

Active Member
looks like all types of deficiency time to feed and water normally.
flower nutes?
at 1/10 strength?
i have big bloom and tiger bloom use them both?

i flushed an ass load it cant be salts if flushing solves salt buildup..
they werent showing these symptoms before the flush.


Ursus marijanus
My suspicion is depleted potassium. Those lesions make it likely.

When I replanted into 7-gallon Smart Pots, my plants needed eleven days (!) before the next watering. The bigger they got, the more they drank, of course. cn


Active Member
what strength of nutes should i give it then..
1/10 seems very very diluted.. and im still wondering if i should use both of these at the same time..


Ursus marijanus
What I would get is a thing called Sul-po-mag (magnesium potassium sulfate, also known as langbeinite) that you can add to the soil. It's like lime in that it's timed-release, but it has K and is neutral. The hardware/garden store should have it.

Alternatively, get a complete hydroponic nutrient, like GH Flora three-part. But that's over $40. cn


Active Member
seriously i gotta know.. the plants need water id like to feed them today..
use the nutes i have or not!?


Well-Known Member
Did you ever consider switching to a quality potting soil like roots organic....being that you don't have a ppm meter or much experience in coco?? <<<<I ass-uming)


Active Member
i would really appreciate a specific response to my specific inquery.
should i use my nutes or not? fox farm: big bloom, tiger bloom
if i should use them should i use both of them?
if its both or just one of them how much should i use?


Well-Known Member
Dude get a good base nute, and feed them like 1/2 strength if not more.... they came from soil, which has ever aval. nutes, until they are depleated.... your flushing so much also caused more issues.

Also your coco, is way way too dry...... coco is a medium that likes to be a littler wetter then soil for sure... as each % coco dries out you lose a % of nute uptake ability..... Also coco flushes very easy.... this thereby leaves the media inert ( nuteless) this causes quick and mutli symptomed issues i.e. ur tacoing, yellowing, stems........ 1/10th strength will not be enough, coco retains some p and k as part of the way the cations work in binding for nute uptake. At least a 1/2 strength dose if not more.

One tip I like to give and use for coco transplants, especially if the plant is coming from a soil.( just add water mix ) is to use a handful or 2 of EWC and some mycos @ the time of transplant.... really gives some instant nutes to the plant when it wants..... and helps alot with transplant shock.


Well-Known Member
Also idk what nutes you got or whatever.... but your best bet for the number of plants ur running is either the Roots Aurora 5ml Master Pack, CNS-17, or the Technaflora line.

I like the Techna for being the most user friendly, easy to understand, and just runs well.

Aurora is a close second just a few more bottles and such.......

CNS-17 is the most use friendly... its run alone... or can be and works fine... but you tend to need to use it more then the other 2, as oppose to every 2 waters then feed... CNS should be used every watering or every other.

Just saw what nutes u have..... use the grow big.... follow the feed instructions.... use like 1/2 strength this first watering.... wait til the tops get dry but if you scrap with your finger its wet like 1-1.5 inches or so down..... at that point water again.... more nute this time like 3/4 strength... drain to waste with 10-20% run off. Also let the coco saturate with some reg. water first.... this prevents dry pockets from the smart pots where most of your nute mix runs down the sides but never reaches the middle of the root zone.... a slow steady and saturating water is the way to go with coco for sure.


Active Member
why can i not get a straigt answer from anyone....
thank you emo and others for the info..
however it seems as if people are simply not reading my posts...

here is what im going to do.. i will do it in 30 min unless someone states otherwise and gives a reason! i have already given each plant about a quarter gallon of water to wet the coir and smart pots. in 30 min im giving each plant a half gallon a piece with half strength big bloom AND tiger bloom.
this is what seems best to me through all of the convoluted responses ive been getting.



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Well-Known Member
my thoughts are

a) you did right with what you have, nutes at half strength is probably what they need
b) you need to have a more positive attitude, expect plants to survive
c) be more assertive, make your own decisions,


Active Member
ugh you guys are right im just stressed... but man these plants giving that they were already mistreated and now i have to nurse them back to health.. its a little trying

well after 1 day they are still showing signs of problems
heres the bd

what is going on!??? ahh!

heres the tang which has been the healthiest so far!

and more gdp
(the color is a little off in this one but you can see and tell the splotches)

its just frustrating you know..


Well-Known Member
ugh you guys are right im just stressed... but man these plants giving that they were already mistreated and now i have to nurse them back to health.. its a little trying

well after 1 day they are still showing signs of problems
heres the bd

what is going on!??? ahh!

heres the tang which has been the healthiest so far!

and more gdp
(the color is a little off in this one but you can see and tell the splotches)

its just frustrating you know..
i cant tell you any more simple..
i jus put a 2 to 1 capful big bloom to tiger bloom .
rotate plain water /feed with watering and get some cal mag but fareal jus keep it simple bro and smoke sum herb and wooosaaa and appreciatte tht you have a beautiful plant to take care of u might think its not what uwant well its not waht u want now cuz ur not giving it what it needs bro.. if u do that justlisten to it and be patient..


Ursus marijanus
Sorry I was not here earlier. Big Bloom yes; it's rich in K.
Tiger Bloom no; too much P. Maybe next time. And don't hesitate to PM ... cn


Active Member
looking more into this..
researching what is actually in nutes and why you want them for what reason etc...
it looks like the plants be deffcient in phosphorus the tiger bloom has 8.0% phosphate as well as 4.0% potash (k2O)
which is way more than the big bloom
the plants also look like they are in need of some cal mag.

so the watering of before was both big bloom and tiger bloom
i like them both because the chemicals in each nutrient formula are derived from different things..
this watering ill be giving them cal-mag plus and maybe some root accelerator

they look much better after another 24 hours
hopefully even better after this watering

im watering whenever the plant feels light, i pick up the whole pot.

any comments or suggestions are welcome pics will be soon :)


Ursus marijanus
I was looking at the K to P ratio. Since I think the plant needs K, I was looking for your nute that had the highest proportion of K, not merely amount.

Nonetheless I am glad the plant seems to be responding. i love a rescue. cn