conor c
Well-Known Member
I think that I grew out some iranian auto flower years*ago, and I am trying to figure out for sure if it actually was the IAF. Because if that is what I had, I most definitely wanna grow it again. I grew it outdoors and it finished around the end of august. The plants got very yellow looking and pale towards harvest, not the frostiest buds but they were very potent, hit in the head quick and hard very tranquil anand spiritual.
One thing that I recall that stood out the most about whatever strain it was, was*the beautiful odor. It was very pungent and strong smelling. I recall it kinda has a very sickingly sweet smell, reminiscent of coffee, hash, sweet dirty socks and almost kinda like that smell you get driving by chicken houses or when the farmers around here spread chicken shit every year on their fields.
If this sounds anything like the IAF, please let me know as I want to order some*seed ASAP. Also, they grew around 3 ft tall, very short and stocky with long arm buds. Very leafy as well, but the end product was worth it.
And aside from the Iranian Auto Flower (if that's what it was I grew) while I am at it, go head and shoot me some info on where I can find landrace afghani like I used to grow back in the day. There was a man here long ago when I first started growing that brought back seed from Afghanistan and it was some of the best stuff I had ever ran outdoors. I am looking for a good afghani landrace that produces a wide variety of phenos. What I grew back in the day produced phenos every where from sweet berry and lemon hash, earthy piney hash then to my favorite odors, dirty old feet, cofee, syrupy sweet garlic, cheese, sweet musk and that acrid smell you get when you drive past some chicken houses on a hot day or where a farmer had just spread some chicken shit for the spring... I swear those landrace afghani produced that odor as well and it was remarkable product. Please help me with this as I have been searching these out for years now.
Not tried these but if you liked that i reckon this might be worth a look