injunction/court case updates

Oh the skeletons are coming out now are is going on!!!
I agree I feel fairly stupid now!!! I defended conroy awhile back. Now it seems fairly clear conroy wasn't the saving grace I thought he was. Fucken people will do anything to make a dollar!!!!!
I know that they both went to bc northern lights and bought that grow box they put on display....I wonder what kind of accounting there is for all the money collected...
I know that they both went to bc northern lights and bought that grow box they put on display....I wonder what kind of accounting there is for all the money collected...
there's a lady who drops by once in a while and she was with Wilcox and his show.. i think she was taking notes or something like that but she said that when someone asked about the funds, those guys got angry and would not answer. @CannaReview has mentioned the "community account" the the Coalition has and no one can figure out what it's for.
I agree I feel fairly stupid now!!! I defended conroy awhile back. Now it seems fairly clear conroy wasn't the saving grace I thought he was. Fucken people will do anything to make a dollar!!!!!
i did the same and then these things came out. i was first spooked when he filed the discontinuance in the higher court with no explanation. i called his office but surprisingly no one has ever returned my call and there's nothing published on his site about why he discontinued it.

"2015-04-30 Vancouver Notice of discontinuance on behalf of the appellant with consent on behalf of the respondent filed on 30-APR-2015 with proof of service on the respondent"
Who? Conroy or Wilcox?
Fuck both of them! They are partners in crime. The way the allard case has been handeled is criminal IMO. Why not continue the appeal to the higher court for the left outs? Why? That's surely has a human cost. How do you put a number on the left outs who can legally grow anything anymore? Address changes? Nope fuck you! Fucked. How about them stalling the outcome so a real fight including every Canadian mmj patient could go forward? He won't make a cent of goldstars and we will be successful with goldstars. It's an airtight case IMO.
Wilcox needs to be splainin' this shit...where the fuck is his fancy camera crew now when the shit is hitting the fan?
They are busy trying to cash in on the people they know that want to open lps.
Do the math. The only guy that seems to have say with Conroy, Makes videos against us left outs and helps the mmpr if anything.
They are busy trying to cash in on the people they know that want to open lps.
Do the math. The only guy that seems to have say with Conroy, Makes videos against us left outs and helps the mmpr if anything.
Geez TO....pop that boil...
it gets all our blood boiling that's for sure.
And it's not just here. I hear about it at home on the phone with 5-10 phone calls a week from crying family and friends of family because the stress this mess has caused.
Grown people feeling like second class citizens because an already rich lawyer just can't get enough.
My uncles best friend and son each donated over 10k and have since shut down because of threats and warnings. And the guy that took their money and promised they would get their grows back told them a week after they donated that they probably won't ever get it back.
I wasn't trying to come across as a dick. I apologize.
This situation gets me so upset.
A family friend has been worked over hard by this situation and it really pushes the wrong buttons on me.

Sorry whatfg
No offence just hitting that nail on the head...popping the boil...
And it's not just here. I hear about it at home on the phone with 5-10 phone calls a week from crying family and friends of family because the stress this mess has caused.
Grown people feeling like second class citizens because an already rich lawyer just can't get enough.
My uncles best friend and son each donated over 10k and have since shut down because of threats and warnings. And the guy that took their money and promised they would get their grows back told them a week after they donated that they probably won't ever get it back.
i still have faith that we will win but geez, what a slap by CONroy doing this...we are personally out thousands and thousands of dollars because we are left outs that have current paperwork but need changes. he gave us NO rights to do much when he stopped the class action and made it so only the 4 plaintiffs have a right to do something.
i still have faith that we will win but geez, what a slap by CONroy doing this...we are personally out thousands and thousands of dollars because we are left outs that have current paperwork but need changes. he gave us NO rights to do much when he stopped the class action and made it so only the 4 plaintiffs have a right to do something.
Any know what Kirk T. think on any of this. I always felt there should have been more than one lawyer on this big a case.
Maybe us RIU members need to buy an island and start our own country. Oh ....goody...can I be minister of defense and blow shit up.......real good.
All you have to do is go far north beyond anyone.... plant a flag.... build a house (best pack one with ya) ... call the U.N. claim a 200 mile limit around your capital (house you packed) apply to the U.N. for emergency relief in Weed... Threaten to attack Canada if they come into your country uninvited (Quebecers would think yer cool)... best bring a gun you may need your own military because Russia is now your neighbor and we know how friendly those guys are

All you have to do is go far north beyond anyone.... plant a flag.... build a house (best pack one with ya) ... call the U.N. claim a 200 mile limit around your capital (house you packed) apply to the U.N. for emergency relief in Weed... Threaten to attack Canada if they come into your country uninvited (Quebecers would think yer cool)... best bring a gun you may need your own military because Russia is now your neighbor and we know how friendly those guys are

The RCMP would shoot you dead on your own property armed or not it you tried that shit. No trial no nothing. Threaten the gov of Canada and you're done. The un isn't going to side with you. It's not going to send a peace keeper to watch over your safety. Nope the RCMP will find you and murder you and that will be the end to your story. Ps I know you're being facetious I was just posting the fact the gov will kill you if you try some civil unrest in the middle of nowhere. No ones watching you're dead.
Somehow I don't think that would end in your death.... unless your shouting crazy talk.... but it's cool... why do you think Canada keeps places in the North like Alert ... habitats that have Canadians live in.... where our flag flies

Why do you think the Russians love that picture of their flag under the Artic... not exactly to sure where but it's fucking close