so the yellowing has gone away but now i have this
its happening mainly on the blue dream... curling and.. burning? brown dieing looking spots..
but its also happening a little on the yoda only one leaf though..
Did you check the PPM of the runoff water when you flushed? i am running coco first time and about day 35 they started to look bad. Flushed around day 40 until they were down in the 400's and they look alot happier.
how much water did you put through each plant? Flush is typically 3times the size of the pot. Thats about how much it took to get mine down where they needed to be.
yep about that 15 gal a pop did the trick.. just tap water i let sit out in buckets over night
btw.. a fucking bobcat came and knocked over one of the buckets scared me shitless
they are stillooking fucked up/ i dont know man its only been a day since you flushed maybe add a small amt of a somewhat concentrated feed but i wouldn't try too much lest you want to make things worse. i dont know sometimes its just best to let em sit and figure it out themselves.
Looks like they will do fine if you keep the pH in line and dont overfeed. That gdp looks nice man. $hould be a fat cola. The bluedream you have looks totally different than mine these are two bluedreams
First pic my small bd is the very left front one. Second is my taller bd very thin leaf fingers on mine. They stretch something insane should be nice for srog dude!
ok now the yoda purp is showing the same signs as the BD 4-5 leaves burnt, drooping top growth, slight yellowing top growth, curvey and taco shelled leaves...
should i feed them some flower nutes tomorrow to try to give them a boost?
1/10 strength in the water i give them?
i would try flushing again. save a couple cups of the water from each one towards the end of the flush and take it to the hydro store have them check the PPM(store i go to is more than willing to help). It looks like a salt buildup to me and it will start locking everything out. After flushing again i would put in some kind of root booster or something like superthrive not food.
If it still looks bad try watering w/ root feed about twice the amount runoff you normally do. Water only or some kind of root food no nutes the next couple times.