Iran Update...

All three i'm sure felt sorry for you and gilt for being free while you must bow to the throne.

I have met a hell of a lot of limeys and almost every thanked me over and over for the US saving their twice. So before you can thank the US for saving your ass from speaking german, I will just say your welcome.

Alright dumbass, ever heard of Habeas Corpus (the principle that all men are free).... I wonder what country came up with it....

read up.

And you realise Nazi Germany were only able to Invade their neighbours and start THE HOLOCAUST because of Oil Addatives sold to them guessed it....the USA... yeah so thanks for profitting from the deaths of MILLIONS of people.


that tickled me, good one.

(The Irony is you're probably from like Alabama or some shit, or as we call it in the rest of the world, Incest Central)

Just like a european egocentric to the max, are you so stupid as to think you can speak for the rest of the world and think you know what the rest world says?
The true irony is you know little truth of the world having grown up with a far left slant from the BBC.
Just like a european egocentric to the max, are you so stupid as to think you can speak for the rest of the world and think you know what the rest world says?
The true irony is you know little truth of the world having grown up with a far left slant from the BBC.

How the hell would you know that, come out of nowhere guy?
Alright dumbass, ever heard of Habeas Corpus (the principle that all men are free).... I wonder what country came up with it....
I wander just how much you really know about it. Have you ever heard of blackstone?

And you realise Nazi Germany were only able to Invade their neighbours and start THE HOLOCAUST because of Oil Addatives sold to them guessed it....the USA... yeah so thanks for profitting from the deaths of MILLIONS of people.

Your full of shit, and stupid. If you wish to debate this than pull up some proof and we will have at it.

I see you as you as stupid because a limey to speak of an other country profitting from death after all the countrys you have enslaved to squeeze the wealth from. Please tell me how many millions did you kill doing this? Not just profitting from death [as you blame the US] but for killing for profit. Can you tell me a country that has did this to more countrys then you limeys. Are the top 4 not in europe?
You limeys even did it to the US intill we kicked your ass and tossed you out but limeys are a bit slow so we had to do it again, the last time a few scrubs truly kicked your fine armys ass [even though badly out numbered] so bad that you never tryed again.

I guess will see how long it takes you to learn give up,
Ever heard of the European Union Dipshit?

The best thing about being British, apart from being able to talk correctly, is being able to live and work ANYWHERE in the wealthiest (top GDP in the world), most Diverse, part of the world there is (The European Union).... so no, we're not on our own.

Where there is a provision outlawing dissension against Islam?

Britains had a good run all things considered, ever wondered how a country a 1/5 of the size of Texas managed to take over the world?

Bigger guns? Being pushy? Killing those who liked their way of life without interference? For having the balls to disagree with the Empire? Where GB raped the lands, and enslaved the natives? And you bitch about any U.S. policy?

No wonder you are so ignorant if you take all your info from biased right wing propaganda.

I don't blame Iran for wanting to defend itself from America, your country is a Liability.... starting wars for profit, Killing unarmed Civilians, and exporting your greed and corruption through corperate rule.

Apparently you are blissfully ignorant of your own history, or are you intentionally overlooking India...Hong Kong, and other sovereign countries. Or doesn't that count?

It's not like they need to look very far to see the fucked up things your country does.
Are you talking about the country that has outlawed self-defense? Where for defending your life you can be put in jail for life? Where steak knives are on their way to being illegal? Where possession of a pocket knife is a criminal offense?
What of Free speech? Recently a Dutch I believe politician was invited to speak in your country, ans was denied entry and rebuked for expressing his opinion, but horror of horrors!!! He exposed radical aspects of Islam, and heavens above, everybody must speak glowingly of bloody Islam or they must be silenced.

That the USA has it's troubles for sure, but damn straight we can say what we want, when we want, without fear of British style speech police. We also have the right to defend ourselves against those who wish to do us and/or ours badily harm. Everybody should have that right, sadly so-called "civilized" countries such as yours decided that it's OK to be a criminal..
I thank the stars that My forefathers were tired of knuckling under and kicked the Brits out...
Alright dumbass, ever heard of Habeas Corpus (the principle that all men are free).... I wonder what country came up with it....

read up.

And you realise Nazi Germany were only able to Invade their neighbours and start THE HOLOCAUST because of Oil Addatives sold to them guessed it....the USA... yeah so thanks for profitting from the deaths of MILLIONS of people.

Ah..Gotta love it..Revisionist History..
What of Chamberlain? Did you forget him and his inactions regarding Hitler, and his claims of not really making war and only interested in German security. I guess the US wasted all those young lives and resources saving your, and the rest of Europe, as it is becoming more apparent that radical Islam is the new Religion in Europe..

