invents printed gun, fucks 16 year old, flees to thailand......


Well-Known Member
Yeah, never said that, but this is what you do all day round here.

I said Im not gonna condemn anyone with a mere pointing of a finger. If hes guilty, then lock him up.

Ohh but, der you like rapey and want more rapey, old white people bother me, derp derp derp.
Hey Spandy, are you gonna be an asshole your whole life? A lot of people learn stuff as they get older.


Well-Known Member

this guy is just full of fucking great the NRA loves this fella.....

just another right wing asshole showing his true personality. it's ok to kill guys with a printed gun, but not their daughters...their young daughters....
Yeah, I saw that fucker a couple of days ago and then again popped into the news this morning. He's just an asshole, hope he rots in jail some where.


Well-Known Member
Is it me or are a lot of right wing/libertarian "constitution defenders" secretly trying to expand their rights to cover their illicit behavior in the name of personal rights a la Pedo Bigfoot on this site?


Well-Known Member
at the moment, he's in Thailand, where it's legal to fuck 15 year olds, as long as they consent....
What a coincidence. The only thing that stops a good guy who wants us all to have a gun from illegally fucking underage girls is fleeing to a country where such things are legal.

What a brave, free, non-slave citizen. I am proud that he is protecting our freedoms. Are you taking notes @Rob Roy?


Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
"Would have" not "would of" you ignorant piece of shit. God with all the advantages white people get you would think they would know proper grammar.

How can you pass judgment on anyone if you dont have a basic mastery of the language?

Thats nice you did grammar better than I could. It would of bothered me if I cared, but I didnt.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, never said that, but this is what you do all day round here.

I said Im not gonna condemn anyone with a mere pointing of a finger. If hes guilty, then lock him up.

Ohh but, der you like rapey and want more rapey, old white people bother me, derp derp derp.
Old white pedo nazis like you bother everyone

Country is sick of seeing you asshole in power


Well-Known Member
Thats nice you did grammar better than I could. It would of bothered me if I cared, but I didnt.
You're a hopeless piece of shit. You really want your moronic peers in charge of this country? Dismissed mouth breather. No amount of white priviledge can save your stupid ass.


Well-Known Member
Well, not always funny. Sometimes it could be simply for building a career, or increase in pay, or maybe you just didn't like the person all that much.

Hillary would of just been funny.
Gonna be funny to watch you get locked up for tax evasion, illegal


Well-Known Member
Well, get 4 million more votes next go around and maybe it will be enough next go around.

Until then, post angries and drink bucky.
We got 4 million more votes last time actually

There was some cheating

Gonna be funny to watch your heroes go to prison for that too