injunction/court case updates

That would be a problem eh folks?
Only pussys would take their grow rooms down IMO. Anyone really sick who's already growing should keep going no matter what the court says. The hugest court in the land was clear. Reasonable access is what we deserve and we don't have it so fuck what a lower court says there are wrong.
The more I think about this the worse it gets...everyone who had a pink slip(s) as of March 21, 2014 is covered by an injunction at the federal court level pending the constitutional challenge of the mmpr....did I miss something so far? If Allard succeeds I don't get why we all don't succeed given th constitutional nature of the Allard case....anyone? @Not_just_a_pretty_face any thoughts....
The more I think about this the worse it gets...everyone who had a pink slip(s) as of March 21, 2014 is covered by an injunction at the federal court level pending the constitutional challenge of the mmpr....did I miss something so far? If Allard succeeds I don't get why we all don't succeed given th constitutional nature of the Allard case....anyone? @Not_just_a_pretty_face any thoughts....
I agree. If Allard is successful it will cover everyone. Otherwise there are going to be 10000 more 'Allards' arguing the same thing. much simpler to make the judgement for everyone once than deal with it case by case. Knowing the whole mmpr will be ripped apart at the SCoC anyway, it would make sense. Just my extremely unqualified legal opinion...So of course they'll probably do the opposite.
I agree... But no matter the out come of the allard case I will never stop growing a plant that helps me in so many ways from the therapeutics of watching a mesmeresing plant grow. To getting off of pharma and my life back....So let's hope and pray common sense plays a role in the allard final verdict..
here's another eye opener about CONroy:

Please be advised that, after my first expulsion from the Coalition subsequent to hosting the Coalition's booth at Sandra Colasanti's Vancouver 2013 Health Expo, I commenced to conduct an ongoing forensic audit on Conroy and have assembled, without prejudice, a file on the dear man; a chronological analysis of his conduct with respect to:

1. Founding of NORML Canada.

2. Creation of the BC Compassion Club and his involvement in the creation of the Universal Compassion Club for the purpose of misleading and deceiving the court in BCPC File No 3189C, R v. Kruse.

3. Misleading and deceiving the public by scripting letters for Jason Wilcox in order to lure supporters.

4. Misleading and deceiving the public by not establishing the Coalition as a proper deliberative assembly composed of members providing distinct and specific representation of the unique needs of cannabis patients. (I prepared the documents to establish and maintain a properly incorporated non-profit association with a charitable organization designation representing the distinct and specific needs of patients but was over-ruled by the Coalition Steering Committee in favour of Jason's pseudo Coalition based upon Looney Tunes administration and LA Street Gang protocol and procedure).

5 Misleading and deceiving the public by insisting that Jason Wilcox be his sole client. (I suggested that members of the Coalition's Steering Committee form an MMAR Legal Advisory Board in order to provide patient direction but was over-ruled)

6. Allegations of Conroy's conflict of interest by representing LP hopefuls concurrently with MMAR patients. (Subsequent to the Coalition's founding meeting on January 15, 2013, the question of Conroy's conflict of interest was brought up so as I sent Conroy an email expressing this concern to which Conroy responded stating that his professionalism prevents him from any conflict of interest. (I pointed out to the Coalition Steering Committee that as far as my training and experience with accounting for trust funds that it was a serious violation of internal control procedure for Conroy to maintain, administer and the sole benefactor of the trust funds and that the fund should be maintained by an independent firm of lawyers or accountants but not in his office, but needless to say I was over-ruled again).

7. Misleading and deceiving the public by stating in the Coalition's initial flyers and poster that if the MMPR injunction failed he would file a class action and sue for damages. (see poster and top of page 3 on flyer- I advised Conroy that you could not sue for damages caused by unconstitutional legislation and refused to insert this statement but was over-ruled by the Coalition Steering Committee and Conroy and prepared the flyer and poster as instructed).