After the war began in Europe, the English became angry about U.S. shipments of strategic materials to Nazi Germany. Standard Oil immediately changed the registration of their entire fleet to Panamanian to avoid British search or seizure. These ships continued to carry oil to Tenerife in the Canary Islands, where they refueled and siphoned oil to German tankers for shipment to Hamburg.
This deception was exposed on March 31, 1941 when the U.S. State Department issued a detailed report on refueling stations in Mexico and Central and South America that were suspected of furnishing oil to Italian and German merchant vessels. The report listed Standard Oil of New Jersey and Standard Oil of California among those fueling enemy ships, but there is no record of any action being taken as a result of this discovery. Similar deals between Standard Oil and the Japanese government for the purchase of tetraethyl lead have also been uncovered, but no direct action was ever taken against Standard Oil for its dealings with America’s enemies. A brief side note, however, is that on April 17, l945 the Chase National Bank was placed on trial in federal court on charges of having violated the Trading With the Enemy Act by converting German marks into U.S. dollars. Because many countries refused to accept German currency during the war, the Nazis used foreign banks like Chase National to change the currency into money that would be accepted, and thus allowed them to purchase much need materials to prolong the war. The closer one looks, the more ties one finds between American business and Nazi Germany, many of which remained strong well into and beyond the war.

In 1937, John D. Rockefeller died, but his legacy of using oil money to grease the wheels of fascism continued. That year, as the Spanish Civil War raged, Texas Co. (later called Texaco) fueled Franco’s fascists. (In 1936, Texas Co. and Standard Oil California formed California Texas Oil (later Caltex) to combine Texas Co’s marketing network in the Middle East with Standard’s operations there.) Texas Co. also continued shipping oil to Germany during WWII. In 1938, Brown Brothers, Harriman, the Wall Street investment firm (with senior partners Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker) was involved in funding the supply of leaded gas for the Nazi Luftwaffe. Chevron and Texas Co. created Aramco in 1939, to pump Saudi oil for the Nazi war machine. In 1940, Texaco provided an office, in their Chrysler Building, for a Nazi intelligence officer, Dr. Gerhardt Westrick. Executives of Standard Oil’s German subsidiary were “Prominent figures of Himmler’s Circle of Friends of the Gestapo – its chief financiers – and close friends and colleagues of the Baron von Schroder” a leading Gesatpo officer and financier (Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy). Just before WWII, the Rockefeller’s Chase Bank collaborated with the Nazi’s Schroder Bank to raise $25 million for Germany’s war economy. They also supplied the German government with names and background information on 10,000 fascist sympathizers in America. Throughout WWII, Rockefeller’s Chase Bank stayed open in Nazi-occupied Paris, providing services for Germany’s embassy and its businesses.
This shit is real, and these are the people running your country still.

The only people who will profit from a war with Iran will be the same rich powerful elite, pulling the strings, who have been doing the same thing for the past 60 years.

You can all rail me for being British all you want, Britain has done a lot of shitty things over the past 200 years, built an empire and affected a lot of countries. However the politics behind the breaking down of the Empire has been HEAVILY infulenced by America, you 'Saved our Asses' as it were (Apparently we owed you one. pfft!).

Now its the USA fucking up the world, starting wars for oil in the name of democracy,a 'War on Terror'. and then supporting Isreali Terrorism in Gaza.

Your Country is being run by MONEY and therefore by BANKERS who control the money.

A lot of you a hate the British, but at least we were open about our Empire, in the name of Queen and Country watt. The USA is secretly Enslaving the world with your central banking system, which relies on the fact that not many people understand to profit a few extremely wealthy Family's.
I wander just how much you really know about it. Have you ever heard of blackstone?

Your full of shit, and stupid. If you wish to debate this than pull up some proof and we will have at it.

I see you as you as stupid because a limey to speak of an other country profitting from death after all the countrys you have enslaved to squeeze the wealth from. Please tell me how many millions did you kill doing this? Not just profitting from death [as you blame the US] but for killing for profit. Can you tell me a country that has did this to more countrys then you limeys. Are the top 4 not in europe?
You limeys even did it to the US intill we kicked your ass and tossed you out but limeys are a bit slow so we had to do it again, the last time a few scrubs truly kicked your fine armys ass [even though badly out numbered] so bad that you never tryed again.

I guess will see how long it takes you to learn give up,

Killing for profit, like 100,000 Iraqi Civilians?

