Iran Update...

I wish this to be true. I want nothing more then to leave everyone to defend themselfs. If attacked, so be it.
it's just to bad your not using a german to engish dictionary as you type this.

So brush your teeth, your stinkin up this web site will your foul breath.

Yes I will brush my prefectly straight teeth, thankyou NHS braces, I might book a free appointment with my dentist while I'm at it.

[Edit] Oh yeah, thanks USA for supplying Nazi Germany with the 'Standard Oil' they needed to invade their neighbouring countries and start exterminating Jews.... nice little earner I imagine.

How does it feel to have had two presidents in the last 20 years rich off Nazi gold?

Considering the cold reception and basic insult Obama just hit the Brits with, it is not out of the realm of possibilities that we may withdraw from Europe. I have been to Europe over a dozen times and have many friends over there, so the only thing I would have to adapt to is learning anew language to get around...Russian. I do love Borscht (it's awesome!) so it might not be so bad. Sweet!!!

Obama may very well indeed do some cost cutting in Europe. Simply removing our defense will cause their bankruptcy however.

out. :blsmoke:

Don't lie Crackers, I doubt you've ever left your Alabama Trailer park, let alone the country.

Europe cares deeply. These guys are completely out of step with their govt's positions. It's not hard to fathom. They are fed home spun news to keep them calm. It's not us, it's them .... most folks are easily misled. I will say padawan makes an attempt tho. :clap: Unsuccessful, but still, he seems to have a noggin.

out. :blsmoke:

Lukily I gave up TV and all mainstream media some months ago.

I don't even follow (let alone give a shit about) what your puppet says to our puppet, this isn't Punch and Judy.

I live in the real world with real people (not politicians....they are fake...ALL of them), not in a world of internet paranoia and fear like yourself. I base my opinions what I experience.... not on what people I have never met have published over the internet.

You say you have no fear....yet at the same time spout all this scare-mongering bullshit, which you believe to be true....

Well which is it?..... You believe it to be true and are scared? or you are not scared because you don't believe?....

OR You believe it to be true AND are not scared.....(presumably because you are such a tough guy eh? lol).

Don't worry Champ, I won't judge you for being scared, only for being an ignorant dumbass.
You may interpret it as scare mongering...I do not. It does give a window into your mental processes...which I do find to be simple but scary. yes, the way to maintain your world view is to not stay informed...which is self evident :clap:

out. :blsmoke:
You may interpret it as scare mongering...I do not. It does give a window into your mental processes...which I do find to be simple but scary. yes, the way to maintain your world view is to not stay informed...which is self evident :clap:

out. :blsmoke:

Informed by the Mainstream Media? lol, good luck with that one.

No CJ, I stay informed, I just don't take my information from people being paid for delivering it (i.e. people with an agenda), and I certainly never take ANYTHING as FACT (unless I can experience it myself)

See Crackers, unlike you who see's the world in black and white, I know that the world is actually made up of shades of Gray.

Good luck being programmed by CNN and Fox news....I'm sure that'll give you a really balanced world view...:spew:
I am usually willing to respond to posters, but you never seem to have any salient points. You do seem to enjoy arguing tho...:lol: Good luck with that closed mind set.

out. :blsmoke:
I am usually willing to respond to posters, but you never seem to have any salient points. You do seem to enjoy arguing tho...:lol: Good luck with that closed mind set.

out. :blsmoke:

Yet you still respond.....

Yeah I enjoy arguing with loosers over the internet when I'm bored at work.

3100 posts in 8 months? do you seriously have nothing better to do?

I spend my free time with my FRIENDS and FAMILY.


A political regime is a set of political structures that make up a state. A political regime may also be known as a form of government, a state system, or a political system. The term political regime may also sometimes refer to a specific ruler or set of rulers within a political system.
There are many different types of political regime in the modern world, and many more have existed historically. These range from the directly-democratic political regime of Anarchism to totalitarian regimes such as Military Dictatorships or Fascism. It is an accurate statement.

