infrared police helicopters

ok my plants are on top of my roof and a tree partialy covers them but covers the whole pots just not the plants can a helicopter spot 3 plants when a tree blends in with them and covers the pots?
ok my plants are on top of my roof and a tree partialy covers them but covers the whole pots just not the plants can a helicopter spot 3 plants when a tree blends in with them and covers the pots?

i wish people would stop being paraniod about choppers.
parranoia will annoy ya.
if you are paranoid about the cops then just dont grow weed.
simple as that.

Well the thing is really its against the law for them to try it. Its like trying to search ur house without a warrant. But the answer is yes if you have enough heat build up. I would say anything over 250w would maybe even less. Basements are probably a different story though. Godd luck with it.