Iran Update...

OK, I'll bite with The UK Jibes.

We can all pick up on stereotypes (which is how this started).


I bet you guys feel really superiour on your deep south trailer parks, with your white trash bitches and dumbass floride affected kids (not you CJ, no woman would ever love you).


You loosers crack me up.
Just put him on ignore. Unable to debate with intelligence, he/she reverts to debasement (i'm assuming since I already have him/her on ignore :lol:)

A child.

out. :blsmoke:
Just put him on ignore. Unable to debate with intelligence, he/she reverts to debasement (i'm assuming since I already have him/her on ignore :lol:)

A child.

out. :blsmoke:

For CJ

UK settles WWII debts to allies

Britain needed money for reconstruction and importing food

Britain will settle its World War II debts to the US and Canada when it pays two final instalments before the close of 2006, the Treasury has said. The payments of $83.25m (£42.5m) to the US and US$22.7m (£11.6m) to Canada are the last of 50 instalments since 1950.
I think cracker has everyone on ignore that doesn't agree with his fascist ideas. I think he and Vi should get married, a marriage made in heaven. A real dorkfest.
Find me a post where I "praised Iran" jackass. It's not a black/white kind of thing, what the fuck is it with you people!? I don't have to support anyone in shit if I don't want to, and if I don't support one side guess what.... that does not mean I automatically support the other side....

Don't be such a puss. You shouldn't hang around here bent over running your mouth asking for a prostate exam, then bitch because you get a bad taste in your mouth. FYI that wasn't just a very large finger and that taste that came into your mouth at the end of your exam well........
Keep your pantys pulled up [don't let them bunch] your mounth shut and stop bending over asking for it.

So if by condemning the US governments actions in the middle east you mean ''praise Iran'' you need to pull your head out of your ass, because that's retarded. Just because I don't support the US government in their terrorist activities doesn't mean I support Iran in their terrorist activities... how do you idiots come up with that kind of logic seriously?!

I note that you didn't say that you don't support Iran's terrorism, and it would have defintive and easier to say that way, so you have worked to leave it ambiguous to perpetuate your ambiguity on your support for Iran's terrorism and in that you HAVE shown support for Iran, it is reasonable to assume that you DO support Iran's terrorism.

Yes I now understand that you don't suport the US stopping terrorists from their work. Are you opposed from a right to work stand point? I understand that their benefits are top rate, all the virgins and young boys, gee a homicide bomber after puting on his vest is set for life and only needs to push a button and even his family gets money, With some hard work maybe could qualify.

Again, where the hell did I ever claim that the British were "so civilized and morally superior"??! Find me a post where I made that claim, liar. The US IS populated by a bunch of barbarians and criminals,

Yes we have let too many in and all of the illegals are criminals and some are barbarians, but the goverment slow to put up fencing to keep them out and even slower about deporting them, so what can you do?

...So I say in my last post "stop acting like America is the best thing since sliced bread"... and in this post, you're saying I'm the only one saying that...?... when I just said "stop saying it". wtf are you smoking?

Since when is using the first amendment ''pissing on the flag''? Do you not believe in freedom of speech?

I support your right to free speech, say whatever you like, the more you say the more I have to debate, but I don't mind. SPEAK ON BRO

We have our problems, and this is MOST DEFINITELY NOT the best system there is. Have you experienced every other form of government?

I haven't experienced all of them but my third passport is on the way, and I can say that I have enjoyed almost everywhere that I have been, not because of the goverments but in spite of them. I can't think of one that the US would be better off with, though I could think of a bunch of politicans that the US would be better off without.
Now quit alluding to the illusion of your enlightened understanding of goverments and please tell us of these better goverments so that we may become enlightened as you are?

Exactly, then shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about, you're only saying it's the best, because once again, you use it, and somehow in your mind that makes you the best and anyone who doesn't use capitalism lower than you...

Please O wise one don't berate ME for thinking something is good just enlighten us to what is better?

Got news for you man, we've been around for less than 300 years, the current system for less than 100, it sure as fuck didn't take long for your golden system to come crumbling down now did it...

Well o'bomba has a lot of energy and has worked hard at it. So your saying that you think he has put us on the roar to perdition?

