Inform, dont discurage


Active Member
i hope your growing skills are better than your English. good luck with an 80 dollar setup and cfls. you have no idea what your talking about. have a great day.
Unclear on the concept of this thread, this forum, or being part of a helpful growing community.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea the spelling might be a little rusty, but the message is clear. Lets stay posotive and help eachother. we need to be a solid community and help out the ones starting to figure it out.

although someone asking stupid stupid questions is fair game. (somehting they could have easily looked up on google)

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ill give you advice or my thoughts, as long as it aint cfl or t5 grow, and as long as you have half a clue to begin with, coming on here to find out what you did wrong is equivalent to a car manufactures taking new lines first edition to a independent mechanic to fix, . . .makes little sense . .as the manufacturer you need know how to fix it and you need to understand why it broke . .or so to speak

and dont get me started on CFl growers . . . .. to be short . .i hate them . .cant fix broken and cant help what is not going to be good be better


Active Member
My friends
"80 dollar setup with cfl's" made him almost 900 dollars profit his first grow. Nothing wrong with using a cheap setup to get your feet wet or grow a personal stash.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to wait till I have the perfect setup to start growing. If I could afford it I would have a super duper setup. But I also want my kids to eat and have clothes. Also, I did have a bigger setup and got raided. The charges were dropped but they took all my equipment. So right now I keep it small and use what I have. A lot of people know they can grow better bud with better equipment. But they do whatever they can with what they have. Is there anything wrong with that? I do what I do and I grow how I grow. I don't ask for help though because I usually find answers here or somewhere else. Most of it has already been asked. But it won't hurt my feelings if someone criticizes me. I try to use common sense whenever I can. If a plant is stretching isn't it common sense it is looking for light? To me any plant is a living organism that communicates to it's environment when it needs something.

Peace Out - Live Long and Grow Green!
How is growing weed hard? It may be hard to make it grow as good as it can. But have you ever just planted seeds somewhere and come back in October. It's a f*cking weed. It will grow.


Global Moderator
Staff member
How is growing weed hard? It may be hard to make it grow as good as it can. But have you ever just planted seeds somewhere and come back in October. It's a f*cking weed. It will grow.
Literally speaking, Cannabis is an herb not a weed when a cultivator is speaking of it.
Wiki says:
"The term weed is a subjective one, without any classification value, since a plant that is a weed in one context is not a weed when growing where it belongs or is wanted. Indeed, a number of plants that many consider "weeds", are often intentionally grown by people in gardens or other cultivated-plant settings. Therefore, a weed is a plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance. The word commonly is applied to unwanted plants in human-controlled settings, especially farm fields and gardens, but also lawns, parks, woods, and other areas."


Active Member
The green is looked at as a bad thing by most. There should never be any kind of discouragement ever! It's been proven on this site that you can do alot with very little. We need to stick together. Encourage don't discourage! If someone is doing something dangerous or outright stupid, say something. Don't bang on those for giving it a good go....


Well-Known Member
I agree respect needs to be shown to all growers, new to growing their own herb, and even the most experienced grower should be learning something new every grow, if not give up tomorrow.
HOWEVER, I don't agree with all the useless threads and questions that get asked on here. I put in 3 hard years of research before I even bothered transitioning from outdoor to indoor, and in all honesty? that was just so I didn't come off looking like an idiot...which unfortunately when someone asks a question like "ummm how do u germynat my seedz???" you tend to think did this person even bother to look on the forum for even 5mins? and you just really wish they didn't bother growing and wasting their time and everyone elses.that's just my 2c anyways.
peace all :bigjoint:


Active Member

  • HOWEVER, I don't agree with all the useless threads and questions that get asked on here. I put in 3 hard years of research before I even bothered transitioning from outdoor to indoor, and in all honesty? that was just so I didn't come off looking like an idiot...which unfortunately when someone asks a question like "ummm how do u germynat my seedz???" you tend to think did this person even bother to look on the forum for even 5mins? and you just really wish they didn't bother growing and wasting their time and everyone elses.that's just my 2c anyways.
    peace all

    Agreed research is key... Most of the ? I had I found with a the search button..... Or by a search of my own.....​



Well-Known Member
I agree with the op it's a lot of people on here that think it's only 1 way to do things.My first grow budget was like $40. 8 23w cfls $1 each,a cardboard box,a fan,nutes,5 gallon bucket,socket adapters,power strips and foil,grown for 3 months pulled a couple grams under 2 oz with 1 plant.And i knew nothing about growing but planting seeds in dirt and light.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
184 watts and 54 grams is horrible, but i see what you mean as it was a start

with a single 150 hps you could have gotten a qp easy, and it would have been only 40-50 dollars more to find a light and fixture and would have netted you twice the yield with less watts, same heat and air flow requirements . . . . .its about doing what you can with what you have smart not right

if you choose cfl over something else its not budget its your choice to pick inferior light source


