprise how different each strain is. The leaves on these Misty plants are a lot thicker and rougher than the random bag-seed plants I grew before. Almost like salad leaves.
that would probably be sativa and indica
i had that happen too but both with bag sead then i looked it up.

and the light i'm unable to tell but if you were using it in those photo's id say HPS because of the orange tint and the waves


Well-Known Member
that would probably be sativa and indica
i had that happen too but both with bag sead then i looked it up.

and the light i'm unable to tell but if you were using it in those photo's id say HPS because of the orange tint and the waves

lol at your avatar


Well-Known Member
I took peoples advise in another forum on here and rigged up my HPS lamp over the tops of my babies.

The light is vastly different from the Envirolite CFL's I was using. I only did it just now, so haven't seen any benefit, but am led to believe that it'll make a big difference.

I planted the plants off-center in the pots so that they could all get some of the CFL action. Now that I have the sodium lamp set up, I've moved them around so they're not all bunched together. I can really see where the foliage has suffered from being bunched together.

The Sodium lamp seems to penetrate the foliage more than the CFL's. There aren't as many patches in shade- all the leaves seem to be swamped with glorious light! I think they'll be happier =)

Here's a pic I just took. I'll take another when I finish work at 10 tonight and compare...



Well-Known Member
I've kept the fan on cool and the temperature is a steady 26 degs. I was worried about it overheating but the lamp doesn't seem to be discharging that much heat. Happy days. I'm interested to see how these plants progress now with the lamp change. I'll keep you posted.

Again, comments are welcome in my journals.



New Member
Very lovely grow you have.

I gotta ask you ????

Are you male or female?

Just curious:roll:
that would probably be sativa and indica
i had that happen too but both with bag sead then i looked it up.

and the light i'm unable to tell but if you were using it in those photo's id say HPS because of the orange tint and the waves


New Member
Well yes a Sodium lamp kicks ass compared to the cfls.
I am curious as to why you had plastic over them.
Also is that tinfoil you have around them or something else?


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacy! I'm a bloke. Last time I checked, that is! Oh, and if you mean the plants and not me, I don't know yet- they're still in veg stage!

The walls of the shower cubicle have been covered originally in tin foil, which I later found was no good (causes heat spots and doesn't reflect very well). I then got some sheets of wood and wrapped them (badly!) in shiny silver wrapping paper- like mylar.

There isn't any plastic over them- I guess it's the wrapped wooden boards you see in the pic. They certainly aren't 'over' the plants =)

Thanks Lacy!


Well-Known Member
Here's a photo showing the difference over a 6 hour time period using a new sodium lamp (vs CFL) has made.
I'd like to hear your comments - they're always welcome =)



Well-Known Member
Yeah mate - that's the total runt of the litter. Fuck knows why it's so shit - it has been treated exactly the same as the others. I guess it's just a dud seed. It'll be interesting to see how it progresses anyway, especially with this new light.