I'd rather stay and try to make things better for myself and everyone else than run and hide like a little bitch.

Don't worry with time you could grow up to be a big bitch. If someone doesn't strangle you first.
Also Cj, when America decided it wanted Independence did you do it all alone? I think we know that French and Dutch involvement was the deciding factor, so much so that France was bankrupted and was an precursor to their revolution. But thats ok! Britain borrowing money that it paid back is terrible, filthy leeches that we are.... As I have said 3 times now. YOU ARE THE REASON THAT THE WORLD HATES AMERICANS. You are the warmongering, paranoid puppetmaster pulling strings whenever and wherever you want. If the world does have a nuclear war you will be the reason not Iran. Have you ever even heard a foreign voice or traveled to a foreign country, have you ever had a debate wher you rely on unbiased non-propaganda based literature to inflate your cause. In Uk Universities there is an emphasis on understanding bias and prejudice in anything you read, not just taking as fact. The facts you regurgitate are biased and unbalanced and as such are worthless.
I note that you didn't say that you don't support Iran's terrorism, and it would have defintive and easier to say that way, so you have worked to leave it ambiguous to perpetuate your ambiguity on your support for Iran's terrorism and in that you HAVE shown support for Iran, it is reasonable to assume that you DO support Iran's terrorism.
Yes I now understand that you don't suport the US stopping terrorists from their work. Are you opposed from a right to work stand point? I understand that their benefits are top rate, all the virgins and young boys, gee a homicide bomber after puting on his vest is set for life and only needs to push a button and even his family gets money, With some hard work maybe could qualify.

I DO NOT SUPPORT TERRORISM! - Is that clear enough for you? The logic you decided to run with on this one is seriously astounding, I don't say I don't support something, so that automatically makes me support it. Clearly this is true, I'm a huge racist cannibal redneck, I mean, shit how should you know right? I never said I didn't support those things...

You're the one supporting the US governments actions (terrorism); Hundreds of thousands of people dead since 2001 as a DIRECT RESULT of American foreign policy (but I guess you assholes will just mark that off as collateral damage) - terrorism, millions of people displaced and without basic necessities like water and food - terrorism, wars that skyrocketed the crumble of the world economy - economic terrorism, hiring blackwater and other mercenary organizations - illegal, and also terrorism, torture - terrorism, I could go on and on, and yet you support each and every one of these, whose the one who supports terrorism, asshole.

You're wrong, I do support the US stopping terrorists, the shit I don't support is the way they 'stop them' and this ridiculous idea that we can eliminate terrorism off the face of the planet. There's a big difference. I support any nation who fights against active terrorism, terrorism in any light, whether it's political, economic, nuclear... or domestic. Our armed forces use terrorism against 'terrorists' (I would really hope I shouldn't have to say this but if I don't one of you jackasses would probably bring it up in a later comment thinking you've got something smart to say, so don't bother, I'm not saying every single member of our armed forces uses terrorism on the battlefield, I'm saying our leadership (if you can call it that) implements terrorist style tactics and openly breaks international laws without any accountability or responsibility, further strengthening the 'terrorists' cause and giving them justification for killing coalition soldiers.

Can you at least see that --- We invade their lands, we kill their civilians, we steal their resources, we post up puppet governments, all that stuff breeds MORE 'terrorists', EXACTLY like it would here or anywhere else. This stuff is not brain surgery... Cause > Effect, pretty simple...

Where am I wrong?

Yes we have let too many in and all of the illegals are criminals and some are barbarians, but the goverment slow to put up fencing to keep them out and even slower about deporting them, so what can you do?

So essentially what you're saying is that all our crime and problems are the illegal immigrants fault, did I get that right?

If you really believe that, then there is no hope for you in American society. I'm truly concerned about someone's mental state who says something so stupid as fact.

I haven't experienced all of them but my third passport is on the way, and I can say that I have enjoyed almost everywhere that I have been, not because of the goverments but in spite of them. I can't think of one that the US would be better off with, though I could think of a bunch of politicans that the US would be better off without.
Now quit alluding to the illusion of your enlightened understanding of goverments and please tell us of these better goverments so that we may become enlightened as you are?

