Iran Update...

As far as fighting in Iraq goes, 95% of the people we were fighting are not Iraqis, they are Lebanese, Sudanese, Iranian, Syrian ect.
And yea as a vet i took an oath to defend the US constitution from ANY enemy foreign and domestic. I grew up shooting competetively for the Colorado sharpshooters(national and US world team) I dont know about yall but I would go invest in a decent little rifle(winchester 70 or browning xbolt in a .308 would be perfect)
Our forefathers gave us the 2nd amendment for a reason, and its not to go deer hunting.
"The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots..." John Adams

Thank you for your sacrifice. We owe you a huge debt.
At some level I am not suprised by your thinking, at the same time it revulses me so, that I do not know how to respond calmly yet.

I am not surprised by your reluctance to respond. It was your query and set up not mine. Now you are trapped by your own lassitude. Aw...

out. :blsmoke:
you forgot the tried and true.
my personal favorite the remington model 700.ADL OR BDL they are excellent rifles.
i own at least six high quality scoped hunting rifles.even inexperienced shooters can take a head shot at 400 yards.
you cant even see a man in a crack in a wall at 400 yards.3006 308 223 all have a 2 ft drop at 400 yards..and a 4 ft drop at 500 takes a pretty skilled shooter to hit targets past 500 yards.but alomost anyone can shoot very well to 400 yards.
with a scoped bolt action rifle.
oh yea.thanks for your sacrifice.i think all young men should join the military.
i think we should have had mandatory service just like israel .
the problem is .this administration would have poor moral authority to mandate anyone into the military.
i did my little tour of the military i hated it with a passion after basic training.
it is the one thing in my life i can say i would never do again knowing what i know now.but i am proud i done it.
you forgot the tried and true.
my personal favorite the remington model 700.ADL OR BDL they are excellent rifles.
i own at least six high quality scoped hunting rifles.even inexperienced shooters can take a head shot at 400 yards.
you cant even see a man in a crack in a wall at 400 yards.3006 308 223 all have a 2 ft drop at 400 yards..and a 4 ft drop at 500 takes a pretty skilled shooter to hit targets past 500 yards.but alomost anyone can shoot very well to 400 yards.
with a scoped bolt action rifle.
oh yea.thanks for your sacrifice.i think all young men should join the military.
i think we should have had mandatory service just like israel .
the problem is .this administration would have poor moral authority to mandate anyone into the military.
i did my little tour of the military i hated it with a passion after basic training.
it is the one thing in my life i can say i would never do again knowing what i know now.but i am proud i done it.
I also hated the military, right after I stepped off that bus in Ft. Ord, but I did my tour and got an honorable discharge. I must say, I've never been in as good of shape as I was after I got out of Basic training. I also think the 7MM mag is the best civilian sniper rifle, Lots of bang for the size of the bullet. For less than 100 yards, I'd suggest an assault weapon, my favorite being an SK, or better known as the civilian version of an AK47. A little heavier than an M-16, but definently better for the long haul. You can drag it through the mud, the sand, the water, and it will still fire. A little touted assault weapon that is light and dependable is the WWII M1 carbine. One must be careful though in picking a brand name as some of the cheaper knock offs have a tendency to jam. With the AK/SK, you can have a 30 rd. clip, 40 rd.clip, or a 100 rd. drum, all available at one of your local gun shows. I have a couple a 30 rd. clips and one 40 rd. I figure that is as good as a 100 rd. drum, besides those drums cost in excess of 100.00 while 30 rd clips are cheap I thought the M1 carbine was a wuss weapon untill I took it out in the desert and fired it. It went through a 4X6, the 6 Inch way and hit a rock and flew off and you could hear it zinging for a long time. That made a believer out of me, well that and a few thousand dead Japs and Germans in WWII. A neat little light carry weapon, around 5.2 lbs, add in a 30 rd. clip and you have about a 6.5 lb weapon, even a girly man can handle that,~LOL~.
you forgot the tried and true.
my personal favorite the remington model 700.ADL OR BDL they are excellent rifles.
i own at least six high quality scoped hunting rifles.even inexperienced shooters can take a head shot at 400 yards.
you cant even see a man in a crack in a wall at 400 yards.3006 308 223 all have a 2 ft drop at 400 yards..and a 4 ft drop at 500 takes a pretty skilled shooter to hit targets past 500 yards.but alomost anyone can shoot very well to 400 yards.
with a scoped bolt action rifle.
oh yea.thanks for your sacrifice.i think all young men should join the military.
i think we should have had mandatory service just like israel .
the problem is .this administration would have poor moral authority to mandate anyone into the military.
i did my little tour of the military i hated it with a passion after basic training.
it is the one thing in my life i can say i would never do again knowing what i know now.but i am proud i done it.