Well-Known Member
I agree with the op it's a lot of people on here that think it's only 1 way to do things.My first grow budget was like $40. 8 23w cfls $1 each,a cardboard box,a fan,nutes,5 gallon bucket,socket adapters,power strips and foil,grown for 3 months pulled a couple grams under 2 oz with 1 plant.And i knew nothing about growing but planting seeds in dirt and light.
Haha yep think everyone's been there, so long as there's a result at the end of the day! my first setup was in my bedroom wardrobe with a 600W MH/HPS that i borrowed off a friend. Eventually moved it into another room (and actually got some sleep) and from that grow was able to fund a decent tent, lights etc. Don't miss those days at all that's for sure :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Agreed research is key... Most of the ? I had I found with a the search button..... Or by a search of my own.....

good man that's the way it should be! think some people just couldn't even be fucked to type afew words and hit a search button...pure laziness! :bigjoint:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
some people get in a mind set ,that once they have had a good run of grows their way is the only way , what ever works for you is what people need to help polish,,, not suggest you do your grow the way they did theirs , i got advice like the op is talking about , i knew better due to the fact no one knows how bad my tap water is or how blistering hot it gets here in the summer , the key to this forum is to only use what applies to you or you think would benefit you with your setup ...good growing


Well-Known Member
184 watts and 54 grams is horrible, but i see what you mean as it was a start

with a single 150 hps you could have gotten a qp easy, and it would have been only 40-50 dollars more to find a light and fixture and would have netted you twice the yield with less watts, same heat and air flow requirements . . . . .its about doing what you can with what you have smart not right

if you choose cfl over something else its not budget its your choice to pick inferior light source
First time 1 plant and cfls and 2oz is horrible? you trippin homeboy

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
my first time i got 12 houses off a little more than twice amount of watts, so ya 54 grams from 184 watts is bad, an dnot cuse your a bad grower but becuwse you used CFL's

12 oz is 330 grams about, 7 times as much return with less than twice the watts

agreed it was more money but 150 set ups are cheap


Well-Known Member
im using a 250w setup but only after itried with cfls, got 44g off of 4 plants with cfls. used shit cheap soil, over nuted didnt do much research and didnt reap the benefits. i agree with the no bashing the newbs but i also agree people should be bothered to do some research. if i had i wouldnt have wasted my time and money the way i did. its probably cost me 3 times what it should have to get to where i did. my second run was 1 plant and i got 70.9g dried and it was chopped 3 weeks early (smell issues). i used my cfls for veg (2 x 65w 6500k). i have now found a really helpful bunch on the 250w thread who are always willing to offer a little advice and support. im now on my 3rd run. growing 2 plants gonna try and double my yeild. then next year im moving outdoors because of the small amount of space. i find that a lot of people that are new to growing try to take on too much. each strain reacts differently to the environment and having more than one when you first start out can be a nightmare. which is why i downsized. to help myself which a lot of people are unwilling to do.

there will always be someone somewhere doing it better than you, maybe try to help the people that aren't doing so well by offering knowledge not criticism. i mean we would all love to be able to run 6k setups with 2 12x12 rooms and every mod con but its not always possible. people should take that into consideration when reading through grow journals and bashing people for cfls. i have seen some very successful cfl grows. a few of my friends grow with t5 setups and yeild massively more than i can with my 250. but its all down to experience.


Well-Known Member
my first time i got 12 houses off a little more than twice amount of watts, so ya 54 grams from 184 watts is bad, an dnot cuse your a bad grower but becuwse you used CFL's

12 oz is 330 grams about, 7 times as much return with less than twice the watts

agreed it was more money but 150 set ups are cheap
Yeah.......In the book 'Buds For Less' that guy Seemorebuds pulled 8 oz from 168w of CFLs. I wouldnt rule out CFLs. If you can't work them, that is fine. But to say that they arent sufficient enough to get a good yield is really just dumb. I have seen good yields with CFLs from more than one grower. You just have to know what you are doing. Most people try to grow with CFLs like you would grow with HID.......that just never works out. If you have the money though, I would say buy HPS for flowering. CFLs tack on like an extra 7-10 days of flowering from what I have seen.

There is no right way to grow. Everybody does things for a purpose.
I use CFLs for seedlings/clones/mothers, HID for veg, and natural sunlight for flowering.

Whatever floats your boat people.

And yeah......people bash newbs for asking type of shit is that? I mean yeah.......I have seen some stupid ass "?'s" asked......but alot of the questions are very reasonable and they just need help......why put somebody down and not try to pick them up? And not everybody is so hip to the interwebz, which makes it harder to find the answer to their question......hence the reason they post threads with questions.

I guess some people are just natural trolls and can't help but to put others down to make their self feel better.