Well, no doubt you'll disagree with any government I list, because you're opposed to the things I think would make our government and society better, or you'll find some obscure aspect of it that in your mind Americans (the kind like yourself) would never agree to, so what's the point?

There are places where people are happier and live longer and have limited government involvement in daily affairs, all of which I think would make this society better, do you disagree with that?

Please O wise one don't berate ME for thinking something is good just enlighten us to what is better?

Capitalism makes poverty possible, period. It is far from a perfect system. I use it because I have to. Again, any system I say, ANY SYSTEM, you will disagree with, so why even bother? Why don't you tell me why you think capitalism is so great? (I'm not dodging this question, I'm giving you logic and reason as to why it's a loaded question to begin with, and asking you a better one with more substance, so don't pull some bullshit and just answer the question)

Well o'bomba has a lot of energy and has worked hard at it. So your saying that you think he has put us on the roar to perdition?

I don't think any one person is responsible for our current situation, that would be incredibly stupid to think that. It's a cumulation of policy that stretches back more than a decade with probably thousands of people responsible in one way or another. But without a doubt, our lack of leadership to solve this situation has been and will be a huge aspect of if we will come out with our heads above water or drown in the bottomless pit that is the American economy. As far as I can see, shit is not going good at all.

Don't worry with time you could grow up to be a big bitch. If someone doesn't strangle you first.

Empty threats and poor sentence structure... trademark of a 'conservative'.

Older than your fingers and toes will alow you to count.

Whose being ambiguous now? Too ashamed to admit your age, think people will actually see how stupid you are by arguing a viewpoint not even a 10 year old would have, being over at least 20? :lol:
Looks like all opposition continuously fails in this thread...

Socialism Guarantees Poverty,
It also guarantees that the government will continue doing the kind of idiotic things it is doing right now, such as bailing out enterprises that are, and I quote, "TOO BIG TO FAIL."

Give me a fucking break.

I'll keep my money, you can keep your change.
Also Cj, when America decided it wanted Independence did you do it all alone? I think we know that French and Dutch involvement was the deciding factor, so much so that France was bankrupted and was an precursor to their revolution. But thats ok! Britain borrowing money that it paid back is terrible, filthy leeches that we are.... As I have said 3 times now. YOU ARE THE REASON THAT THE WORLD HATES AMERICANS. You are the warmongering, paranoid puppetmaster pulling strings whenever and wherever you want. If the world does have a nuclear war you will be the reason not Iran. Have you ever even heard a foreign voice or traveled to a foreign country, have you ever had a debate wher you rely on unbiased non-propaganda based literature to inflate your cause. In Uk Universities there is an emphasis on understanding bias and prejudice in anything you read, not just taking as fact. The facts you regurgitate are biased and unbalanced and as such are worthless.

Let's see

I routinely read papers from the UK, and from the massive amounts of government stupidity reported in those, I can conclude that the UK sucks.

I've heard stories about France making it criminal for people to work more than 35 hours a week. I think it's stupid. The government shouldn't be dictating how many hours a person can work.

Just from what I've read in the news I can say that both those countries suck.


Because they are trying to coddle their immature, self-centered, greedy, egotistical citizens and protect them from themselves.

If you need the Government to protect you from having to work too much, then you obviously don't have a mind capable of intelligent thought, never had a mind capable of intelligent thought, and will never have a mind capable of intelligent thought.

What's even more ironic is that both countries routinely make a hash out of what they are trying to do.

Taking an old man's cane from him because it "might be used as a weapon."

What's next, are they going to gouge out people's eyes so no one can glare at any one else?

Or what about their recent case of attempting to force some one to not home school their own children?

Ironically, the only thing dumber than the Average American, is the Average European.

At least the Average American knows that Socialism is evil.

Why else would have it been necessary for Obama the Great Liar to pretend to be a Centrist during his campaign?

D'ya think it was because if he hadn't he wouldn't have had a chance in hell of actually winning?

What was the biggest bitch on the right and in the middle about McCain?

He's too far to the left... (further than even Obama was appearing, which was pretty damn far...)


Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran

We'll use a B-52 loaded with Micronukes
to turn the sands into a parking lot
and that is the plan we have
when we say,

No, not really, frankly, I think the United States needs to withdraw from Iraq, Germany, Korea, Japan, and any other nation that we have troops in, and let them take care of themselves.

As the left is so repetitively reminding us, we are no longer the world's only superpower.

My response, is GOOD, then the rest of the world can take care of themselves, and pay for their own damn defense against the Russians and Chinese.

Though both of those nations are not likely to resort to out right war. They have better tools at their disposal... Economic Warfare.
Speaking of Russians, here's a breath of fresh air which is rare from over there (rhymes :lol:. Seems some folks over there see it clearly. Shazam!

Iran: A Russian general has issued a public warning about the dangers posed by the Islamist regime in Tehran. Is further confirmation needed to convince the West that the dithering United Nations isn't the answer?
Maj. Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin, speaking at a Russian press agency news conference Thursday, corroborated intelligence that Iran is developing a next-generation, long-range missile and has dangerous nuclear weapons ambitions. Dvorkin, who heads Moscow's Center for Strategic Nuclear Forces, said, "Iran has long abandoned outdated missile technologies and is capable of producing sophisticated missile systems."
Dvorkin doesn't believe Iran is capable — yet — of building an intercontinental ballistic missile that can carry a nuclear warhead, "but they will most likely be able to threaten the whole of Europe."
Iran has made a mockery of the U.N.'s demands that it halt its nuclear program, which could produce an atomic weapon next year — if not sooner. Its belligerence will only grow more outrageous after it has built a nuclear weapon that it can use "to expand its support of terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah," Dvorkin said. Nuclear capability will give it the leverage it needs to try to dominate the entire Middle East.
Dvorkin doesn't strike us as a crank out to trouble the waters. He spent much of his career deeply involved in strategic arms talks, helping the Soviet Union draw up its positions on a number of weapons pacts. His warning is not only for the West, but directed toward Russia as well. He is getting a message that many in the U.S. and Europe are too timid to listen to.
Iran is not some "tiny" country that doesn't "pose a serious threat to us," as one of the presidential candidates said last May. While it's not the new USSR, it is, as that same candidate said two months later, "a grave threat," which the world must keep from getting a nuclear weapon.
Barack Obama vowed in July that he would "take no options off the table" in dealing with Iran. He also said he'd be willing to talk to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Now that Obama's president, we'd rather he take the latter idea off the table, as meeting with Ahmadinejad would only encourage more hostility. Ahmadinejad himself said Obama's offer to talk showed weakness and marked a "failure" of America's "system of domination."
What's needed in dealing with Iran is strength and a thick skin while facing the Western nations that will wag their fingers at any show of U.S. strength or resolve. Given Dvorkin's comments, it's possible that Washington might even find an ally in Moscow.

Notice how he refers to Iran as a regime Paddy? Hmmm. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
israel will take care of iran on its on.
the obama admin is already cutting deals with iran.
our good friends the israeli's do not trust the obama admin.
neither do investors
israel will take care of iran on its on.
the obama admin is already cutting deals with iran.
our good friends the israeli's do not trust the obama admin.
neither do investors

:lol: That is one of the funniest posts yet on this thread! Where do you think Israel gets all its military hardware? Without the US Israel would most likely be another Muslim state.:shock:
Iran: A Russian general has issued a public warning about the dangers posed by the Islamist regime in Tehran. Is further confirmation needed to convince the West that the dithering United Nations isn't the answer?
Maj. Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin, speaking at a Russian press agency news conference Thursday, corroborated intelligence that Iran is developing a next-generation, long-range missile and has dangerous nuclear weapons ambitions. Dvorkin, who heads Moscow's Center for Strategic Nuclear Forces, said, "Iran has long abandoned outdated missile technologies and is capable of producing sophisticated missile systems."
Dvorkin doesn't believe Iran is capable — yet — of building an intercontinental ballistic missile that can carry a nuclear warhead, "but they will most likely be able to threaten the whole of Europe."
Iran has made a mockery of the U.N.'s demands that it halt its nuclear program, which could produce an atomic weapon next year — if not sooner.

