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Agreed, this is just a newbies two cents so take it as you will. Regardless of the stage that the seed market is in right now doesn’t mean that there aren’t stand up breeders out there. One of the reasons I enjoy perusing these forums is it gives me more of an insight into what certain breeders are about either directly or through people who have a lot more experience than me. First thread I read here was usefuls and it gave me a totally new appreciation for transparency and honesty from those that I’d end up buying seeds from.
Yeah i'm a newbie because I refrained from forums for 55yrs and265 days of my life due to the endless drama of people. You act like you went to elementary school with these breeders you so fiercely defend. I seen the wildfire spread of BS of people who grow 2 plants in a tent then hop online and become cannabis industry experts and breeder groupies just live baby.ccguns
Yeah i'm a newbie because I refrained from forums for 55yrs and265 days of my life due to the endless drama of people. You act like you went to elementary school with these breeders you so fiercely defend. I seen the wildfire spread of BS of people who grow 2 plants in a tent then hop online and become cannabis industry experts and breeder groupies just live baby.ccguns

I apologize for my wording. Was calling myself a newbie haha.
Its all good Peace, did'nt sign on here to troll, I'm a east coast dude and will go out of my way to be polite and avoid getting personal w/anybody. I onlyI've signed up here cause I've put in my time and paid my dues w/this plant. I've never been a techy and am new to the internet, when I was a kid it was a big deal for a child to have a b/w tv in his roomLOL. I've checked this site out a couple of yrs. before I joined, I'm here out of boredom and to get my mind off a loss(live in old lady of 30yrs suff. a serious stroke,soI'm a little lonely). Figured I'd rap W/a few people+maybe help them out if poss.ccguns
I'm not going to endlessly drone on about this matter, joined site to shoot shit after putting in 30 yrs of grows and seedbank purchases. Copy spent time in the can and did'nt rat anyone out so that alone is admirable I know he's cocky everybody regrets things in life .The dude is older now and is just a hard working guy taking care of his family. I'm sure there are a lot of warts on plenty of people in the cannabis industry.ccguns
That boy has literally said he filled paperwork on somebody on a live. I'll admit I've seen some great stuff from him but the "didn't rat" talk is a bunch of bull brother and imo that is one of the very few reasons I will completely dead someone from my orbit is even sounding like a rat
YOU might be right bro, as prev said I'm not all over the net.I think that matter is concerning some stalking charges concerning his wife though, but this topic is not really appealing to me it stirs up to much heat. Iknow a little about the dude and all his interests and as someone who burns the candle at both ends I figured I'd mention that to people who might not know. With so many lazy people these days I respect people who hustle all day but I certainly did'nt intend to stoke chaos as a CC attorney. I did'nt go to elementary school w/the dude
Numbers in general lol but that dirty thirty bell just kept getting rung over and over.. And over and over
You really really really really love the number 30. Really.
back it up back it up read the tos . doa happy dance and follow the ...fuck it i cant rhyme today
my point being this thread is going nowhere except drama land.
OP I would start a new one just doing your own thing and not mention the whole drama thing
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