Injustice in Palestine


Well-Known Member
Well first of all, you linked a thread that has nothing to do with Palestine. Instead, you wanted to bring your everyday "Biden is better than Trump" battle in here. Get a clue. 1)This is not about Trump or Biden. Only reason I brought them up, is because they gave em the green light in public. One by a "treaty" the other by vocally expressing "Israel has the right to defend itself"

Really not interested in your opinions about the current POTUS. It's irrelevant unless you can explain how the $235M will help Palestinians while at the same time supporting Israel in the bombing of Palestinians under the guise of "fighting hamas"2).if biden actually steps up and HELPS the situation, then i dont get hiw what you're saying is helpful.
1) which is it?

2) ahhhhhhhh, you mean arms or troops and that's not going to happen.

why is it every time shit happens in your part of the world you think you have Carte Blanche to come to America and demand shit..that's why BOTH of you are BITTER PILLS TO SWALLOW!:finger:

i suggest you take the very generous $235M and figure something out.


Well-Known Member
why is it every time shit happens in your part of the world you think you have Carte Blanche to come to America and demand shit..that's why BOTH of you are BITTER PILLS TO SWALLOW!:finger:
Thanks for your projection. Another reason why I avoided you, you're toxic. Ashamed you would think of another human in such light, especially someone coming from the almighty Swiss!.. Thank you for showing another example of a reason to ignore you. Bye


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your projection. Another reason why I avoided you, you're toxic. Ashamed you would think of another human in such light, especially someone coming from the almighty Swiss!.. Thank you for showing another example of a reason to ignore you. Bye
I've had her on ignore for a long time but I can see you quoted her.

You should know that she's so stupid she once doxxed herself posting a screenshot of her desktop.

Definitely not one of the sharpest knives in the drawer.


Well-Known Member
Israel needs to remove Bibi.... he's such a roadblock to any normalization of relations between both sides.... This issue can be solved .... Israel can make peace with the Palestinians and really put a dent in the Hardcore Islam factions ... No rally point for the diehards if everyone is getting along


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your projection. Another reason why I avoided you, you're toxic. Ashamed you would think of another human in such light, especially someone coming from the almighty Swiss!.. Thank you for showing another example of a reason to ignore you. Bye
She tends to identify with abusers. She's not alone in this, a few others who said that Israel is "defending itself" fell into the same trap.

Israel has its foot on the neck of people living in Gaza. Is it an act of aggression to try to get that foot off their windpipe?


Well-Known Member
Israel needs to remove Bibi.... he's such a roadblock to any normalization of relations between both sides.... This issue can be solved .... Israel can make peace with the Palestinians and really put a dent in the Hardcore Islam factions ... No rally point for the diehards if everyone is getting along
Well, he's a criminal. He continues being a criminal to maintain power. That's why they can't get rid of him.


Well-Known Member
So it would be idiotic of Israel to allow the Palistinians to have statehood, where they can import all the heavy weaponary they need from Iran.
It's idiotic to keep Palestinians oppressed for so long, under a clearly racist agenda. Do you know how the state of Israel came to be?

The problem with arresting someone that does not care about death is that getting on a bus with explosives does not give you much time to capture them. Sorry, but I remember.
If it was a suicide bomber, would they not already be dead? So, are you saying it was their families houses the Israeli military was bombing, bulldozing, being taken-over by Israeli families?

Do you agree the Israelis have the "right" to take over a Palestinian family's home?

The US has been the big protector of Israel, I could see it when all the Arab states were still looking to wipe them off the map. Not so now other than Iran. I agree that things should change and there is little incentive for it to do that with the current political situation in Israel and Palestine. The rest of the world has enough troubles that they will not go in and try to change the status quo. It would be different if Iran dropped their grievance with the ME. That is the only thing I can see changing the situation.
In your opinion, what's a reason the Zionist State of Israel has so much influence over the majority of the world?


