Inform, dont discurage

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Yeah.......In the book 'Buds For Less' that guy Seemorebuds pulled 8 oz from 168w of CFLs. I wouldnt rule out CFLs. If you can't work them, that is fine. But to say that they arent sufficient enough to get a good yield is really just dumb. I have seen good yields with CFLs from more than one grower. You just have to know what you are doing. Most people try to grow with CFLs like you would grow with HID.......that just never works out. If you have the money though, I would say buy HPS for flowering. CFLs tack on like an extra 7-10 days of flowering from what I have seen.

There is no right way to grow. Everybody does things for a purpose.
I use CFLs for seedlings/clones/mothers, HID for veg, and natural sunlight for flowering.

Whatever floats your boat people.

And yeah......people bash newbs for asking type of shit is that? I mean yeah.......I have seen some stupid ass "?'s" asked......but alot of the questions are very reasonable and they just need help......why put somebody down and not try to pick them up? And not everybody is so hip to the interwebz, which makes it harder to find the answer to their question......hence the reason they post threads with questions.

I guess some people are just natural trolls and can't help but to put others down to make their self feel better.
thing is i got almost as much as seemorebuds as a first timer, that dude is probably a pretty good and seasoned grower . . . . . .what does that say about choice in lighing

HPS newb almost equal to CFL pro . . . . .


Well-Known Member
thing is i got almost as much as seemorebuds as a first timer, that dude is probably a pretty good and seasoned grower . . . . . .what does that say about choice in lighing

HPS newb almost equal to CFL pro . . . . .
I have seen newbs get 1 oz per plant in 2x2 boxes with only 5 42w cfls. Flowering 5 plants at a time.

What's your point?

It doesn't take rocket science to grow good weed and get a good yield with CFLs

If you can't do it fine. But don't knock other people who actual can.


Well-Known Member
guys, why so hostile. obviously you both have different opinions. why does it have to get shitty, at the end of the day i got a hps because i was lazy. there is a lot of light movement involved with cfls. but you can get equal if not more yeild with an equal amount of watts. 10 23/26w cfls can and has produced the same if not more bud than a 250w hps because of the maneuverability of the bulbs and the spaced out light exposure. but at the same time when done properly i have seen a guy produce 5 1/2 oz off of one plant with a 250w hps. agree to disagree and smoke a doober and chill man. this is meant to be a help and discussion forum, not a flame everyone who doesnt agree with you forum.


Well-Known Member
guys, why so hostile. obviously you both have different opinions. why does it have to get shitty, at the end of the day i got a hps because i was lazy. there is a lot of light movement involved with cfls. but you can get equal if not more yeild with an equal amount of watts. 10 23/26w cfls can and has produced the same if not more bud than a 250w hps because of the maneuverability of the bulbs and the spaced out light exposure. but at the same time when done properly i have seen a guy produce 5 1/2 oz off of one plant with a 250w hps. agree to disagree and smoke a doober and chill man. this is meant to be a help and discussion forum, not a flame everyone who doesnt agree with you forum.
Haha. I'm as chill as ice bro

I just hate when guys rank on others for their grow style just because they don't have the skill that person has. And cfls do need to be raised quite often.......but when you have them on rope ratchet light hangers it isn't so hard..........just a tug on the rope lol. pretty simple.

There is not one single right way to grow. People need to realize this and quit being so close-minded.


Well-Known Member
To this day even after season after season and cycle after cycle I still veg using home depot t12 shop lights, and at times run a cfl grow box.........

You can't argue with what works.... now don't get me wrong I can't blow out multi kw rooms vegging with t12's but I can happily run my current set-up with margin for error for alot less money, and stress then using the big guns.... which btw I do also have.... but do not see a point.

When I comes to flowering if it truly is about cost you can get into a used 600-1000watter for $100-$150 tops. and would need to buy like $50 worth of CFL's just to flower properly... so sometimes telling someone the gear they need/should use is actually in their better interest and success within the hobby.

Eitherway IDK what you use or how you do it... if you wanna learn about plants and how to grow bud, and get good at it..... just fucking grow!!!