is a 400w hps red spectrum better then a 600w multispectrum for flowering?


Well-Known Member
i dont think its as simple as that im talking about the spectrum of light the plants will be receiving from a 600 watt multispectrum bulb, if the percentage of blue to red in these bulbs are 50/50 then you would need 800watts to match the output of a single 400 watt red spectrum bulb, trouble is i dont know the percentage of blue and red in a multispectrum bulb


Well-Known Member
after practical research i can come back and answer my own question... how gay
i ran 2 600w hps bulbs in cooltubes one had a multispectrum the other a red/orange bulb the side with the red/orange bulb produced far better results id say a 400w red/orange bulb will give you about the same results as 600w multispectrum
i agree, i reckon it would match a 400 red would match a 600 multi, but maybe only at a particular point in the cycle, would think that the multi would be useful until the final 3-4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
are you talking about the duel spectrum bulb where its baicly a hps and mh bulb in one
or an inhanced spectrum bulb where its a hps bulb but has about 20% more blue energy