Well-Known Member
Do you know how the state of Israel came to be?
1948 when the british dropped the mandate in the region........the UN assembly with resolution 181 recommended a partition one side arab and other jewish.......but the high counsel rejected it....


Well-Known Member
In the end, it's this simple: The Israelis are treating the Palestinians the exact same way the Nazi's treated the Jews: they oppress the hell out of them, treat them as third rate citizens, segregate them, take their property, homes and possessions for themselves all without any due process or considerations whatsoever.

One would think the Israelis would know better, but the fact of the matter is they get off on it. They are today exactly what the Nazis were then.

Like that Irish ambassador said, and I paraphrase, "Could you imagine the outrage if you (a Jew) landed at Atlanta airport and you saw a sign that said 'Jews only' on one line and "Everybody else" on the other?"

But that's exactly what Israel does do the Palestinians and has done since day one.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't BiBi up for corruption charges?
It's idiotic to keep Palestinians oppressed for so long, under a clearly racist agenda. Do you know how the state of Israel came to be?
Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 3.48.20 PM.png

If it was a suicide bomber, would they not already be dead? So, are you saying it was their families houses the Israeli military was bombing, bulldozing, being taken-over by Israeli families?
Bombs suck for sure. So does evicting vulnerable people out of their homes.

Do you agree the Israelis have the "right" to take over a Palestinian family's home?
N question that the law is racist that allows the Israelis to be able to bounce Palestinians from their homes due to pre 1948? war that they are reclaiming while Palestinians can't do the same.

I think that it would make sense to just assimilate into one nation and have free and fair elections, but Netanyahu is trolling this whole area so hard that people are being beaten that are living in Israel too.

In your opinion, what's a reason the Zionist State of Israel has so much influence over the majority of the world?
That seems like kind of a bullshit statement IMO.

"So much influence" on what kind of scale? Trade/financing/information/etc. There are lots of ways to have influence.

Also the 'majority of the world' statement might sound good, but really it seems like bullshit. I really have to say that I can't think of one time that anything in my day has been impacted by a decision in Israel. I know that might seem like a weird thing to say, but it is true.

So 'majority of the world' seems like a big stretch.

1948 when the british dropped the mandate in the region........the UN assembly with resolution 181 recommended a partition one side arab and other jewish.......but the high counsel rejected it....
I really don't know anything about this area, so if I said anything that is nonsense feel free to correct me on it.


Well-Known Member
In the end, it's this simple: The Israelis are treating the Palestinians the exact same way the Nazi's treated the Jews: they oppress the hell out of them, treat them as third rate citizens, segregate them, take their property, homes and possessions for themselves all without any due process or considerations whatsoever.

One would think the Israelis would know better, but the fact of the matter is they get off on it. They are today exactly what the Nazis were then.

Like that Irish ambassador said, and I paraphrase, "Could you imagine the outrage if you (a Jew) landed at Atlanta airport and you saw a sign that said 'Jews only' on one line and "Everybody else" on the other?"

But that's exactly what Israel does do the Palestinians and has done since day one.
Thank you and much respect for taking the time.


Well-Known Member
It's idiotic to keep Palestinians oppressed for so long, under a clearly racist agenda. Do you know how the state of Israel came to be?
Yes I do. I have already shown that I know a little of the conflict. You had no problem with my knowledge when it agreed with you.

If it was a suicide bomber, would they not already be dead? So, are you saying it was their families houses the Israeli military was bombing, bulldozing, being taken-over by Israeli families?
You do not know that is what the Israelis did? How much do you really know or are you really just a troll?

Do you agree the Israelis have the "right" to take over a Palestinian family's home?
I already made it known that I do not agree with Israeli tactics. But I do not look at the conflict from only one side, I understand both are the problem. To notaccept that mean one can not make a reasonable assessment of where the two can go from here.

In your opinion, what's a reason the Zionist State of Israel has so much influence over the majority of the world?
I would not say they have a great influence on the rest of the world, they do over the US. And the US has veto power so there you go.