...mandatory service... everyone should join the military.... lmfao at that slave society!!

I'd fight against any type of system that made anything 'mandatory' in my life. The government doesn't have any right to tell me what the fuck I can do with myself. Especially if I don't agree with what their idiot asses are doing to other people just trying to live their lives.
...mandatory service... everyone should join the military.... lmfao at that slave society!!

I'd fight against any type of system that made anything 'mandatory' in my life. The government doesn't have any right to tell me what the fuck I can do with myself. Especially if I don't agree with what their idiot asses are doing to other people just trying to live their lives.

Bet you are first in line next earthquake.
Paddy doesn't quite realize that the current govt. is in the process of the biggest powah grab ever attempted in the history of the United States.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Paddy doesn't quite realize that the current govt. is in the process of the biggest powah grab ever attempted in the history of the United States.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

I am totally aware of that, fuck the United States government.
Max sry to hear you didnt enjoy your tour, i loved everything about being in the service. I was infantry though so i had a fun job. :twisted: I was medically retired in 08.
As for mandatory serving though i dont think so, alot of our strength comes from the services being all volunteer, that way we get those who WANT to serve and thus the best for the job. Besides there are to many punks i woulld not trust my life with out there if you know what i mean(the mouth breathers). and yea the 700 series is good cdl's are beautiful and the adl/bdl are great workhorses. as for the shooting yea 99% of any fighting is within 400 yards so most people could take that shot... me, well lets just say im a big gun collector/shooter and have a 1000m radius which is my proven kill zone lol.(longest confirmed shot was 1,274m with the M107 .50) Too easy with a bullet with a ballistic coefficient of 1.067 at 1000m lol
Max sry to hear you didnt enjoy your tour, i loved everything about being in the service. I was infantry though so i had a fun job. :twisted: I was medically retired in 08.

Goes to show a little about the psyche of some of our soldiers, some of them actually like killing innocent people... :evil:
Your post shows you don't know a thing about our military... well done :clap:

out. :blsmoke:

I know plenty about our military CJ. Just check the statistics, get a load of reality for yourself... I mean, the whole 'Band of Brothers' and 'Saving Private Ryan' image of the American military is somewhat romantic... but that's just not reality, especially now a days with invisible 'enemies' known only as 'terrorists' oooooo... :roll:

Same old picture, drawn with different colors.
I know plenty about our military CJ. Just check the statistics, get a load of reality for yourself... I mean, the whole 'Band of Brothers' and 'Saving Private Ryan' image of the American military is somewhat romantic... but that's just not reality, especially now a days with invisible 'enemies' known only as 'terrorists' oooooo... :roll:

Same old picture, drawn with different colors.

Those are MOVIES Paddy, strictly for entertainment. Like Mike Moore's stuff. Pure fiction.

Obama did a nice little reading to Iran the other day.... they were not impressed. So I have that in common with the Iranian leaders... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
invisible terrorists?
yea i liked cold beer ,hot women,warm food and sleep.not to mention i hated taking orders from people i knew were dumber than I. i was a cavalry scout in the army.we were always moving.we didnt have large enough squads or platoons to take alot of turns at things such as guard duty.NO SLEEP was the order of the long can a man go without sleep? i can tell you off of hand 2 hours sleep a night is not enough.but you can go a couple of months on it before you break.
frost bite on my feet.burn up in the summer eat sand and dirt all day every day.
theifs in the barracks along with the cock roach's .
yea..whats not to like?
invisible terrorists?

Invisible enemies known as "terrorists'', as anyone this government deems a "terrorist" becomes an enemy, meaning virtually anyone alive is a possible 'enemy' of this American.... regime. (eh, CJ)
Don't forget to mention that under Saddam's rule 5% of his population was liquidated.

out. :blsmoke:

What is your point?

If your trying to make the case that what the American military did by ousting Sadaam was better than not doing anything at all, what do you have to say about Joseph Stalin and his population 'liquidation' levels during his reign, and America's unyielding support of it?