Inda-Grow + Aquamist SoG + Vert ScroG


Active Member

Sorry about the vanishing, shit's been crazy. My keyboard broke, and was less of a priority than medical bills, blah blah blah. And, I've been busy trying to reassess my own core value of feminism - sorry, when you put free birth control before disparity IN LAW suffered by men, you're no longer fighting for equality, you're fighting for supremacy.

Oh the betrayal, fuck feminism, egalitarianism nigga.

Anyway, things have been going fairly smoothly, the vortex brewer has been performing ridiculously well, and I got a couple cuts going for mothers at the moment. Most things are getting top-harvested any day now, however the Tangerine Dream still looks a ways off - fat buds, but they look like they have a good deal more fattening to do. I'm going to chop the tops to allow for better light to the lower buds so they have a chance to mature a bit as well. It looks like even with the two part harvest, the Tangerine Dream will still be going, so next cycle I'll probably just throw 32 in the other side... we'll see as it goes though.

Super Lemon Haze looks awesome.
Tangerine Dream looks slow but awesome.
Acapulco Gold looks awesome.
Not sure which is Chocolope or Pineapple Chunk, honestly, random mislabeled plants, one of them looks awesome, the other looks like Jack Skellington transformed into weed, but there's only two of those, and they still look pretty good, just had a bit too much nitrogen (needed as the rest of the plants wanted more, cull the weak, etc.).

EDIT: Nothing ever looks as good in pictures... ho hum. :(

Concerning light:
Nothing is going to replicate the sun, nothing. Induction lights are your best option in a hot climate though, IMO. If it were not for the high initial cost, I would say they are simply the best, given the 100,000 hour life/warranty. That said, shut it with the talk about mixing light sources, blah blah blah, there are way more environmental factors which will give you equal benefit (not a fuck load) at a much lower cost, while preventing other problems from creeping up on you. If you can deal with the heat of HPS, cool. If you can deal with the initial cost of induction, cool. If you get stuck with T-5s, guess what, that's cool too! It's not just the light source, but what you do with it, and how it fits in with the rest of your equipment.

For example, I had an aquarium with T-8 lighting, it worked fine but the plants were growing very slowly, so I went and got a better HO T-5 lamp... ALGAE EXPLOSION! I had not taken into account the about of silica in the water, as well as a few other things. A grow isn't too much different, things need to be in balance; I knew someone who could pull more with CFLs than another who had LEDs (fucking nice ones too) shoulder deep in her ass.

It's not about what you have, it's what you do with it - hurrdurr, penis size, but more often than not this is the case; I'm sure all of you have known someone who had an expensive mountain bike, but but crashed into trees; or, that broke nigga whose talent was always a slap in the face.

Anyway, here's some orgy porn:



Well-Known Member
Well shit looks like everything is okay in your world^^^^........nice pics and big fat bitches too......enjoy that great smoke coming to you....


Active Member
Well shit looks like everything is okay in your world^^^^........nice pics and big fat bitches too......enjoy that great smoke coming to you....
Don't count your eggs until they hatch, etc, etc... I'm loving how things look, but trying to avoid it, as you can never be disappointed without prior expectations.

Thinking about doing Super Silver Haze next go round, not quite sure, any SoG strain suggestions? I'm gonna try and get either the SLH cuts or the Acapulco Gold into the next vertical (should have had two in veg and ready for swap, I suck, moving on) as they both have a LOT of bud sites spread across a heavily branching structure - both should be stupid when topped and ScroGed.


Active Member
Two 420W over the SoG, and one 400W mostly sideways for the vert was how things started, however the SLH and TD got WAY too tall, super cropped, and rehung the vert light horizontal so it would benefit them as well - so 1,240W in a 4x8 tent?

EDIT: In the future I would like to get another of these aero systems, and place the 400W light in the middle (so the extra red is more evenly distributed) and just do one huge SoG, but medical bills come first.


Active Member
Next cycle should be sexier, this was my first time with sativas and I have a laundry list of things I wish I had done differently. I think my big discoveries this cycle were the evolution of my tea process, and that Super Thrive B-1 (red, recommended over the organic one) is awesome. Clones rooting in 3-4 days, stretch all but prevented (didn't spray SLH/TD as they were doing "fine"), I mean seriously, great product, but be aware of how it works... I ended up with a canopy much more dense than I would have liked due to expecting stretch and having it never happen, and I've since suffered a lot of lower growth die off, as virtually no light gets to the bottom of the plants.

I suppose next time when I use it, I will know what I'm dealing with, but this time I found myself looking quizzically at my babies and hoping they would stretch more (loose canopy = better penetration).

