Indoor and outdoor perpetual harvests with seeds and clones


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the move is for sure... what is the best way to move them???? Some one is coming to look at this house in the next two days, and I am broke! So we can't afford a uhaul or anything.... HELP!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the move is for sure... what is the best way to move them???? Some one is coming to look at this house in the next two days, and I am broke! So we can't afford a uhaul or anything.... HELP!
fuck man...havent heard from you in a few days...hope the move turned out okay and the girls are okay...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey your outdoor grow is awesome.

im on my first indoor grow as well and it was a slow rocky start. but stay small and expand slowly.

if indoor growing was easy, everyone would be doing it.

lots of luck, and for a larf check out my grows.


Well-Known Member
well..... the move.... out of the city finally! Had to put them in the back of the truck, laid down in the bed with sheets over them, and furniture as a wind barrier. The actual transport went great, but there are like 30-50 mile an hour winds up here, for the first four or five days it tore the shit out of them! I got netting and plastic set up now, helps block out the wind. Their growth was stunted, they had their pots under the ground where they used to be, where they go lots of oxygen and no light. The roots were growing out of the pots like a foot, but up here the roots got exposed to the sunlight, and the exposed roots died! :(. The soil up here is turning into granite rock, and is hard as fuck... digging is a real bitch! but I will dig holes and get their pots in square bins and have the bins buried in the ground. I think that my forbidden treasure is a male, but am not 100% sure, my camera doesn't take very good close up pics. My Cinderella is definitely female, and I am not 100% sure the skunk is. I will update with pics later. Have a huge space in garage to do indoor, and am working on getting it fully set up.
Interesting thing happened though.... while in the process of moving, I was woken up early in the morning by my dog barking (he is trained only to bark for good reasons) and a pounding on the front door. I knew it was the cops before I even got my shorts on (my dog was snarling!). Sure enough, there was a sheriff at the front door. Turns out that the property owners father in law came up and saw my plants and called the sheriff! He had no right to be here, and I could actually prosecute for trespassing! The sheriff took my info, and didn't even bother to verify me because it said on his screen that I had been personally verified by the actual county sheriff already. He spent about twenty minutes or so talking about my plants with me, suggesting how to keep the wind from hurting them, showing me a trick to dig down in the ground, and recommending a good nursery in the area to get the best nutes from for the cheapest prices. Also telling me that after they bust illegal grow ops, and after the trial, they sell the growing equipment at auction for cheap! (also advised me that now is the best time to take clones) and talked to me about security, gave me his card and said if I had problems with people trying to jack me to call his cell phone, and they would have deputies here within ten minutes to protect me my family and our crops! I love this guy!
weird isn't it? Now its time to take clones, flower the indoor, get a veg room set up, and germ more seeds. When I take pics later, I will want some feedback on the best places to take clones from, as well as sexing the Forbidden Treasure and Skunk #4. Now I can Focus on MASSES and much much more... sorry for not posting for a few days, was moving and had no internet until just now..... peace


Well-Known Member
holy shit dude...first off...good to hear you are still free...fuck...the sheriff...damn dude...I dunno how much I would trust that guy...sounds sneaky if you ask me. get yourself a gun...fuck callin the cops.'s good to see you are doin well and gettin settled in the new place. BTW...I wanna see some pics of the babies after the move :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol.... cops are required by law to protect my garden, my stash, and my family. I don't need guns, I have cameras and friends in high places. Any one that would try to steal from me would wish they had never been born! pics will be up this evening.....


