Is a Little Drooping After Watering Normal?


Well-Known Member
So I have four plants outdoors in my garden in 10 gallon pots with pretty good soil.

I think the plants were started late because when I adopted them they were only five inches tall with a couple tiny leaves on 7/23/08.

They are now between 12-16 inches in height and look pretty good.

I live in a foggy area with a lot of moisture over evenings. I have been watering about once a week and the plants have been looking great.

Today the soil seemed pretty dry so I watered them. I am using a little Miracle Grow tomato food 18-18-14, and I gave each plant about a 1/4 gallon. Within a couple hours they were SLIGHTLY droopy.

Is this slight droopiness normal after watering? I used less food than recommended as well.

Thanks for any comments!
droping usualy means over watering..but its better to over water than under water


Its better to UNDERWATER then it is to overwater.

A little underwatering can cause good root growth and can cause a plant to get very large very quick. Once you're in the flowering stage you want to feed and water heavy.

When my plant was in its early veg stages, it would fall asleep everynight right after I watered it and the leaves would droop like crazy, and as soon as the sun started to rise those leaves were perked back up in no time.

A good way to judge your watering is to watch your runoff, and your top soil. If your soil where you are watering drinks the water very fast and soaks it all up, your plant is thirsty. If the water is just sitting on top, and not soaking into the soil, you've watered to much and it cant drink any more.

If you're growing in a pot, see how heavy it is after a watering and then see how heavy it is a few days later. You want your pot to lose ALOT of weight before you water again.

Hope I can help im kinda high and probably didn't make much sense.

Its better to UNDERWATER then it is to overwater.

A little underwatering can cause good root growth and can cause a plant to get very large very quick. Once you're in the flowering stage you want to feed and water heavy.

When my plant was in its early veg stages, it would fall asleep everynight right after I watered it and the leaves would droop like crazy, and as soon as the sun started to rise those leaves were perked back up in no time.

A good way to judge your watering is to watch your runoff, and your top soil. If your soil where you are watering drinks the water very fast and soaks it all up, your plant is thirsty. If the water is just sitting on top, and not soaking into the soil, you've watered to much and it cant drink any more.

If you're growing in a pot, see how heavy it is after a watering and then see how heavy it is a few days later. You want your pot to lose ALOT of weight before you water again.

Hope I can help im kinda high and probably didn't make much sense.
...I over water throught my grow and never have any probelms..while ive had some problems with seems like you get your info from the internet and not from personal experience...
I actually starve my plants during veg stages until they droop. once they droop i know how many days it took until they started to droop, then I water right before that.

Overwatering causes rootrot.

Your roots need as much oxygen as they do water, therefore overwatering causes lackof oxygen and you slow your growth rate.

to each there own
yes I totally agree.
Many people over water. Underwatering is so very apparent whereas over watering is not as. I have seen many many members her over watering there plants or even more common is not watering there plants properly. Basically the same thing.

I LOT of people water their plants once a day whehter they need it or not.:confused: They just seem to think that because it is a live 'thing' that it needs food and water like a human does each and everyday.

It couldn't be firther from the truth. Plants need a good watering then need to be left alone for the soil to completely dry out. Yes completely but not to the point that the plant is drooping.

It is NOT nromal for a plant to droop once watered if it needs watering.:?


Its better to UNDERWATER then it is to overwater.

A little underwatering can cause good root growth and can cause a plant to get very large very quick. Once you're in the flowering stage you want to feed and water heavy.

When my plant was in its early veg stages, it would fall asleep everynight right after I watered it and the leaves would droop like crazy, and as soon as the sun started to rise those leaves were perked back up in no time.

A good way to judge your watering is to watch your runoff, and your top soil. If your soil where you are watering drinks the water very fast and soaks it all up, your plant is thirsty. If the water is just sitting on top, and not soaking into the soil, you've watered to much and it cant drink any more.

If you're growing in a pot, see how heavy it is after a watering and then see how heavy it is a few days later. You want your pot to lose ALOT of weight before you water again.Exactly. What a good answer. Very few people here understand the REAL significance of proper watering. If it EXTREMELY important to the health of the plant and should NEVER be under -estimated.

I would rep you but I am all out of reps for the next 24 hours. I will try and remember to rep you later.

Great answer !!!!!!!!!!!!!:hump::mrgreen:

Hope I can help im kinda high and probably didn't make much sense.

When the pot is very dry and light weight you then need to water the plant, several times as much of the water will run down the sides of the pots at first. I usually water my plants let them sit for a while
water again

let it sit for a while
and then water once more....
if I am adding nutes I always water FIRST , then nutes.

I actually starve my plants during veg stages until they droop. once they droop i know how many days it took until they started to droop, then I water right before that.

Overwatering causes rootrot.

Your roots need as much oxygen as they do water, therefore overwatering causes lackof oxygen and you slow your growth rate.

to each there own
sorry dude but this is bs....he knows exactly what he is talking about.:mrgreen::peace:
...I over water throught my grow and never have any probelms..while ive had some problems with seems like you get your info from the internet and not from personal experience...
Ok maybe you got the wrong idea of what im saying..I dont water my plants everyday..i only water when the dirt starts to get alittle dry..then i water till water starts coming out of the bottom..and my plant will droop..maybe i got the wrong idea of "overwatering"..but ive been doing this method for years and it works perfectly..
I actually starve my plants during veg stages until they droop. once they droop i know how many days it took until they started to droop, then I water right before that.

Overwatering causes rootrot.

Your roots need as much oxygen as they do water, therefore overwatering causes lackof oxygen and you slow your growth rate.

to each there own
Alright i take that back about the personal experience seem very educated on this..i was just speaking purely out of what has worked for me in the past
After the drooping the plants perked back up. I am using Miracle Gro Tomato food and in the last couple days since the last water the plants seem to have taken off!!!

I am stoked.

Plan is to clone some of these babies once I can get my indoor set up finished. I won't be able to get it done until the end of September though. That should be just in time to take some clippings before they start to flower. 12/12 daylight starts around the end of October in my area.
Good man!:mrgreen:
Alright i take that back about the personal experience seem very educated on this..i was just speaking purely out of what has worked for me in the past

After the drooping the plants perked back up. I am using Miracle Gro Tomato food and in the last couple days since the last water the plants seem to have taken off!!! good stuff. Glad to read this. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

I am stoked.

Plan is to clone some of these babies once I can get my indoor set up finished. I won't be able to get it done until the end of September though. That should be just in time to take some clippings before they start to flower. 12/12 daylight starts around the end of October in my area.
So how do the flowers know when it is time to flower? From what I have read, it is best to clone BEFORE they start to flower.

Of course if some or all of them, God forbid, turn out to be males then I will have to purge the males.

Could I wait until pre-flower to clone and then just clone the femals?