Injustice in Palestine


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It’s hardwired into human DNA. Power changes everything and will turn the oppressed into the oppressor every time.
South Africa and Rwanda didn't. It's not as if Jewish Germans put Gentile Germans into concentration camps after WW2. Black people I know just want White oppressors to take their foot off their figurative necks.

It's not a given that people who are oppressed will just do the same back if they have the chance.


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South Africa and Rwanda didn't. It's not as if Jewish Germans put Gentile Germans into concentration camps after WW2. Black people I know just want White oppressors to take their foot off their figurative necks.

It's not a given that people who are oppressed will just do the same back if they have the chance.
Great point fogdog. Nelson Mandela was truly a great man.


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Yes I do. I have already shown that I know a little of the conflict. You had no problem with my knowledge when it agreed with you.

You do not know that is what the Israelis did? How much do you really know or are you really just a troll?

I already made it known that I do not agree with Israeli tactics. But I do not look at the conflict from only one side, I understand both are the problem. To notaccept that mean one can not make a reasonable assessment of where the two can go from here.

I would not say they have a great influence on the rest of the world, they do over the US. And the US has veto power so there you go.
Maybe not so much the US has veto power but agree we have a large voice in the matter. We haven't said anything publicly that makes me feel we are doing enough. I'd like Biden to immediately suspend any military sales or aid from the US until the violence ends, the blockade on Gaza is lifted and the people of Gaza have received adequate reparations.

The people in Gaza have no power to stop Israel from doing whatever it wants. Given such a large disparity in power between Israel and Gaza, the responsibility for lives lost in this recent conflict is all Israel's. I also think that Israel provoked any and all recent attacks from Gaza for internal political reasons. The blame falls entirely on Israel's government in my mind.


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Social media outlets are censoring posts about Palestinian oppression.

You should make sure you record the videos then when you see them.
Palestinian content*

Companies blame "technical issues"
You don't think Netanyahu might do some kind of attack on the videos he wants taken down?

Just because I say that though and it might feel 'truth-y' doesn't mean that it is in any way shape or form proof of the reality of why this is happening.


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The end of WW1 was the beginning
yeah i can that arguement....especially after the fall of the ottoman empire which held most of all of the Middle East of the time......when it fell.....greater syria was born and controlled by the french, the british had control of the palestine territory and egypt, but it wasn't till the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, which i posted him earlier, that gave the rise of Palestinian nationalism......


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yeah i can that arguement....especially after the fall of the ottoman empire which held most of all of the Middle East of the time......when it fell.....greater syria was born and controlled by the french, the british had control of the palestine territory and egypt, but it wasn't till the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, which i posted him earlier, that gave the rise of Palestinian nationalism......
Not disagreeing, just adding to what you said.

The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.

Britain a the time was at war with the Axis Powers and they saw political advantage in conceding to Zionist Jewish people, not only in the region but more importantly European Jewish people living in Axis-controlled territories. Also, it couldn't have hurt the British government when negotiating with large Jewish controlled banks that also backed the Zionist movement.

If you read the opening statements of the Balfour Declaration, it pretty much ignored the people already living there. Like what the US did to the First People. It was intentionally vague but was the beginning of British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.


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Now, if ALL the Palestinian people would come to the table with the offer of renouncing all violence would Israel bite?


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You don't think Netanyahu might do some kind of attack on the videos he wants taken down?
Of course. Social media companies take orders from Israel to censor pro-Palestinian content. Confirmed by Israel's justice minister 2016 who said yt,goog,fb, deleted most the content Israel requested them to remove. Saying the content would "incite" Palestinian violence.


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Justice Minister Benny Gantz has asked social media platforms to remove content from their sites that he believes will incite violence in Israel or spreads disinformation.

Gantz told the executives of Facebook and Tik Tok during a Zoom meeting Thursday that the current round of violence is being "intentionally stirred through social media by extremist elements" aimed at destroying Israel, a spokesman for the minister told the Associated Press.


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Not disagreeing, just adding to what you said.

The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.

Britain a the time was at war with the Axis Powers and they saw political advantage in conceding to Zionist Jewish people, not only in the region but more importantly European Jewish people living in Axis-controlled territories. Also, it couldn't have hurt the British government when negotiating with large Jewish controlled banks that also backed the Zionist movement.

If you read the opening statements of the Balfour Declaration, it pretty much ignored the people already living there. Like what the US did to the First People. It was intentionally vague but was the beginning of British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
It's all good