Well-Known Member
lol.... cops are required by law to protect my garden, my stash, and my family. I don't need guns, I have cameras and friends in high places. Any one that would try to steal from me would wish they had never been born! pics will be up this evening.....
I am confused...cops are supposed to protect you and your family...but the garden? friends in high places? do you have a script? how is it that the sheriff doesn't care? I am really lost on this one bro...or maybe just high


Well-Known Member
County sheriffs are required to enforce State law, yes I am a medical patient, therefore, they are required to protect my garden as well as my stash in their normal course of duty. The medical movement in Cali has exploded, and local sheriffs and police alike are very used to people having their "cards", almost expect it these days. Law enforcement has made cannabis its last concern when it comes to enforcing the law, and even a number of sheriffs and police these days have their own medical recommendation! They really don't care about me because I don't sell, I am responsible about my stash, and my garden, I am not causing any trouble. I would rather not explain about friends and family in high places... just people that I would rather not have to call, and if I do, then there would be hell to pay and no one would really like it. lets drop that subject eh, and just leave it at: I am well protected.


Well-Known Member
ok well... just planted 18 seeds of mixed variety.... and took 10 clones off of the GDP, I was going to clone the Cinderella as well, but she is not ready yet. The one in the blue bin in the ground is the Forbidden treasure, and I am thinking more and more that it is a male, so I will try to find somewhere else for it... and if not, just chop'em. I tore about 4-5 inches of one of the main stems top layers on the GDP, but am confident that she will mend nicely. So here is the pics, as promised... any comments?



Well-Known Member
First off Im glad your move went ok I was a little worried but from the sound of it I thought it might have been domicile related. Interesting about the sheriff. I know down here as long as you have a county card they will leave you alone. I would be a little worried about that landloards father in law though. Maybe talk to the landlord to let him know its all on the up and up to ease his mind.

Now for your grow. Your plants look really good for having been moved and wind whipped. Maybe its the pics but they look a little light. Have you feed recently? I really like your windbreak and netting. Sucks you have granite so close to the surface. If its not decomposed it will be very difficult to dig in. You may need to grow in pots. Ok enough for now welcome back.


Well-Known Member
I took the bottom sun leaves off of the clones that I took, hopefully that will help them a little bit. I am guessing that the seeds I planted today will germinate and pop out in the next 7 days, and am also hoping that the clones will root in that time so that I can compare their growth. I am going to transplant the four seedlings that I have into some "Harvest & Bloom" soil mixes, to see if that will help them at all. I didn't use any rooting hormone on the clones, and am anxious to see what happens with them. The Cinderella wasn't ready to take clones from, so I will give it a try in about two weeks, I will clone the GDP again at the same time, and use rooting hormone to see what the difference is. that means that my crop just jumped from 12 plants total, to 40, with about 15-20 more to come in two weeks, leaving the grand total of 55-60 plants. 12 harvested in two to four months, and the rest whenever they are done... thats a lot more than I had planned, and I want to do a six month veg on some of them, and then move them outside in February... what do you think?


Well-Known Member
owner is totally cool with it, went off on his father in law so he is never allowed on the property again! :), if he does come up again, I will let my dog get him (as he is a trained guard dog, whining all sad when I got home that night and I couldn't figure out why, duh! some one came up here when I was gone and he wasn't free to tear the bastards head off!). Yeah, the bottom leaves are paling! and I have been feeding every other day, watering the other day, so they are getting either water or a nute + water feeding every day, because the soil drains and drys out so quickly. Though I do fear that I have over watered a bit, and maybe a little too much nutes... its all up in the air... and I am very sad at the prospect of the FT being male! :(


Well-Known Member
6 month veg then move outside...fuck...those will be giants....anyway...I would recommend cutting half of all the leaf blades off on your clones...helps a fuckin ton. :mrgreen: after you do they should stand right up for you...helps to keep down transpiration like a mofo


Well-Known Member
they are in a blue bin just like the one outside that I think is a male, the bin has all of them in it, and a 99%water/1%B1 solution that is about an inch deep in the bucket. there is a CFL about a foot away that is aimed in a different direction to provide indirect light and keep them vegging. I have two fans in the room now, but will end up with three or four.


Well-Known Member
I apparently don't have enough electricity running through my garage to run everything that I need to in there... is there any way to fix this?


Well-Known Member
add another drop from your fuse box.

its not something i would know how to do, electrition recommended.

or you could extension cord through your house.