8. Delayed filing the injunction application until the eleventh hour, November 29, 2014 and amended the class action to a representative action at the last minute with absolutely no patient consultation).

9. Conroy's attempt to extort no less than 5% of the privacy breach from Kate Saunders at Branch McMaster. (I have written to the BC Law Society with respect to the extortion allegations however they claim that we have no proof and this information is merely hearsay, rumour and malicious gossip and that they refuse to further investigate the matter.)

10. Conroy's 'Irreversible Pledge Form' which requires patients to donate as much of their MMAR Privacy Breach proceeds to him without the ability to change your mind.
who wrote this, where did it come from?

here's another eye opener about CONroy:

Please be advised that, after my first expulsion from the Coalition subsequent to hosting the Coalition's booth at Sandra Colasanti's Vancouver 2013 Health Expo, I commenced to conduct an ongoing forensic audit on Conroy and have assembled, without prejudice, a file on the dear man; a chronological analysis of his conduct with respect to:

1. Founding of NORML Canada.

2. Creation of the BC Compassion Club and his involvement in the creation of the Universal Compassion Club for the purpose of misleading and deceiving the court in BCPC File No 3189C, R v. Kruse.

3. Misleading and deceiving the public by scripting letters for Jason Wilcox in order to lure supporters.

4. Misleading and deceiving the public by not establishing the Coalition as a proper deliberative assembly composed of members providing distinct and specific representation of the unique needs of cannabis patients. (I prepared the documents to establish and maintain a properly incorporated non-profit association with a charitable organization designation representing the distinct and specific needs of patients but was over-ruled by the Coalition Steering Committee in favour of Jason's pseudo Coalition based upon Looney Tunes administration and LA Street Gang protocol and procedure).

5 Misleading and deceiving the public by insisting that Jason Wilcox be his sole client. (I suggested that members of the Coalition's Steering Committee form an MMAR Legal Advisory Board in order to provide patient direction but was over-ruled)

6. Allegations of Conroy's conflict of interest by representing LP hopefuls concurrently with MMAR patients. (Subsequent to the Coalition's founding meeting on January 15, 2013, the question of Conroy's conflict of interest was brought up so as I sent Conroy an email expressing this concern to which Conroy responded stating that his professionalism prevents him from any conflict of interest. (I pointed out to the Coalition Steering Committee that as far as my training and experience with accounting for trust funds that it was a serious violation of internal control procedure for Conroy to maintain, administer and the sole benefactor of the trust funds and that the fund should be maintained by an independent firm of lawyers or accountants but not in his office, but needless to say I was over-ruled again).

7. Misleading and deceiving the public by stating in the Coalition's initial flyers and poster that if the MMPR injunction failed he would file a class action and sue for damages. (see poster and top of page 3 on flyer- I advised Conroy that you could not sue for damages caused by unconstitutional legislation and refused to insert this statement but was over-ruled by the Coalition Steering Committee and Conroy and prepared the flyer and poster as instructed).

8. Delayed filing the injunction application until the eleventh hour, November 29, 2014 and amended the class action to a representative action at the last minute with absolutely no patient consultation).

9. Conroy's attempt to extort no less than 5% of the privacy breach from Kate Saunders at Branch McMaster. (I have written to the BC Law Society with respect to the extortion allegations however they claim that we have no proof and this information is merely hearsay, rumour and malicious gossip and that they refuse to further investigate the matter.)

10. Conroy's 'Irreversible Pledge Form' which requires patients to donate as much of their MMAR Privacy Breach proceeds to him without the ability to change your mind.
Well if no one else has the ballys to say it I will FUCK JOHN CONROY THE MARIJUANA SHISTER. He's fucked us all. It's obvious to see amd now the cunt is stalling real change. He should fold his hand now. No chance alllard will be a victory.
i am VERY disappointed in first he seemed like our it's more like a zero.
i would love to ask him face to face about this...see what his reply and reaction are