Iran Update...

What part of Hamas firing missles into Israeli neightborhoods is not killing civilians... this family made a tragic error in going the wrong way. The same thing would happen anywhere that load up women and children with bombs and send them into an area to kill civillians. I understand these women and children were not being used for such, but this is what paranoia causes, shoot first ask questions later, no one is exempt we would all have pulled the trigger under those circumstances.
of course I abhor all violence against civilians, no matter who is pulling the trigger. This is the path however that Hamas has chosen. Since Hamas ROUTINELY use their own civilians to either kill Israeli CIVILIANS or as human shields for themselves (cowards), this is not surprising to me. Violence begets violence. It has always been within the power of Hamas to end the violence. They choose not to.

I like the bit about the reportes showing us the reprehensible graffiti ... hamas = bad :lol: reprehensible!!

out. :blsmoke:
What is reprehensible is both sides doing indiscriminate killing.This is a long standing blood feud between these two "tribes", and is not likely to be solved by military or diplomatic measures. It's kinda like, "you killed my brother and now I'm coming for you". Those children that have witnessed the brutality of the Israelis against their relatives or anyone for that matter, are imprinted with hatred for Israelis. This will not end without complete extermination of one or the other.
What is reprehensible is both sides doing indiscriminate killing.This is a long standing blood feud between these two "tribes", and is not likely to be solved by military or diplomatic measures. It's kinda like, "you killed my brother and now I'm coming for you". Those children that have witnessed the brutality of the Israelis against their relatives or anyone for that matter, are imprinted with hatred for Israelis. This will not end without complete extermination of one or the other.

Well at least for now it provides a nice testing ground for US military hardware.
It's the bald truth...that is what irks you. :lol: Strip away all the BS and it comes down to Hamas not wanting peace. Israel has conceded time and time again, and Hamas always breaks the deal. It's pretty obvious, except to those who don't want peace in the ME (like you).

so Paddy, I can discern from your posts that you don't think Iran is building a nuke and Hamas is an upstanding organization. WOW.

out. :blsmoke:
It's the bald truth...that is what irks you. :lol: Strip away all the BS and it comes down to Hamas not wanting peace. Israel has conceded time and time again, and Hamas always breaks the deal. It's pretty obvious, except to those who don't want peace in the ME (like you).

so Paddy, I can discern from your posts that you don't think Iran is building a nuke and Hamas is an upstanding organization. WOW.

out. :blsmoke:
I agree... from the information I have looked at, and I DO NOT watch news, Hamas has sign property for peace, and broke the treaty end of story. Hamas deserves what ever their actions bring them after that, they chose to LOB BOMBS, who would not fight back?
The killing of Palestinians is a tactical decision by Hamas...truly reprehensible. Only Israel actually warns the enemy that they are coming...they even drop leaflets to the civi's but Hamas won't allow them to use the tunnels for protection. Of course they use the tunnels themselves.... cowards all.

out. :blsmoke:
The killing of Palestinians is a tactical decision by Hamas...truly reprehensible. Only Israel actually warns the enemy that they are coming...they even drop leaflets to the civi's but Hamas won't allow them to use the tunnels for protection. Of course they use the tunnels themselves.... cowards all.

out. :blsmoke:
I agree, but so are the Israelis, cowards. They attack with overwhelming force and hardly ever lose one of theirs. Shooting fish in a barrel from inside a tank or dropping incendiary bombs or cluster bombs, cowardice.
From BBC yesterday...

Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

One account tells of a sniper killing a mother and children at close range whom troops had told to leave their home. Another speaker at the seminar described what he saw as the "cold blooded murder" of a Palestinian woman.

there are much more...

"The climate in general... I don't know how to describe it.... the lives of Palestinians, let's say, are much, much less important than the lives of our soldiers," an infantry squad leader is quoted saying.

In another cited case, a commander ordered troops to kill an elderly woman walking on a road, even though she was easily identifiable and clearly not a threat.

Testimonies, which were given by combat pilots and infantry soldiers, also included allegations of unnecessary destruction of Palestinian property.
"We would throw everything out of the windows to make room and order. Everything... Refrigerators, plates, furniture. The order was to throw all of the house's contents outside," a soldier said. One non-commissioned officer related at the seminar that an old woman crossing a main road was shot by soldiers.
Hamas shooting rockets into Isreal is a act of war. They got what they deserve....Shock and Awe. If you poke a lion with a fork don't come crying when you get your lungs ripped out.
The real question is why are the palastianians firing rockets?
This is their only retort, even though it makes no sense because they know the Israelis will come down on them a hundred fold. My only answer is the Palestinians are looking for world support, and it seems they are getting it. As long as the US looks the other way, Israel will continue this murder of civilians, Guess what, they have stopped the bus bombers, for now. I predict a wave of them shortly.
OK, so the palestinian children voted for Hamas?

Of course not. However since Hamas is the elected Govt. of those children, why do they constantly put them in harms way?

It is not up to Israel to protect Palestinian children, it is up to Hamas.

out. :blsmoke:
I agree, but so are the Israelis, cowards. They attack with overwhelming force and hardly ever lose one of theirs. Shooting fish in a barrel from inside a tank or dropping incendiary bombs or cluster bombs, cowardice.
Med, I thought I saw somewhere you said you are a Vet, if you didn't serve sorry. With that knowledge of war, is not that the objective, hit hard, hit fast, and leave no man behind. Don't fight a war if you expect to lose, just give up.
Both sides are in the wrong IMO. My question is how many more children need to be maimed or killed for something they never chose?