Dude, the entire point of that was to show you how the author of that report clearly had other things in mind while writing it. If he's calling Iran an Islamic Regime, his intentions are to instill fear into the reader, there's no other reason the guy would use those terms instead of just calling it Iran, or an Islamic Republic.

Paying into the hands of.... Well, since the Iranians have been using negotiations as a stall tactic to deliver the bomb, and since the AIPAC is with the Israeli lobby, the author finds it a bit strange as do I. They certainly should know better. Of course there may be many levels at work here behind the scenes and Israel may be simply covering all the bases.

Since 5 years of UN negotiations have yielded only enriched uranium, I disagree.

Why do you think that's strange? An Israeli lobby advising Obama AGAINST an aggressive approach to dealing with Israel... Could you possibly think that's strange because your information might be a little bit off, and maybe Obama's advisor's aren't going off the same information you are..? Do you think you have better intelligence than they do?

Where's the source for these 5 year long negotiations with the UN? I remember asking you for them a while back as I wanted to read over the terms. Please try to find an UNBIASED source if you find one.

As for the holocaust denial, I am glad you admit it happened...whew. They do not admit it and guess what, they are in control over there. These are the people who are building a bomb.

Dude, this is a perfect example of how you fail to see other perspectives... I know you're an atheist, I'm an atheist too, for the life of me I can't understand how you can look at Iran and see an out of control religious regime in the works, then look at the US and see freedom, democracy, liberty..etc... President Bush claimed to have spoken to GOD, we have over 50,000 nuclear weapons in our arsenal that would take one order from the president of the United States to launch... please see the insane amount of hypocrisy you're talking about here... "it's cool for us, but not for them..."

Next time, to avoid this situation, replace "Iran" with "the US" and see how well your sentences work out.

How is it biased for the reporter to say that Iran has already been isolated? they are and they do seem to be content with it until the master plan can be executed. If they have ANY friends (Iluse the term friends loosely here) it would be the Russians who are helping them build the bomb. This is one reason why Obama's olive branch to Russia is naive at best.

It's speculation when the reporter says things like "and it looks like they've enjoyed it for quite some time...", again, he throws shit like that in to scare the reader so the paper he's currently writing seems like a valid solution to the "Islamofascist Regime"... Your allegations towards Russia is again, SPECULATION. Show me proof, facts, evidence, sources...any number of things that would make your point valid. Russia and Iran are not behind the scenes building a bomb to set off in the west so the east can regain global control... give me a break man... Quite the conspiracy theory you've got there...

Jindel... No, and I'm pretty sure a 5th grader would grasp that the Iranians take the satan bit VERY seriously. It does not matter whether you do. You are an infidel.

The few people you can name might think that way, but the people behind the scenes you've never heard of that make up the majority of the Iranian government and population, I assure you, do not. I've posted polls to support this in this thread...

The write say, impossible more like it...and as I have already said, we have been in negotiations for over 5 years with this exact formula....and the bomb is almost here. That's called a pattern fella. The groping at the same failed ideas is what is alarming. Hitler would have loved this think tank.

Sources, and you'll definitely have to show me some sources on "the bomb that's almost here". Enriching low grade uranium for economic and energy purposes is far from being a nuclear bomb pal. Developing a nuclear bomb requires a lot of things, time, money, testing, etc... how would Iran complete a weapons enriching program without anyone, the UN, the CIA, the Justice Department, or any other unbiased member of the international community finding out? There'd be money trails, paper trails, evidence, pictures, video... at least something to show the Iranians are enriching weapons grade uranium, until I see something like that to support your theory, there's no reason to take it seriously let alone believe it and enact an aggressive foreign policy based on it...

So you don't think russia and china would just play patty cake if a nuke went off and western power waned? What do you think the cold war is son? A game of jacks? What do you think TOTALitarianism is? Now who is being naive...

The cold war has been over for more than a decade CrackerJax. Don't you remember 911? I wonder how many candle light ceremonies were held in China and Russia at that time (Iran as well I might add)... I think Russia and China would send immediate aid to the US if a nuclear weapon was detonated on our soil, exactly how we would if one was detonated on their soil. It's not a game of "one country has complete control and whenever they fall another country will be right there on it's shoulders ready to take the reins and take over global dominance"... we're not playing Risk here man, things are a little bit more complicated than that...

