Insomniacs anonymous


Well-Known Member
I too use pot for my insomnia, but the sad irony is that now that I'm growing, I stay up all night worried about my plants...
Some of us just can't win...


I have not smoked in the last three days, and boy have I really been having a damned hard time sleeping. I have been up till 5 or 6 every night and then get up at 8:30... So shitty, but at lest there was the cool lunar eclipse last night. Anybody else catch it?


Well-Known Member
Heh - staying up late tonight on purpose, don't want to miss the eclipse.

Gonna take some photos of it - the sky is super clear it should look good.

Hey Fdd - when I got my medical card they said eating THC is better for twitchyness and sleeplessness - ever tried baking up a really potent cake and eating it and hour or 2 before bedtime?

I do it every once in a while but I usually just wake up so high it makes me more tired than if I just didn't sleep.
How did the eclipse pix go?

And i know what you mean about the waking up tired thing the next morning, i always wake up with a "weed hangover" the next morning after i make potent brownies. And its the only time (other than when i oober baked) that my eyes get red.


Too many brownies
i'm on the same schedule.:mrgreen:
As am I :twisted:

As far as my insomnia goes...well I have been up for 3-4 days walking and talking like a complete zombie...If youve seen fight club when he talks about his insomnia he says he is never really fully awake but he is also never really sleeping. I have felt this way when Im not self medicating with marijuana to aid my sleep. If I smoke a nice bowl I usually wake up feeling pretty rested. Also alot of the time even if I do get a full nights rest I dont feel rested at all when I wake up.

I am young so I dont know why I have such problems with sleep but I really do, Me being on here right now is a perfect example I have to be up in 3 and a half hours for work tommorow and I have been awake for the past 19 hours but I am still on here and watchin tv not even the slightest bit tired.


Active Member
I'm gonna tell you anyway.... I was masturbating.
If it work's why not? I've been a proud 3-6hr's of sleep insomniac for years.I have the fan noise going &and always smokin.Some times i'll skip a night &get a full 6hrs the next night.Went down for the count at 3am this morning & back up at 6am to wake my kid up for school with out an alarm clock.Glad to know i'm not alone!


Well-Known Member
If it work's why not? I've been a proud 3-6hr's of sleep insomniac for years.I have the fan noise going &and always smokin.Some times i'll skip a night &get a full 6hrs the next night.Went down for the count at 3am this morning & back up at 6am to wake my kid up for school with out an alarm clock.Glad to know i'm not alone!

why does this happen to us? :confused:

it would be one thing if i didn't need more sleep but i'm tired all day.


Active Member
I feel you man.Alot of caffeine in the am helps.I've tried going with out the caff& it does'nt matter i'm still up ,maybe subconsiously i'm afraid i'm gonna miss something?


Well-Known Member
I feel you man.Alot of caffeine in the am helps.I've tried going with out the caff& it does'nt matter i'm still up ,maybe subconsiously i'm afraid i'm gonna miss something?

ok, now you just know me. i can't wait to get up in the morning and start my day. seems like every night is christmas eve.:mrgreen:

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
How did the eclipse pix go?

And i know what you mean about the waking up tired thing the next morning, i always wake up with a "weed hangover" the next morning after i make potent brownies. And its the only time (other than when i oober baked) that my eyes get red.

I must have been bumping the tripod.. I never really got too good of a pic.. these are pretty much the best ones I could get out of like 30 shots.
