IOWA: Student Dies After Gay Bashing

Voicing our opinion is trolling?

You can't expect everyone to agree with you

Did I mention you by name or indicate in any way that I was referring to you? Have you by chance gleaned anything constructive in what wiseguy has posted so far or are you too busy trying to find a reason to be offended?
Did I mention you by name or indicate in any way that I was referring to you? Have you by chance gleaned anything constructive in what wiseguy has posted so far or are you too busy trying to find a reason to be offended?

those heterosexuals are so persecuted.
A 19 year-old college student was beaten to death in Michele Bachmann's hometown of Waterloo, Iowa this weekend. Witnesses say Marcellus Richard Andrew's attackers shouted anti-gay slurs while kicking him in the head.
Officers and paramedics said they found Andrews unconscious with severe head injuries in the early morning hours Friday. Andrews, who was slated to start studying interior design at Hawkeye Community College, spent part of Thursday practicing with members of the Crusaders, a drill team sponsored by Union Missionary Baptist Church. He led the step team for the group, which was days away from competing in March Against Darkness. Night found him at Nakita Wright's home on Cottage Street. She said the problems started at about 12:45 a.m. Friday when she and Tudia Simpson, her cousin, went for a walk down the street. Andrews opted to stay behind, waiting on the enclosed porch, she said. The two women hadn't made it as far as Adams Street a block away when they heard yelling back at the house. They ran back and found a truck stopped in the street, and the occupants were taunting Andrews, calling him "faggot" and "Mercedes," a feminization of his first name, Simpson said.
The police have made no arrests, despite the fact that the attackers knew Andrews' name.

Taken from here.

lifes tough, he shoulda smoked weed and maybe they wouldnt have given him a hard time, LOL
OHHHHHH NOOOOOOS!! Someone got killed and its "Special" because he was gay? Or is it because it happened in Michelle Bachmann's hometown? Are they trying to insinuate that people from that area are gay bashers?

When I die I want it to be mentioned that I liked pussy a whole lot and was with many women.
Seriously though allways mentioning how someones gay is predijust, just like in sports when they keep stats on race, like he was the first blcak man to score in overtime in st louis during a playoff game....what kind of shit is that?
Being gay lowers your life expectancy.
Fucked up. Imagine what they do to you if they accused you of being gay in the middle east. Hmm they would probably hope they would get this as punishment.
Fucked up. Imagine what they do to you if they accused you of being gay in the middle east. Hmm they would probably hope they would get this as punishment.

Piqued my curiosity:

The last place one would expect to find homosexuals is in the Middle East. The majority of the countries in this region are Islamic States and, irrespective of whether they are Sunni or Shiite nations, homosexuality is universally condemned as being contrary to the Creation of Allah. The punishment for the offense of homosexuality in many nations in the Middle East, regardless of whether the Sharia Law is implemented in the country or not, is often the death penalty.
Despite the risk of death, homosexuals are flooding out of the ‘closet’ and into the streets. In Kuwait specifically, you can often see gangs of homosexuals walking together. They are easy to spot. The dress code for male homosexuals in Kuwait is tight clothing, shaped eyebrows, white foundation with powder and a little lipstick. For females, they dress up like males with short spiky hair, studs and chains. Islamic MPs in Kuwait have been calling for the formation of a special religious police unit to uphold morals in the country. But so far this request has fallen on deaf ears. Homosexuality is just one of the problems the MPs want to be tackled in Kuwait. Other problems include public lewdness and indecent behavior by young heterosexuals.
Kuwait is not the only country dealing with unprecedented homosexuality within its borders. Lebanon also reportedly is grappling with homosexuals exercising their perceived rights. However, in Lebanon homosexuals enjoy more freedom than anywhere else in the Middle East. Lebanon has gay bars and nightclubs as well as the first association for gay people in the Middle East, which is called the ‘Helem Foundation’. It was founded in 2004 and it’s mission, according to the director Georges Azzi, is to promote gay rights in Lebanon and to help the Ministry of Health support AIDS awareness in the country.
Perhaps the country where homosexuals are really most prominent is in Saudi Arabia, a country where homosexuality is punishable by flogging, life imprisonment or even beheading. Homosexuals in the region are continuously becoming bolder in promoting their lifestyle choices in public. While there are not specific venues for homosexuals to congregate in, there are specific places where homosexuals meet up. There are certain malls and grocery stores that gays utilize for meeting each other. And there is supposedly a street in Jeddah where prospective ‘customers’ can cruise and pick-up homosexual prostitutes. In ever-emboldened fearlessness, there have even been attempts at gay marriages. In 2004, the Saudi police raided a gay wedding party in which two Chadian men were about to marry in the city of Medina. And in 2005, 110 men were arrested at another gay wedding party in which 30 were later convicted.
Homosexuality is set to rise in the Middle East in the coming years and there seems to be nothing governments can do about it with homosexuals continuously exerting their presence in the community. The effect on society is sure to be felt with the family unit consisting of a mother, father and their offspring being challenged. The risk of homosexuality in society includes increased spread of sexually transmitted diseases and decreased growth of populations in that same-sexed couples cannot naturally bear children.
this one guy isn't even gay and he got shot at a football game ...