I noticed you skipped the part about the Russians supplying the Iranians with an air missile defense system. Sort of points out the folly of Obama playing nice with the Ruskies... Not to mention that Iran will have a missile defense system...and YOU won't. The US has one...the Russians have one.....the Chinese have one...the Iranians will have one shortly.... gosh the missile defense systems are popping up...but not for you. Nothing to worry about there right? uh huh. Patterns son, patters. Follow the action and not the words.

Well, that's what allies do, share technology and information, is it surprising Russia would support defending Iran against an attack from the US? Why? Would it then be surprising if we put missile defense systems in Poland to support Europe? (hmm...)

No, if Obama takes it to heart it may be the beginning of the end, for either London or Israel. Iran's two prime targets as they have stated on numerous occasions.

So as the world bulks up its military and religious fanatics build a bomb... it's Neville Chamberlain time all over again for the west. Remember him? So you want to take the high moral road Padawan....fine. When the bully walks the street, just sit there and be one with ghandi. Just be prepared to get the sh*t knocked out of you. The bullies of the world smell the weakness and they are correct. they will act accordingly, and they are already doing so.

You do this over and over, misinterpret peace and willingness to negotiate as weakness or appeasement. Do you think being aggressive and forceful is the absolute only way to solve anything? Give me a situation where peace would be your first method of engagement. Can you even think of one, or would you ALWAYS resort to violence first? I have the security of knowing that if any violence does occur, it wont be started because of me, which means I'll always be right because I'll remain alive and because wars and violence never tell you whose right, only whose left.

The EU is a Joke..

And Britain...

Well it's nice to see that the British still haven't lost the Hubris that cost them their Global Empire...

The Sun has Set on the British Empire

How's it feel to be the backwater province of Germany. What's more impressive is they did it with out firing a shot...

So now it's a pissing contest? Really, it's come to this, one of the lowest forms of fail on all of the internets? "I'm from this country, you're from that country, my country saved your country during this war, your country couldn't defend itself from this enemy...blah blah blah" Got news for all you guys, you all were NOWHERE to be found during any of this, anyone saying their country is better than someone else's country is seriously, internet retarded. Get the hell over your undeserved sense of patriotism, it doesn't mean shit out there in the real world where, like CJ's pointed out, they don't give a fuck who you are. (especially if you weren't even born yet, damn.. it's like when black generations of today complain about slavery...seriously, fuckin' retards, same shit presented here, fuckin' retards)

You cannot defend yourself. You haven't for 60 years son.

it's just to bad your not using a german to engish dictionary as you type this.

So brush your teeth, your stinkin up this web site will your foul breath.

Really... does this make you guys feel smart? Do you realize with every post like this you make yourself, and fellow Americans like me, look like complete tools? So you can pick up on an old British stereotype, did you just see Austin Powers? Shit does nothing for your pov but weaken it more.

They seem not to mind if we leave Europe.
I don't mind, they don't matter.....

Typical American. It's this kind of shit that makes it so when someone asks my nationality, I feel compelled to apologize at the end...
Dude, just make your point in one or two paragraph...I don't have the will nor time to pick thru all of that. really. just say what is on your mind. I reserved comment the first time but.... jeesh. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
You'd be suprised at how many Americans apologise for being American.

Almost every American I ever met actually.