EDIT: And, I don't think Acapulco Gold is really suited for SoG in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Next cycle should be sexier, this was my first time with sativas and I have a laundry list of things I wish I had done differently. I think my big discoveries this cycle were the evolution of my tea process, and that Super Thrive B-1 (red, recommended over the organic one) is awesome. Clones rooting in 3-4 days, stretch all but prevented (didn't spray SLH/TD as they were doing "fine"), I mean seriously, great product, but be aware of how it works... I ended up with a canopy much more dense than I would have liked due to expecting stretch and having it never happen, and I've since suffered a lot of lower growth die off, as virtually no light gets to the bottom of the plants.

I suppose next time when I use it, I will know what I'm dealing with, but this time I found myself looking quizzically at my babies and hoping they would stretch more (loose canopy = better penetration).

EDIT: And, I don't think Acapulco Gold is really suited for SoG in the first place.
You speak of superthrive? lol is it a new version dude? i have an old superthrive black liquid.. yeh would have thought acapulco gold wouldnt have been the best candidate big sativa like that! will your plants be finished faster than normal any increase in speed?


Active Member
You speak of superthrive? lol is it a new version dude? i have an old superthrive black liquid.. yeh would have thought acapulco gold wouldnt have been the best candidate big sativa like that! will your plants be finished faster than normal any increase in speed?
Sorry, Thrive Alive B-1, red is the label, the organic one is another color.
I've never used Super Thrive, but everyone I know who is a plant fanatic says it's bunk.
EDIT: Oops, forgot, probably not done any earlier (seems to me) but prevents stretch, and oh god dem roots.


Active Member
Trichomes are only part of the big picture of "ripe," so it depends on the strain. Trichomes are produced and die off with a fair about of regularity as they exist to protect the plant from the sun - you'll find clear, white, and brown trichomes throughout the life of the plant. THC et al are produced to protect the plant from light, light kills them, more is produced. So trichomes play a roll, but so do "hairs" and other new growth, as well as the PH fluctuation caused by the plant flushing itself, foliar die off, etc... All pieces of the puzzle, all different for each strain.


Active Member
Trichomes are only part of the big picture of "ripe," so it depends on the strain. Trichomes are produced and die off with a fair about of regularity as they exist to protect the plant from the sun - you'll find clear, white, and brown trichomes throughout the life of the plant. THC et al are produced to protect the plant from light, light kills them, more is produced. So trichomes play a roll, but so do "hairs" and other new growth, as well as the PH fluctuation caused by the plant flushing itself, foliar die off, etc... All pieces of the puzzle, all different for each strain.
Sorry, this was a shitty explanation, but I'm still figuring it out myself... I believe that perfect point of harvest has more to do with the flavor than the experience, but to me the taste is 50% of the show. These days nearly any strain will put you in orbit or make you impersonate Superman - paralyzed from the neck down. This SLH doesn't have the OMG WHAT IS THIS LEMON HEADS that my first/last experience with it had, but things change as it dries, so we'll see!

Tomorrow nigga, chop chop, I'll try to get some porn shots, but I go at it like a watch maker so the ability to use a camera is not often available.


Active Member
Oh, this is a website again?!
How did it all finish up?? cheers bibbles!
I'm still harvesting, the T Dream isn't ready yet, and the rest is just too dense. You've heard about a two part harvest? I'm on round three now, and round four is a certainty. It's very literally like a jungle in there, plants intertwining and such.

Super Lemon Haze:
The SLH in the SoG turned out perfect, the plants in the vertical did not do quite as well, but also fantastic. Very lemony in scent and taste, intense head high, uplifting, energetic, etc. Biggest nug, 4g.

Bad news, one plant died a few days before harvest, and the other was pretty well fucked too. These plants suffered nitrogen tox for most of the grow due to other plants being hungry for it, and there being only two of these. I premature plant was a great smoke, cocoa coming through in scent and flavor, and still quite potent.

Acapulco Gold:
Holy shit, damn near everyone has called this the best sativa they've ever smoked. It's a bit of a creeper, on the test I smoked a bowl, and started to worry it came out shitty, started to load another and it hit me. Super intense head high, feels like someone is massaging your face, uplifting but heavy as shit, content to go for a run or to sit on the couch, brought on yawning as well. Biggest nug, 7g.

Pineapple Chunk:
It hits your before you exhale, and I'm not one to hold hits. It's a pure body high, and everything just feels... smooth. Very potent, and looks like it should be a very heavy yielder if not mixed in with other stuff. Biggest big, 5.4g.

Tangerine Dream:
No smoke report yet, but it looks like a god damn dildo tree, and cannot support itself whatsoever anymore. Easily going to be the heaviest yielder, but we'll have to wait and see if it was worth it.


Well-Known Member
And what ya reckon of those inda-gro's man?? fair keen to find out whether you will grow with em again or not???