Shall we keep things up to date now?
Uh, folks it's pretty evident he's a dim bulb. Just put him on ignore as I did. He's infantile and uninformed...what a combination..

out. :blsmoke:
Ever heard of the European Union Dipshit?

I haven't, Is the dip made from real shit? It doesn't surprise me with some of the crap that I know you eat. I get it you eat your shit dip than spit it out thats where the crap you spue out here.

The best thing about being British, apart from being able to talk correctly,

So your saying that thay cleared up your speach impediment. Me I'm just glad that you can do something correctly.

is being able to live and work ANYWHERE in the wealthiest (top GDP in the world), most Diverse [perverce is what you mean], part of the world there is (The European Union).... so no, we're not on our own.

Me I'm glad that I can live anywhere [almost] in the world that I want to and I DO.

Britains had a good run all things considered, ever wondered how a country a 1/5 of the size of Texas managed to take over the world?

Well you were always killing some peoples off somewhere for profit and you got to be very rich doing that and then theres selling drugs to china and other evil crap that you did. I can see how you take such pride these evil acts you being from europe and all, Do your schools teach that you took over the world or did you learn that on your own?

No wonder you are so ignorant if you take all your info from biased right wing propaganda.

I'm wondering where the propaganda that you took over the world came from so I may understand how you came to be this ignorant?

I don't blame Iran for wanting to defend itself from America, your country is a Liability.... starting wars for profit, Killing unarmed Civilians, and exporting your greed and corruption through corperate rule.

I think you had to work overtime for years to get this dumb.
Bomb Bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran...


Oh Bomb Iran, we'll make a plan. We'll be rockin and a rollin...
Let's bomb Iran!!

jk... :lol:

That was a top 40 hit wasn't it?

out. :blsmoke:
This shit is real, and these are the people running your country still.

You can all rail me for being British all you want, Britain has done a lot of shitty things over the past 200 years, built an empire and affected a lot of countries. However the politics behind the breaking down of the Empire has been HEAVILY infulenced by America, you 'Saved our Asses' as it were (Apparently we owed you one. pfft!).

A lot of you a hate the British, but at least we were open about our Empire, in the name of Queen and Country watt. The USA is secretly Enslaving the world with your central banking system, which relies on the fact that not many people understand to profit a few extremely wealthy Family's.

England was selling more than a few types of things to germany at the same time as standard oil was. I have a hard time understanding why you limeys would think it was ok for you to sell aircraft engines and wrong for standard but ok for you? You went to war with germany not the other way around. Hell the US wanted to stay out of your europeans wars. As for your cut&paste the spin is good but nothing new and it doesn't support the claim you made.
Well once again I am ahead of the curve... :lol: Even the democrats are waking up...whew...about time.