Apart from this one girl from N.Carolina on a Church Exchange, but she was pretty wierd, nice, but wierd.... like way too happy or some shit, but in a OTT way.
UNITED NATIONS -- The U.S. called on the United Nations to take action after a Security Council committee said Iran violated international sanctions banning it from exporting munitions, which the U.S. says were headed to Syria.
A U.S. official said the incident occurred Jan. 19 and 20, when the Cypriot-flagged Monchegorsk, which originated in Iran, was boarded in the Red Sea by the USS San Antonio. The ship was ordered to port in Cyprus, where authorities there found 1,980 wooden cases of powder for 130mm guns and 1,320 cases of powder and powder pellets for 125mm guns, according to a Cypriot government report reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.
Also discovered were 60 barrels full of 39mm shells, 810 cases of propellant for 125mm guns and eight cases of 120mm mortar components, the report said. Three of the 98 containers onboard were too heavy to move and still haven't been searched, the report said. The munitions are being stored on Cyprus.
Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., told reporters after a meeting of the 15-member Security Council Tuesday that she "clearly condemned the violation of the Monchegorsk vessel." She said she backed the move by the council's committee monitoring the sanctions to give Iran and Syria 10 working days "to provide prompt explanation for their actions."
"We would then expect the committee to follow up and take any appropriate action," Ms. Rice said, but added, "I don't think this is the place to foreshadow what that action will be."
After the Security Council meeting, Iran issued a statement that ignored the U.N. findings and reasserted that its nuclear program was peaceful.
The incident comes amid continued concern about Iran's nuclear enrichment program, which the West fears has a military purpose. Iran says the program is for civilian use only. The Security Council three times imposed sanctions on Iran to force it to suspend enrichment. Though the Obama administration has signaled a thawing of relations with Iran, Ms. Rice told the Security Council that after this incident the U.N. must redouble its efforts to monitor the sanctions.
The discovery of arms is worrying to Washington because the U.S. and Israel have long maintained that Iran and Syria supply Hezbollah militants in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza with armaments.
In a March, 2007 resolution, the Security Council imposed an arms export embargo on Iran tacitly designed to prevent those groups from getting arms. The resolution suggests that embargo violations can be punished by non-military measures "such as complete or partial interruption of economic relations and ... the severance of diplomatic relations."

Tehran must laughing their arses off. yah, this is a stable REPUBLIC (feel better padawan? :lol:) The mighty U.N. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
As I said, I have neither the time nor inclination to read 20 broken points hemmed together. Make a cohesive statement joined together. I'm not your teacher nor do I wish to be.

Nice come back natrone... :roll:

out. :blsmoke:

If you haven't noticed the last several posts here is you getting your ass handed to you. But you choose to ignore the facts against you and keep up with your copy and paste, false bravado. You are laughable and weak.
You seem to learned a lot from them.

What so are you married to your sister, your so called friends are just hanging around so when you leave thay can tap your sister/wife.



that tickled me, good one.

(The Irony is you're probably from like Alabama or some shit, or as we call it in the rest of the world, Incest Central)
You'd be suprised at how many Americans apologise for being American.

Almost every American I ever met actually.

All three i'm sure felt sorry for you and gilt for being free while you must bow to the throne.

I have met a hell of a lot of limeys and almost every thanked me over and over for the US saving their twice. So before you can thank the US for saving your ass from speaking german, I will just say your welcome.
Dude, just make your point in one or two paragraph...I don't have the will nor time to pick thru all of that. really. just say what is on your mind. I reserved comment the first time but.... jeesh. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Dude, why are you even engaged in this thread if you don't want to read what your opponents say? What the hell kind of bullshit is that? It's the internet equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "la la la la ", grow the fuck up and respond to the shit I say that's completely directed at you, or don't post anything at all. That's how a conversation works, you post, I respond, you respond, I respond... Where will we be if you make a post, then I make a post about something totally different...then you make another post with fear and more crazy theories with no evidence... We'll go nowhere.

Every time you post something, I respond to it with logic so good you can't refute it, then you give the smoke screen of it being too much information that you don't have the time... which I don't buy for a second.... then you proceed to go to the next topic which is equally as crazy as the one before... I respond to it, and the cycle continues like that...

Why don't you just admit your wrong about this and be done with it?

Are you incapable of being wrong about something? I mean, I know it's unAmerican... because American's are never wrong, right...? :wall:
So before you can thank the US for saving your ass from speaking german, I will just say your welcome.

Your conception had never even been though of in 1940, who the hell are you to say something this stupid? What, because your an American, and the Allies won WW2, that makes you better than the British?

Maybe you should be thanking the Brits for the launch pad so the invasion of Normandy could actually take place... or shit, Idk how about that language you're speaking... what's it called again... oh yeah, English... fuck you're retarded... pick up a history book, goddamn. :wall: