Iran Update...


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Well-Known Member
Natrone, why do you make up statistics and not back them with proof? Here is a excerpt from the NBER and National Security Institute study on origins of insurgents in Iraq, drafted by Alan B. Drueger of Princton University(also chair of NSI) December 30, 2006.

"The 311 captured fighters came from 27 different countries. The largest number came from Egypt (78), Syria (66), Sudan (41), Saudi Arabia (32), Jordan (17), Iran (13), Palestine (12), and Tunisia (10). Western countries were also represented. Two insurgents came from Great Britain and one came from the U.S., Denmark, Ireland and France. The countries that round out the list are: Algeria (8); Libya (7); Turkey (6); Lebanon (3); Qatar (2); UAE (2); India (2); Macedonia (1); Morocco (1); Somalia (1); Yemen (1); Israel (1); Indonesia (1); and Kuwait (1)."

I got evidence, why cant you liberals?


Well-Known Member
Your right natrone the number 1 harborer and funder of al quaeda at the time had nothing to do with it. im sorry you have completely changed my mind...
Just because you repeat something over and over again dosn't make it true. Its not me making claims that Saddam didn't have anything to do with those terrosist attacks its the CIA, DOD my source isn't its your own government man


Well-Known Member
Hey joints, your in SW UK heh? my family is all in nottingham, i am going to visit them in may 5th - 12th, already got my room reserved at the Welbec Inn. why dont you drop by and "judge me appropriately"
Interesting peice of info to post about yourself....

So you'll be on Talbot St, Nottingham, NG1 5GS for a week, 05.05.2009 - 12.05.2009.

You know, I might come and judge you, and now we all know where you're going to be ANYONE interested can do the same.... believe me, a lot of people hate the US military in this country (especially the MANY Persian people).

How can you possibly claim to know where the person you just killed was born?....many 'insurgents' carry their passports on their suicide run?...(no, you just believe what you are told by your 'superiors')


New Member
You are correct Natrone, saddam didn't have anything to do with 9/11. However he had Al Queda and it was the tipping point for Bush to finally deal with him. No one event led up to the SECOND invasion. It was merely the last straw. And the Iraqi ppl thank us for it.

Two birds, one stone. Saddam despotic and butcher regime ending and Al Queda shown to be truly weak when actually confronted.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Good to see you got it, as soon as i can confirm the room number ill post that too. I would welcome any of you to come "judge me." Maybe i can add another notch to my knife.


Well-Known Member
You are correct Natrone, saddam didn't have anything to do with 9/11. However he had Al Queda and it was the tipping point for Bush to finally deal with him. No one event led up to the SECOND invasion. It was merely the last straw. And the Iraqi ppl thank us for it.

Two birds, one stone. Saddam despotic and butcher regime ending and Al Queda shown to be truly weak when actually confronted.

out. :blsmoke:
there it is. finally a decent post.


Well-Known Member
Natrone, why do you make up statistics and not back them with proof? Here is a excerpt from the NBER and National Security Institute study on origins of insurgents in Iraq, drafted by Alan B. Drueger of Princton University(also chair of NSI) December 30, 2006.

"The 311 captured fighters came from 27 different countries. The largest number came from Egypt (78), Syria (66), Sudan (41), Saudi Arabia (32), Jordan (17), Iran (13), Palestine (12), and Tunisia (10). Western countries were also represented. Two insurgents came from Great Britain and one came from the U.S., Denmark, Ireland and France. The countries that round out the list are: Algeria (8); Libya (7); Turkey (6); Lebanon (3); Qatar (2); UAE (2); India (2); Macedonia (1); Morocco (1); Somalia (1); Yemen (1); Israel (1); Indonesia (1); and Kuwait (1)."

I got evidence, why cant you liberals?
Your evidence doesn't prove that the majority of insurgents are from outside Iraq lol. I said its less than 10 percent. Even the military says this.

"Of 1,300 suspected insurgents arrested over the past five months in and around Ramadi, none has been a foreigner. Col John Gronski, senior officer in the town, Anbar's provincial capital, said that almost all insurgent fighting there was by Iraqis."


Well-Known Member
wow you quoted one document on one town which they even admit was never a foreign destination. Like you said the foreigners are the violent insurgents. the iraqi "insurgents" strike with their votes, which basically proves that they think the us is doin a good thing being they have voted 3 times now and every time elected a pro us government that has wished us to stay and keep helping.

Iraq is now in the stages of setting up a completely new government structure. look at how long it took america to get the government completely up to speed with running the country(most historians agree it hapened at or around the turn of the 20th century) thats 130+ years, i say for being in the place and time Iraq is in we have done a damn good job.


New Member
The key statement was over the last 5 months...not surprising.... Iran and Al Queda have given up in Iraq.... go back a year and a half.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The key statement was over the last 5 months...not surprising.... Iran and Al Queda have given up in Iraq.... go back a year and a half.

out. :blsmoke:
That article was from 2005 during the peak of the obvious once again you didn't even read the article:wall:..............Lawdy


Well-Known Member
Good to see you got it, as soon as i can confirm the room number ill post that too. I would welcome any of you to come "judge me." Maybe i can add another notch to my knife.
Technique will always outperform physique. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
I had to giggle at you adding a notch to your knife..... yuo obviously haven't met many British Gangsters....

Turns out you become quite adept at handling a blade when you've never had access to firearms to protect yourself.

I think its a really good idea you posting your room number. we can publisize that, along with your pride at killing Iraqi's.

I'm not sure I'm gonna make it personally (work commitments eh? we can't all afford TranAtlantic holiday's).... but if we spread around your location along with your previous acts (and your pride), I'm sure NATURE will do the rest.


Well-Known Member
all soldiers are proud of their service..and i am proud of drgreenz.
he is what a american man is supposed to be.proud honest and full of courage.
i served in the military and am proud of my service..i would preffer not to talk about the people i have killed.
im sure many of them were better men than you.
oh yea..and killing is a drug like no other.once you do it a awile the adrenaline gets to be addictive. the weak always attack the strong if they can.they are jelouse of the strong and wish they were like the strong.