Last night’s Bay area preseason game between the 49ers and Raiders was filled with too much emotion for a preseason contest for the fans, as there have been three separate incidents of violence reported after the game. First, two separate shootings occurred in the parking lot. One involves superficial facial wounds, but a second victim is listed in critical condition. That individual is reported to have been wearing a t-shirt with the creative phrase “Fuck You, Niners” on it. Another man is also in critical condition after being beaten unconscious in an upper level restroom, and is hospitalized with life-threatening injuries ...
Piqued my curiosity:

yeah that cut and paste wasn't biased in any way... no way.. nuh uh. Perceived rights? Lifestyle choices? By the way, the Kuwaiti dress code for gays is completely fabricated bullshit. Unprecedented homosexuality? I hate to break it to ya'll but we've always been there. Now that freedom is the rallying cry around the world, LGBT's want a piece of that pie. Living in fear of your life every single day is not how a human being should have to exist. Its time for this shit to stop. Arrested for formalizing love? Really? Because of an ideology? A thought process? Are heterosexuals so afraid that we might have the same feelings you do or is it fear that we may handle it better?

No one has yet to describe to me how two men or two women getting married threatens a hetero family in any way? And as to the final claim. Africa has more problems with heterosexuals transmitting diseases. AIDS is a straight crisis in Africa. Men are even raping women in the belief that it will cure them. Thus infecting more and more of the population. The LGBT community is the only one where AIDS and HIV are on the decline because of a very active and vigorous safe sex campaign.

I'm so tired of this propagandist bullshit.
try being a giants fan ...

Doctors: Significant strides for beaten Giants fan

SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—A San Francisco Giants fan severely beaten outside Dodger Stadium has made “significant improvement” despite a series of ups and downs since his near-fatal attack more than four months ago, his doctor said Monday.

Bryan Stow is awake, breathing on his own, can move slightly and has been able to interact with his family, said Dr. Geoff Manley, the chief of neurosurgery at San Francisco General Hospital. However, Manley said it’s still unclear how far Stow’s recovery will take him.
“His ability to follow commands has greatly increased,” Manley said. “There have been a lot of ups and downs and we still don’t know where he’s going to plateau in terms of his recovery.”
The paramedic from Santa Cruz remains in serious condition after suffering a traumatic brain injury when he was attacked on March 31 following the Dodgers’ home opener against the Giants in Los Angeles. He underwent a life-saving procedure in Los Angeles and was put in a coma for several weeks.
He was transported to San Francisco to be closer to his family in May.
Last week, Stow’s family said on their website that he is responding to some directions. Stow lifted his left leg when asked and raised his left arm when asked if someone could hold his hand, relatives said.
The family also said that when Stow’s sister, Bonnie, asked if she could give him a kiss, he puckered his lips each time.
Last month, doctors performed emergency surgery on the father of two to remove fluid buildup in his head that caused a seizure. But Stow has responded well following surgery last week to replace a missing skull fragment with a prosthetic bone flap, Manley said.
Doctors will determine in the next week or so whether Stow will require a shunt to permanently divert the fluid, Manley added.
The goal, Manley said, is to place Stow in a long-term rehab center. The doctor said Stow has come far in terms of nearly being beaten to death; being placed in a coma, opening his eyes and now following some basic commands.
“In the spectrum of things, he’s not running down the hall and doing multi-step commands, but given where he was when he first came here, he’s significantly improved,” Manley said. “He still has a long way to go.”
this one guy isn't even gay and he got shot at a football game ...

Last night’s Bay area preseason game between the 49ers and Raiders was filled with too much emotion for a preseason contest for the fans, as there have been three separate incidents of violence reported after the game. First, two separate shootings occurred in the parking lot. One involves superficial facial wounds, but a second victim is listed in critical condition. That individual is reported to have been wearing a t-shirt with the creative phrase “Fuck You, Niners” on it. Another man is also in critical condition after being beaten unconscious in an upper level restroom, and is hospitalized with life-threatening injuries ...

hehe just spend the last 25-30min looking at raider vs xxxx parking lot fights because of this post. :-D. Funny shit after some bho.
Im also not talking about the dumbasses doing point less attacks on random.
More of the stuff where the instigators get there asses beat by 3 big ass white charger fans :-D
Michelle Bachmann is part of the problem, yes. Her rhetoric and her husband's ex-gay clinic help fuel the hate and fear that causes tragedies like this. Look at that kid's life and what he contributed and compare it to the trash that killed him. Welcome to the gay world. He was trying to make a change and died for his efforts.

Well I'm sure if you look you might find Bush had something to do with it.

Why the fuck is the beating in SF not on your list? Maybe its not in a republician district.