injecting plants with sugar?


Well-Known Member
Its pretty obvious youre new to the site. People save pictures like this and repost them when other people make terrible suggestions. The best part is how haggard the plant looks. Oh and the reason people dont use actual bonzai techniques like wrapping the plant in wire like you have done is because bonzai trees grow very slowly because you restrict the root size. If you wrap weed plants like that, well they grow like weeds and you end up restricting the size of the branch and the plant will envelop the wires if theyre left on. That is a bonzai only technique, not for weed. And injecting things is for intravenous drug use and not weed plants. Riu pro tip, make sure that next time you post a thread on riu that you arent the only person attempting what you thought up....... while medicated.


Well-Known Member
Thats a good video. The sad thing about it is that those plants are already so old (you can tell by how the stems are so hard) and yet so small still. Its totally shock value hes getting. And those techniques are super simple and worth it if you have height restrictions and as much grow time as you ever want, but the methods i was refering to in my post were the ops wire wrapping around branches to train in a direction. The wire wrap makes for perfectly positioned branches in bonsai. But is nowhere near worth the copper or the time and plant restriction it gives. A simple steak down or tie down would have given the plants more wiggle room and had the same result as was shown by the video.


Well-Known Member
I have use bonsai techniques to start my plants off in veg loads of times ( and i am sure lots of growers have on this site, (your thinking out side the box and most growers don't like this )

there is a bonsai techniques where you can slow down the growth of a mother plant and keep it small for a long time
also you can graft diffent strains onto one plant so you could have 4 strains growing on one plant
I too have bonsai'd my mother-plant to keep it smaller..! Different strokes for different folks.!
But if plant looks ok now, why don't you carry on as you would have before this problem..?! Goodluck.. Happy growing,


Well-Known Member
I had some leftover tissue culture medium, (no agar added) M&S with vitamins IBA and Kineten with sucrose.

I had some extra cuttings from pruning my mothers.

Put that liquid in a container, threw in the cuttings.. checked a week later.. where the cuttings were sitting in the liquid, they expanded to 4 times the thickness of the stem in the liquid culture. Had to toss it out because of a PM infection.

Just some observations


Well-Known Member
I too have bonsai'd my mother-plant to keep it smaller..! Different strokes for different folks.!
But if plant looks ok now, why don't you carry on as you would have before this problem..?! Goodluck.. Happy growing,
Always looking for ways to get a bigger yield fellow
and i strongly believe the better job you do in veg the more the more yield in flower and canopy shape is the key
A plant with 16 level 2ft cola's is going to yield 2-3 times more than a plant that has been top and flowered off
there always room to improve :)


Well-Known Member
Has anybody ever tried injecting sugar directly into the stem? I have been doing it with a white widow plant that was doing terrible. After 5 days she looks amazing compared to before. I just don't have any evidence to prove it's work or even if it's just my imagination. Does anybody have a side by side or something to show the effects? Would we be capable of growing with no light at all doing something like this? I'm not just injecting from time to time its a constant drip. She didn't even droop after shoving a thick needle most of the way through her stem.

Will get a better picture of syringe or whatever tomorrow when lights come back on.
What dick woke this stupid thread up?