Americans favor military action against Iran if sanctions and diplomacy fail to persuade the regime to cease efforts toward building nuclear weapons, according to a new IBD/TIPP poll.
President Obama has said he wants to engage Iran in dialogue.
In an interview with Al-Arabiya TV in late January, he said Tehran's past actions have been detrimental to Middle East peace, but said, "It is important for us to be willing to talk to Iran, to express very clearly where our differences are but where there are potential avenues for progress."
If talks or sanctions don't work, 52% of Americans say they think the U.S. should use military action vs. 37% who say it shouldn't.
Among Republicans, 65% favor military action while 23% oppose it. Democrats back it 48%-43%. Independents split 44%-45%.
"It would be a good idea if the mullahs in Iran were aware of (the poll)," said Richard Perle, a resident fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute and a former assistant secretary of defense. "They may be thinking that the opposition they saw to military action in Iraq would somehow protect them."
Others say there's still time and room for diplomacy.
"The idea of a security guarantee — which means a promise of no invasion, no regime change, no bombing — is not an unreasonable goal from the Iranian vantage point of any negotiating process," said Phyllis Bennis, director of the New Internationalism Project at the liberal Institute for Policy Studies and author of "Understanding the US-Iran Crisis."
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently said Iran was a likely invitee to a planned international conference on Afghanistan.
"One way to engage Iran, and one way the Obama administration is pursuing, is on points of agreement or of mutual interest like Afghanistan," said Moran Banai, the U.S. editor of the Middle East Bulletin at the liberal Center for American Progress.
Strike, Counterstrike
Perle warned that American support could be contingent on the type of military action.
"If it's 48 hours of surgical strikes with no U.S. casualties, you'd get a higher figure," he said. "I don't believe the U.S. would contemplate an invasion with ground forces under any circumstance."
Opponents argue that military strikes wouldn't seriously disrupt Tehran's work.
Israel destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor in the 1980s — and a likely Syrian reactor in 2007. But Iran has dispersed its nuclear facilities in secret locations deep underground.
Attacks vs. Iran could destabilize Shiite-led Iraq and hurt America's influence there. Tehran-backed terror groups Hezbollah and Hamas might go after U.S. or Israeli targets. And bombings would unite the Iranian people against America.
Supporters of the military option say a nuclear Iran could spur an atomic arms push through the region and threaten Israel.
Less Hawkish In 2006
A September 2006 IBD/TIPP poll found that just 39% of Americans favored military action vs. Iran if diplomacy and sanctions failed, with 47% opposed. But that survey asked about Iran's "uranium enrichment," not building "nuclear weapons."
Bennis suggested that the latest poll question was "dishonest."
"Since there is no evidence Iran is building a nuclear weapon, but people in this country believe there is, on one level (the result) is not surprising," she said.
She noted that the International Atomic Energy Agency and American spy agencies' 2007 National Intelligence Estimate concluded "there's no evidence" Iran is working on a nuclear weapon.
With a differently worded question, "you'd get very different answers," Bennis contended.
Jennifer Mizrahi, president and founder of the Israel Project, a pro-Israel group, said, "The NIE was widely misunderstood. . . . It still said that Iran could very well be weaponizing for nuclear weapons."
The IAEA has been unable to draw definitive conclusions about whether Iran has a nuclear weapons program.
The NIE reported with "high confidence" that Iran has stopped its nuclear weapons program. But it said Iran's uranium enrichment program could provide enough raw material for nukes.
Even with Iran continuing to frustrate U.N. inspectors, hard facts are scarce. But there indications that Iran is taking other steps that could be used in making atomic weapons.
No Western government believes Iran's nuclear program is solely for peaceful, civilian energy production. The Obama administration is proceeding on the assumption that Iran plans to build nuclear weapons.
The U.S. and European allies have imposed various sanctions vs. Iran, especially its banks. Russia and China have blocked tough penalties in the U.N. Security Council.
The IBD/TIPP poll also found slightly stronger support for Israel taking military action to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program, with 57% favoring it and 29% opposed.
Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister-designate after Israel's recent elections, claims weakening Iran is the key to Mideast peace. Israel has refused to rule out military action to prevent Iran from going nuclear.

out. :blsmoke:

Now Cracker let me ask this what are the results and or consequences of a military strike on Iran, what do you think there response would be?
Bomb Bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran...


Oh Bomb Iran, we'll make a plan. We'll be rockin and a rollin...
Let's bomb Iran!!

jk... :lol:

That was a top 40 hit wasn't it?

out. :blsmoke:

jk... :lol: <---wtf

This is a place to exchange ideas. Not to say stupid, trollish things for the fuck of it. You dig me cracker?
Now Cracker let me ask this what are the results and or consequences of a military strike on Iran, what do you think there response would be?

I'm guessing outrage? :lol: More to the point what would Russia's response be.... they are pulling strings in this mess. Since Iran would be left without material for a bomb (maybe), THEIR response would have to be conventional. However, I think Mahamoud would be defeated in the upcoming elections which are already tight. The people might demand something more akin to a stable govt. It's hard to predict what their behavior would be. The world has been wrong for 30 years with Iran. They wish to impose global shiite rule. It's a good question but the alternative is a nuclear Iran with nutjobs with their fingers on the button. that is unacceptable.

NW...U must have missed the JK...
out. :blsmoke:
I'm guessing outrage? :lol: More to the point what would Russia's response be.... they are pulling strings in this mess. Since Iran would be left without material for a bomb (maybe), THEIR response would have to be conventional. However, I think Mahamoud would be defeated in the upcoming elections which are already tight. The people might demand something more akin to a stable govt. It's hard to predict what their behavior would be. The world has been wrong for 30 years with Iran. They wish to impose global shiite rule. It's a good question but the alternative is a nuclear Iran with nutjobs with their fingers on the button. that is unacceptable.

NW...U must have missed the JK...
out. :blsmoke:

No I didn't. What YOU missed was that talking all that bullshit and then saying Jk + a fucking smiley doesn't count anymore. Where the hell is your Netiquette? Now here this! That does NOT get you off the hook for being stupid aight?
fuck worst thread iv ever read in my life IMHO. how do i get to stop this shit from showing in the new posts? anyone?

keep yourself to yourself and don't go poking your nose in other peoples bissnes where you have no business to be . how the fuck would you like it if some cunt droped a bomb on you? you are talking about inesannt human lives !! it dose not mater if ou are white, black or any other color race or creed, if you think someone should die before you it just goes to show you are a rasist - natzi M-F and one day you too will be judged!