Input for future ventilation design (illustrated)


Well-Known Member
I have a basic carbon scrubber and cooltube ventilation set up now but was thinking of an improved system for my grow room. I basically would consist of a heavy duty scrubber mounted inside a soundproofed plywood box using either foam or acoustical tile. The scrubber and fan assembly would be one piece and hung internally from bungee cords to reduce noise due to vibration. Likewise the entire housing would be hung in the same fashion

4 inch duct mounts would be incorporated on the manifold to hook up cooltubes using duct starting collars. These would be closed when not in use by means of a duct cap. Since I will be pulling air into my cooltube from the grow room, I wouldn't necessarily need an additional ventilation hose hooked up but it could be an option.

Just looking for thoughts if this is overkill and possible improvements to the system. I was thinking of incorporation insulated flexible duct, the kind used in HVAC to prevent loss of temperature to possible further silence the system. Noise isn't really a big issue for me but I figure the quieter the grow, the better.




Active Member
I've been trying to get some help on basically the same idea on the city forum... no luck yet.

My idea was to have the air filter acting as the intake in the room, running ducting to the hood, then more ducting out the hood to the fan exiting the room. I'm just going to be running a 600W HPS in a pretty small space, so I'm looking for a fan in the 350-400 cfm range. My idea requires that the hood be a tight seal, otherwise odor will be escaping the room.

Anybody try something similar?


Well-Known Member
What is the URL for city forum? I don't think I've been there.

In all my readings I've found a few things

1. Negative pressure is always the best (drawing air in through the components whether they be scrubbers or cooltubes) then taking the shortest and straightest route out. Also, straight solid duct is better than flexible for noise reduction (less turbulence against the ribs of the flex duct). I only included the flex duct idea for those runs that would require such.

2. ULTRA clean exhaust, if not, don't drop the soap!

3. (MY RULE) Over engineer EVERYTHING and have a backup system!

4. DYI is OK but use quality stuff.

You stated "the hood be a tight seal, otherwise odor will be escaping the room" I agree, this is why I want to go with an enclosed system pulling and scrubbing all the air in and then venting it out.

I'll be running a primary internal scrubber (before it even gets to the one I posted) and could probably exhaust out without my idea I posted but I like to be overly cautious and through. Hell, in my location you can't get within 250 feet without trespassing or being seen but.......

My temporary grow room I have now will become my horticulture room while I get my next room up (I have crazy space). This way if the cops get a tip and come in with a search warrant, I can show them my Bat Plant (Tacca chantrieri), along with my assorted spices and other plants and then tell them to go POUND SAND and get the "F" outta my house! (Incidentally, the bat plant will have it's own private sub-area since they require indirect light).

As a sidebar, I'm going to also cultivate carnivorous plants in the grow room (Venus Fly Trap, Pitcher, Cobra, Sundew and Trumpet Plants) to control any little buggers that get in there. I just plain like them and they will fulfill a second purpose.

Oh and yes, basil, oregano and parsley (guess I'm giving away my ethnic identity).

Viva Venecia!


Well-Known Member
Why would you need a scrubber for intake? Am I missing something? I'm real stoned so that is possible. Dont you only need one for exhaust, if u want to be real cautious run a small homemade one inside the grow room, but to have it on the intake is a waste. I know you want to be cautious and thats good, just be cautious in the right ways. Also, those other plants won't do u any good either, if the cops come in w/ a warrant your f'd! They aren't going to ask any questions, like are you growing? At that point they know your growing. They just toss the place and your in jail. Judges won't sign that warrant unless there is sufficient evidence. If they don't have a warrant those plants might help you, but in that case they aren't allowed in your house anyways. I say you just use your grow lights for grass and do it safely, but be smarter than the cops! All the stuff you talked about is old news to them. If you want this to last, you have to stay up on how people get pinched, cops are always figuring new ways to bust people and people are figuring out new ways to stay out of jail. Never stop reading info and know your laws and how many plants are a misdemeanor or a low class Felony and how many plants will put you away for 20years. I used to live in WI, up to 4plants was the same as a posession, 5-20 plants was like a class I Felony which carries upto 7years, but if you only had 4 instead of 5 you would most likely get probation. Just a little advice from a wap to a


Well-Known Member
The intake will be exhausting to the outside. Coming through the cooltubes and scrubber and then gone to the outside.

Yeah, I know what you said about warrants, I was just in a bad mood and really pissed last night, guess I was venting (no pun intended). I'm just getting into growing stuff. It's nice having fresh herbs during winter.