Iran has consistently defied international demands to halt its nuclear programme and insists that it plans to use enriched uranium fuel produced at a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz in its first domestically-built nuclear power plant. The plant in the town of Darkhovin is scheduled to become operational in 2016. year... 2016... hmm, maybe you shouldn't believe everything you read CJ...

Its belligerence will only grow more outrageous after it has built a nuclear weapon that it can use "to expand its support of terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah," Dvorkin said. Nuclear capability will give it the leverage it needs to try to dominate the entire Middle East.

"Dominate" how exactly? Why don't you come out and say exactly what you think Iran's intentions are, and don't leave anything out. What do they want, and how do you think developing nuclear capability will help them get it?

We've already talked about an actual nuclear strike against another nation, something really unlikely to happen, a couple of us destroyed your whole 'Mississippi River barge launch idea' along with your 'Cessna launch idea'.... there's no realistic way for Iran to launch a nuclear warhead at any other nation without everyone else knowing exactly what's going on, even if they gave it to Hezbollah or Hamas, the trail would lead to Iran. Iran knows this, you seriously underestimate logic and reason when you come up with these insane ideas...

Dvorkin doesn't strike us as a crank out to trouble the waters. He spent much of his career deeply involved in strategic arms talks, helping the Soviet Union draw up its positions on a number of weapons pacts. His warning is not only for the West, but directed toward Russia as well. He is getting a message that many in the U.S. and Europe are too timid to listen to.

Yet again, more bias from the author of this article with zero evidence to support it.

Iran is not some "tiny" country that doesn't "pose a serious threat to us," as one of the presidential candidates said last May. While it's not the new USSR, it is, as that same candidate said two months later, "a grave threat," which the world must keep from getting a nuclear weapon.
Barack Obama vowed in July that he would "take no options off the table" in dealing with Iran. He also said he'd be willing to talk to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Now that Obama's president, we'd rather he take the latter idea off the table, as meeting with Ahmadinejad would only encourage more hostility.

I'd LOVE to know how negotiating with Iran would bring more hostility than threats of aggression, sanctions, and regulations on international trade, why don't you enlighten me CJ!

Ahmadinejad himself said Obama's offer to talk showed weakness and marked a "failure" of America's "system of domination."

I demand a source for this quote.

What's needed in dealing with Iran is strength and a thick skin while facing the Western nations that will wag their fingers at any show of U.S. strength or resolve. Given Dvorkin's comments, it's possible that Washington might even find an ally in Moscow.

Where's the evidence to support this?! We implemented that exact policy for 8 years during Bush's terms, no negotiations, no talks, more sanctions, more aggression, more threats, and look where we are now. You think the same policy would help solve the situation? Explain how please. Why didn't it work during Bush's terms? Why would it work during Obama's, what's changed? Trial and error man, you have to learn from history, haven't you ever heard the saying if you don't learn from it, you'll repeat it? I learned that in 2nd grade...

Notice how he refers to Iran as a regime Paddy? Hmmm.

Yeah, Maj. Gen. Dvorkin didn't say it's a regime CJ, the author of this article called it a regime.

...once again, zero sources... Where did you find this CJ?

Well, I did a little searching and found this... here's some more from your very own source, Russian Maj. Gen. Dvorkin that you apparently missed completely...

Commenting on the Iranian nuclear programme, Dvorkin said the potential danger of its military aspect was not the possibility of a nuclear strike against some countries, but the ability to assume a more bold approach in dealing with the international community after becoming a nuclear power.

...not to mention the Russians are a huge supplier to the Iranians, I smell something fishy... Why would the Russians supply the Iranians with technology capable of developing more nuclear facilities and enriching more uranium, then do a complete 180 and say they're dangerous and are a threat to Europe and the Middle East? That doesn't make any sense.

israel will take care of iran on its on.
the obama admin is already cutting deals with iran.
our good friends the israeli's do not trust the obama admin.
neither do investors

What deals has Obama's administration cut with Iran Max?

Israel is not 'our good friends', they use us for military power and billions of our taxpayers dollars to suppress neighboring Muslim countries into almost total submission through acts of aggression. We use them as a doorway to the Middle East. Take either of these away and our alliance with Israel.. "our good friends" ceases to exist, quote me on that.