Iowa Caucus

America's economic freedom has rapidly fallen from sixth to eleventh under Obama.

wow. an article from the heritage foundation (the creators of the ACA by the way and extremely right leaning) that is negative about Obama? holy crap batman. that's surprising.

the index they use to critique economic freedom is somehting they created and not universally recognized as anything but a steaming pile of BS.
Bernie says he will do away with private health care insurance premiums. If we elect him president, the U.S. will most likely keep falling in terms of economic freedom.
If I were Bernie supporters, I'd be worried that Microsoft has already called the Iowa caucuses for Hillary, before they have even started counting the votes.
Bernie says he will do away with private health care insurance premiums. If we elect him president, the U.S. will most likely keep falling in terms of economic freedom.

might i ask where you got your degree in Econ from?

that means he is going to single payer system which is what Obama wanted in the first place but the GOP insisted otherwise.

i'm curious what the economic freeedom index was at late 2008/early 2009? could you look that up for me please
might i ask where you got your degree in Econ from?

that means he is going to single payer system which is what Obama wanted in the first place but the GOP insisted otherwise.

i'm curious what the economic freeedom index was at late 2008/early 2009? could you look that up for me please
The GOP is not responsible for Obamacare. Not a single Republican voted for it. Was completely designed and passed by Democrats. It's Bernie that wants socialism/communism, which will eventually lead to rationing
I can't wait til the GOP gets pantsed in another election.. You been running your yap for 8 years and it will be 12 then 16 real soon..wake up man, you guys are the minority now.
I can't wait til the GOP gets pantsed in another election.. You been running your yap for 8 years and it will be 12 then 16 real soon..wake up man, you guys are the minority now.
After Obamacare, Republicans have gained A LOT of seats in congress. Obama only won last time because he was the incumbent, and Romney was a weak candidate.
Agree Romney was weak, but Trump and Cruz are weak as fuck too.. Trump could probably get 20% nationally maybe 25% .. Cruz less.
yep, they vote against their own ideas as soon as the black guy endorses them, to cater to racist pricks like you primarily.

I think you are getting a sweet tooth. Time to slip into your spandex and fill your mouth with some of that democratic candy. TRUMP!
The GOP is not responsible for Obamacare. Not a single Republican voted for it. Was completely designed and passed by Democrats.

if it was designed by democrats, then why did republican mitt romney implement it first, after getting the idea from the right wing heritage foundation? and why are there 150+ republican amendments in it?

you are fat, chumlee. even fatter than nitro's fat wife. but not as fat as desert dude's fat wife.