Bernie's family managed to send him to the University of Chicago. Despite a prestigious degree, however, Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.
Meet the bum who wants your money:
"Awaken the body of Christ!" -Ted Cruz
Psalm 17:15
in Oregon the biggest health care provider just went bankrupt
they must be doing something wrong. almost all the big insurance corps are making record profits.
pick any decent size city in the US. who built the huge office bldgs? either a bank or an insurance company 9 times out of 10
In the last two years they raised my rates over 40% and still went belly up. I think what happened was the BarryO supporters didn't support him when it came to spending their money on healthcare. Its that simple. TRUMP!
you can thank the Heritage Foundation and Romneycare in Mass. the GOP came up with the ACA. Obama just implemented into law.
So the record shows that it is a democratic failure
We are supposed to trust a bunch of liberals to count votes?
Your prior quoted forum posts say otherwiseCheesyO, I posted the letters I got and there is nothing to lie about. !8% the first year and 25% the second year. And than poof gone after two years. TRUMP!
Why would they vote for a plan they invented and put 150 amendments in?There is only one thing wrong with what you said and that is not one GOP voted for it. BarryO and every democrat voted for it one hundred percent. So the record shows that it is a democratic failure. The GOP said it would sky rocket and fail and that is exactly what happened in my state. TRUMP!
not sure what sources you read but by all accounts it has been a success. 13 million now have coverage, no bias against pre-existing conditions, etc.
what happened to the GOP promise that it would be repealed and replaced when they gained control of Congress back 2 Novembers ago??