Indicas are an abomination to the cannabis world

Why is this thread still going it was just a troll and he abandoned his own thread on like the third page -___-
Troll pages like these get thousands of views and actual useful information gets a fraction of the attention I just posted a huge thread of useful information. If you want something to read and troll at least go read my useful thread or someone elses stop feeding trolls!and post on something that is actually educating you while you are having a conversation.

RIU is full of people that feed troll posts
What would Jesus smoke? Would Jesus smoke a indica and get lethargic or would he smoke a sativa and get busy?
What would Jesus smoke? Would Jesus smoke a indica and get lethargic or would he smoke a sativa and get busy?

He would drop some psilocyb Mushrooms on a pizza, Smoke a fat bowl of GODLY weed, Eat the pizza, drop some acid in his eye balls, rack up some killer lines of coke, snort it, then start creating the universe
He would drop some psilocyb Mushrooms on a pizza, Smoke a fat bowl of GODLY weed, Eat the pizza, drop some acid in his eye balls, rack up some killer lines of coke, snort it, then start creating the universe

Pretty sure you're just destroying your brain, not creating a universe...
He would drop some psilocyb Mushrooms on a pizza, Smoke a fat bowl of GODLY weed, Eat the pizza, drop some acid in his eye balls, rack up some killer lines of coke, snort it, then start creating the universe

That was my Friday nights 12 years ago. But you forgot the ice cold keg in the living room.
thats not exactly true im a true smoking connoisseur but i still enjoy some jack the ripper, or jack herer shit that tastes like turqoise pack of skittles and still packs that indica punch, you have to broaden your horizens my friend

I agree, they do need to broaden their horizons. Smoke it all, single out the strains you don't like. Don't single out sativa or indica because you had a poor representation of one, one time. That would be dumb.
What would Jesus smoke? Would Jesus smoke a indica and get lethargic or would he smoke a sativa and get busy?

he'd use nice fat indica leaves to make a blunt wrap and mix indica and sativa bud and hash for a nice fat tabaco free blunt.:bigjoint:
If i had enough of em id use big indica buds as a sponge to wash with in the shower! then id eat it! Indica's are awesome for everything!~
Blunts aren't blunts without tobacco, that would be a joint, no matter the size.

no that would be a blunt a joint uses processed paper really processed tobacco papers are more joints than blunts.

but personally it think the fact that using a leaf to wrap makes it blunt... although i think the terms are just relative to size therefore a big joint is a blunt.
no that would be a blunt a joint uses processed paper really processed tobacco papers are more joints than blunts.

but personally it think the fact that using a leaf to wrap makes it blunt... although i think the terms are just relative to size therefore a big joint is a blunt.

I think at that point you'd have to refer to it as a cigar. If you were to mention smoking a blunt, someone would think you're talking about one with a blunt wrap of tobacco, once you showed it to your friend he'd prolly say, "this isn't a blunt bro, this is something way more fucking amazing" then give it a funny ass name for it. Like a jeffry, that one is taken though.
what happened to smoking just a plain ass big ole joint?

I used to smoke plain ole joints, then my mom got a job. Hahaha, i'm just messin with you. I used to smoke only joints, then only pipes, then only bongs, now I smoke spliffs and out of my vape. So we just move on to better things.
I think at that point you'd have to refer to it as a cigar. If you were to mention smoking a blunt, someone would think you're talking about one with a blunt wrap of tobacco, once you showed it to your friend he'd prolly say, "this isn't a blunt bro, this is something way more fucking amazing" then give it a funny ass name for it. Like a jeffry, that one is taken though.

i died laughing when i found out what a "Jeffery" was a few weeks ago.