Active Member
And what ya reckon of those inda-gro's man?? fair keen to find out whether you will grow with em again or not???
Definitely gonna keep running them, trichomes on most are dense enough to obscure the plant material, and they are longer and more bulbus than they usually are. Temps stayed tight despite hot days, and the days are only gonna get hotter now. The extra red spectrum in the 420W seemed noticeable, but I had issues with the vert so I won't be definitive on that, but they're much lighter and better suited for a tent for sure. There was much denser growth than I ever experienced with HPS, and I would say that the lack in my yield (only 2.5lbs), was due to my new experience with the strains and B-1 supplements... in the future I'll keep a closer eye on growth and trim accordingly... maybe two layers of trellis just in case.

EDIT: I let some of the lower bits on the SLH vert run longer in the dark than I should have... but let me tell you... touching them and then anything else felt like I'd been trying to use my fingers with oil or some really sticky hash... after just a soft touch.


Well-Known Member
fuck yeh bibbles mighty glad to hear your gonna keep going with em! im keen as on buying a couple of 420's for a tent damn she's gonna be nice not buying bulbs all the time!


Active Member
fuck yeh bibbles mighty glad to hear your gonna keep going with em! im keen as on buying a couple of 420's for a tent damn she's gonna be nice not buying bulbs all the time!
In my climate they are the best option, I feel that in cooler climates it's probably going to be a toss up between these and HPS? That said, I've seen evidence the other way showing that these were better, 'less you're in a place cool enough to benefit from the extra heat.

I'll be cutting down the Tangerine Dream tonight/tomorrow I believe? The bottom of the colas looks mature, but the tops are still growing; however, my neighbor keeps "spilling" water in his bathroom, which leaks through the ceiling of mine, and thusly through the floor, and into the parking garage. I quote spilling because quite frankly the quantity couldn't be accidental unless one lacked even basic knowledge of how a shower works. His wife said she leaned all the way up against the wall and stuff to avoid spills... the only thing I can think of is that their curtain is on the outside of the tub? But seriously, come the fuck on, basic knowledge to put it on the inside! Maybe a pretty cloth one on the outside if you have a vagina, or your life is run by one, but the plastic goes on the inside.

Anyway, after collecting two gallons from the ceiling today, taking note of swelling in the ceiling and walls, and coming down to my car to see a huge puddle and the maintenance guy... I decided enough is enough. The ceiling has collapsed in there once before, and the toilet paper holder just FELL out of the wall today, due to the extent of the water damage. I'm going to wrap up this cycle, and get that shit fixed, which will give me extra time to clean the shit out of everything, and not leave me in the middle of next cycle with the very next room being redone... which would just being asking for trouble, legal or not.

I'll try to post some pictures or something later, I went down to the car to go get a sandwich, and after talking with Mr. FixIt, came home with a six pack of champagne and some tacos, dunno if he's coming by, so waiting till later to see if I'm sober enough to trim (should be fine, just slow, but trimming should be easy, the Tangerine is a fucking dildo tree).


Anyway, expect a (drunken) update later tonight; the maintenance Mexican won't be by after the next 45 minutes or so, but there are a shit load of other Mexicans around doing yard work stuff, and while I have a negative pressure throughout my entire apartment, best not to risk it... and I have a porn star coming by in a bit, so... trimming is getting pushed back. The Pineapple Chunk has all been chopped, lots of lower Acapulco to come down, couple Chocolope, and the big three, so... we'll see how it goes.

Q: How does being a grower get you porn star booty? (Hey, certified to be on birth control and STD free? Can't hate.)
A: It doesn't, acting like Scar Face get's you slapped, shot, and maybe a couple chubby bitches who pencil on their eye brows.

Swag isn't the answer either; it's having depth of knowledge, and unyielding morality and conviction; but, willingness to listen to others, even if you end up telling them why they are wrong. It's being a good person, not a nice person.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha.............funny shit man.............great strains and good info too...........And yes I would still use a condom.........bitches lie


Active Member
Ha ha.............funny shit man.............great strains and good info too...........And yes I would still use a condom.........bitches lie
I requested an official copy of results to boot, ain't no half steppin'.
Honestly though, I feel at this point in time an all out ban of the birth control pill would be a benefit - hang the fuck on - there are people who need it for hormonal issues other than contraception, but for both exist the patch, nuvaring, implant, and IUD (not to mention other non-hormonal options)... all of which have evidence of having been used (the shot is like the pill, no evidence). That, or if she lies about birth control, she should charged with rape via sex under false pretense... something men have dealt with for lying about a job, or how much they make, let alone something like legal indentured servitude for 18 years.
Banning abortion would sort of give men and women equal reproductive rights, but I think the best option is giving the man the option of disowning an unborn child during the same term in which a woman can choose to have an abortion; this way, both have equal opportunity to make an equally well informed choice - I get that losing an unborn child might hurt the man who wanted to keep it, but this is the best solution I've been able to come up with, forcing an unwilling woman through pregnancy seems the flip side, and that seems worse...