Is 60 degrees to cold?

I have a plant that is ready for flowering,my problem is I have 2 others that arn't ready, my basement is 60 degrees, is that to cold for her to sleep at night? My grow room is 75 degrees but I need the lights on for the smaller plants.


Well-Known Member
Down to 60 when lights off is not too cold, but it will slow growth a little. I notice slower growth when temps start to get below 65 at lights off. I don't think I would bother with an electric heater or something, it will be warmer soon, worst thing will be slower growth, best nice colors at harvest. A little tip, give your plants a little more nitrogen in colder temps, even in flower, but just a little more.


Well-Known Member
60 isnt horrible but as Cavalry said anything below 65 is gonna slow growth a bit. I like my lights off temp to hover around 66-67


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that is ready for flowering,my problem is I have 2 others that arn't ready, my basement is 60 degrees, is that to cold for her to sleep at night? My grow room is 75 degrees but I need the lights on for the smaller plants.
i agree with the others. It's not a bad dark cycle temp. My dark cycle gets into the mid 50's. the problem with that is your soil gets cold and can start locking out nutrients.
There's also advantages with a colder temp. Denser buds, more aromatics, the cold hardens off your plant, brings out more colors in your buds, the cold can help control a bug problem.